Katitza Rodriguez
Katitza Rodriguez
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India’s Strict Rules For Online Intermediaries Undermine Freedom of Expression

India’s Strict Rules For Online Intermediaries Undermine Freedom of Expression

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItEven if you think that online intermediaries should be more proactive in detecting, deprioritizing, or removing certain user speech, the requirements on intermediaries to review all content before publication—often called “general monitoring” or “upload filtering”—raises serious human rights concerns, both for freedom of expression and for privacy.General monitoring is problematic...Government involvement in content moderation raises serious human rights concerns in every context, and these concerns are...

April 7, 2021
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Turkey’s Free Speech Clampdown Hits Twitter, Clubhouse -- But Most of All, The Turkish People

Turkey’s Free Speech Clampdown Hits Twitter, Clubhouse -- But Most of All, The Turkish People

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare It”Share ItFormer EFF intern Shashank Sirivolu contributed to this blog post. Social media users who have sued companies for deleting, demonetizing, and otherwise moderating their content have tried several arguments that this violates their constitutional rights. Courts have consistently ruled against them because social media platforms themselves have the First Amendment...In a new round of talks this week to formulate a , EFF is calling for strictly limiting the scope of the convention’s international cooperation...

February 16, 2021
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Indonesia’s Proposed Online Intermediary Regulation May be the Most Repressive Yet

Indonesia’s Proposed Online Intermediary Regulation May be the Most Repressive Yet

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItThe Special Rapporteur also pointed out that any measures to remove online content must be based on validly enacted law, subject to external and independent oversight, and demonstrate a necessary and proportionate means of achieving one or more aims under Article 19 (3) of the ICCPR.Below are some of MR5’s most harmful provisions.According to Ika Ningtyas, Head of the Freedom of Expression Division at the Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet), leaving it up to the Ministry will allow it to censor...

February 16, 2021
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When Law Enforcement Wants Your Private Communications, What Legal Safeguards Are in Place in Latin America and Spain?

When Law Enforcement Wants Your Private Communications, What Legal Safeguards Are in Place in Latin America and Spain?

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItCriminal procedural laws also establishGovernment Authorities' Direct Access To Intercepted CommunicationsShare ItIn a new round of talks this week to formulate a , EFF is calling for strictly limiting the scope of the convention’s international cooperation provisions and safeguards to ensure that states respect human rights when responding to legal assistance requests.EFF is among a group of ...Even in the face of strong public protest over a set of proposed revisions to criminal laws that infringe Indonesians’...

February 3, 2021
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Despite Progress, Metadata Still Under "Second Class" Protection in Latam Legal Safeguards

Despite Progress, Metadata Still Under "Second Class" Protection in Latam Legal Safeguards

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItIn a new round of talks this week to formulate a , EFF is calling for strictly limiting the scope of the convention’s international cooperation provisions and safeguards to ensure that states respect human rights when responding to legal assistance requests.EFF is among a group of ...Even in the face of strong public protest over a set of proposed revisions to criminal laws that infringe Indonesians’ free expression rights, the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights last month that threatens to...

February 3, 2021
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YouTube, Facebook and TikTok Put Human Rights In Jeopardy in Turkey

YouTube, Facebook and TikTok Put Human Rights In Jeopardy in Turkey

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItUPDATE:  to appoint a legal entity in Turkey to comply with Turkish draconian social media law. Twitter, Periscope, and Pinterest stayed strong against the requirements of the Law. Now, the Turkish regulator (BTK) has sanctioned them by  from placing ads and making payments to them. If twitter, Periscope, and Pinterest continue to refuse to appoint a representative until April 2021, the BTK can apply to a Criminal Judgeship of Peace to throttle the provider’s bandwidth initially by 50%. The...

January 9, 2021
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InternetLab’s Report Sets Direction for Telecom Privacy in Brazil

InternetLab’s Report Sets Direction for Telecom Privacy in Brazil

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItIn contrast to 2016, there has been a significant advance in the content and form of privacy and data protection policies. They are now complete and accessible. However, information on data deletion is often missing, and changes in their privacy policies are rarely proactively reported. While Claro and TIM send messages to their users about their privacy policy changes, Oi only tells users that any change will be available on their website. Far behind is Vivo, which reserves the right to change its policy at any...

November 16, 2020
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Turkey Doubles Down on Violations of Digital Privacy and Free Expression

Turkey Doubles Down on Violations of Digital Privacy and Free Expression

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItForced Appointment of Turkish Representatives or Face Hefty FinesForced Data LocalizationWide-ranging Privacy Rules, with No Balancing For Free ExpressionDe-indexing Contested Search Results for Violation of Personal RightsContent Removal and Blocking for Violation of Personal RightsAccess Blocking for Violation of the Right to Private LifeContent Removal and Blocking under International Human Rights StandardsPress Freedom Crisis in Turkey and Podcasts as Alternative ChannelsTech Platforms Must Respect Human...

November 4, 2020
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Latin American Governments Must Commit to Surveillance Transparency

Latin American Governments Must Commit to Surveillance Transparency

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItHigh Tech Spying in Latam, Past and PresentPolicy RecommendationsStates should publish transparency reports of law enforcement demands to access customers’ information.Companies should publish detailed statistical transparency reports regarding all government access to their customers’ data.Companies should publish guidelines for government agencies seeking users’ data.   Secret laws—about government access to data or anything else—are unacceptable. Service providers should notify all their...

October 16, 2020
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Augmented Reality Must Have Augmented Privacy

Augmented Reality Must Have Augmented Privacy

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItImagine walking down the street, looking for a good cup of coffee. In the distance, a storefront glows in green through your smart glasses, indicating a well-reviewed cafe with a sterling public health score. You follow the holographic arrows to the crosswalk, as your wearables silently signal the self-driving cars to be sure they stop for your right of way. In the crowd ahead you recognize someone, but can’t quite place them. A query and response later, “Cameron” pops above their head, along with the context...

October 16, 2020
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