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Louie Gohmert Derails House Hearing by Banging on Desk

Louie Gohmert Derails House Hearing by Banging on Desk

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) managed to throw a House Judiciary Committee hearing into complete pandemonium on Wednesday after causing a racket in the middle of a witness’ opening statement.The committee was gathered to discuss oversight on Attorney General William Barr, particularly in light of the messy firing of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman. One of the witnesses was former Deputy Attorney General Donald Ayer, who began his testimony by condemning Barr’s conduct and painting him as a stooge for President Donald Trump.As Ayer neared the end of his opener, Gohmert started audibly...

June 24, 2020
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James Carville Hits Media For Not Vetting Bernie Sanders

James Carville Hits Media For Not Vetting Bernie Sanders

Democratic strategist James Carville has made his distaste for Bernie Sanders , and he begrudgingly acknowledged Saturday that the Vermont senator is now firmly in the lead in the 2020 primary.Carville joined MSNBC for Brian Williams’ caucus coverage, where Sanders has taken (Fox News just called the state for the senator). Carville responded that, “We now have a frontrunner” for the Democratic party.Carville criticized the media soon afterwards by attributing Sanders’ lead to him not being “vetted in the press.”There’s a clear, defined front-runner… It’s obvious Senator Sanders is going to...

February 23, 2020
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Trump Promotes Tweet Claiming Everyones Lying About Covid 19

Trump Promotes Tweet Claiming Everyones Lying About Covid 19

Nicholas Kamm/ AFP/Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump retweeted a former game show host who claimed “Everyone is lying” about the coronavirus in order to hurt Trump’s reelection chances and stifle the U.S. economy.Trump picked up the posts from former Love Connection host turned online Trump-supporter Chuck Woolery.“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19,” Woolery wrote. “Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the...

July 13, 2020
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Dr. Fauci: We May Have to Go Without Sports for This Season

Dr. Fauci: We May Have to Go Without Sports for This Season

Dr. Anthony Fauci offered a grim take in a new interview about when major sporting events will be allowed to resume in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.As social functions and the national economy remain frozen due to social distancing lockdowns, The New York Times released a report on Tuesday about how sports leagues are looking at ways to train players and play games “with or without fans in the seats.” Fauci about this and said that even though the rate of confirmed Covid-19 cases has decreased throughout the country, a new outbreak could still occur, so it would be very difficult...

April 29, 2020
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Anthony Fauci Rebukes Trump's Tweetstorm Against Him

Anthony Fauci Rebukes Trump's Tweetstorm Against Him

Dr. Anthony Fauci shrugged off Donald Trump’s attacks in light of the president’s new tweetstorm smearing his medical recommendations regarding the coronavirus pandemic.Fauci gave an interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, who immediately asked him to react to Trump’s new tweets , , and promoting hydroxychloroquine. Trump’s tweets have been called out as a promotion of misinformation, and when Fauci offered his thoughts, he once again stressed the importance of wearing masks, adhering to social distancing, and following public health guidelines.“The overwhelming prevailing...

July 28, 2020
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Lincoln Project Mocks Trump Over Leaks and Disloyalty

Lincoln Project Mocks Trump Over Leaks and Disloyalty

The Lincoln Project went after President Donald Trump’s paranoia on Tuesday by claiming “everyone” is disloyal to him, and that’s the reason why his administration has so many leaks.The anti-Trump Republican organization released a new ad that begins by mocking Trump over the numerous polls showing former Vice President Joe Biden with the upper hand in the 2020 election. In a taunting whisper, the video tells the president he’s losing “because you’ve got a loyalty problem.”“They’re in your campaign, your White House, in Congress, even in your own family,” the ad says. “They whisper about...

July 7, 2020
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PA Republican Who Objected to Trump's Election Loss Has Concluded That Fraud Was Committed... By Republicans

PA Republican Who Objected to Trump's Election Loss Has Concluded That Fraud Was Committed... By Republicans

In an interesting twist, Pennsylvania House representative Seth Grove has admitted that Republicans were responsible for voter fraud in the state during the 2020 election.Grove, who is also the chairman of the PA House State Government Committee, was among the Republicans who wanted Congress to reject the results from his state during the 2020 election. He conducted multiple hearings to question the state’s results in favor of Joe Biden, took part in events that revolved around election conspiracy theories, and spearheaded a letter that claimed administrative actions and legal rulings...

April 22, 2021
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Ron Johnson Defends Promoting Capitol Riot Conspiracy Theorist's 'Fake Trump Supporters' Claim

Ron Johnson Defends Promoting Capitol Riot Conspiracy Theorist's 'Fake Trump Supporters' Claim

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) defended himself in a new interview against extensive questions over whether he  spread conspiracy theories about the Capitol attack.The New York Times with Johnson that focused on his remarks during Senate hearings on the security failures during the January riot. Johnson was specifically asked about how he from J Michael Waller, who claimed the insurrection was actually incited by provocateurs and “fake Trump supporters.”Johnson defended his citation of Waller’s “unblemished accounting” of the riot, saying “it just looks like he had a pretty good background”...

March 1, 2021
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Adam Kinzinger Confirms Vote to Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committee Duties

Adam Kinzinger Confirms Vote to Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committee Duties

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) announced his intention to vote in favor of stripping Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) of her Congressional committee assignments for her years of abhorrent comments.In an interview with CNN’s John Berman on Thursday, Kinzinger was asked about the House Republican Conference meeting where Liz Cheney from her leadership position after voting to impeach former President Donald Trump. Greene was also a major subject of the meeting, and Kinzinger had a dismal view of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s decision not to take punitive action against the...

February 4, 2021
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Arizona GOP Asks Voters if They Are Willing to Die For Trump’s Election Fraud Fight

Arizona GOP Asks Voters if They Are Willing to Die For Trump’s Election Fraud Fight

Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty ImagesThe Arizona Republican Party escalated its rhetoric by urging people to fight to the death on behalf of President Donald Trump’s attempts to dispute the 2020 Election.The organization, headed by Chairwoman Kelli Ward, had previously raised eyebrows at the end of November when they offered this reaction to the certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the state:DO NOT CERTIFYA FALSE ELECTION!— Arizona Republican Party (@AZGOP)Ward the certification of the results in court, even though Trump’s own legal team has never been able to produce evidence for his...

December 8, 2020
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