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Bernie Sanders reportedly wanted Harris to be Biden's running mate, even over Elizabeth Warren

Bernie Sanders reportedly wanted Harris to be Biden's running mate, even over Elizabeth Warren

Speed ReadsDNC 2020Sen. Kamala Harris' (D-Calif.) vice presidential nomination a lot of progressives. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) reportedly wasn't one of them.After exiting the Democratic primary race and effectively conceding the presidential nomination to former Vice President Joe Biden, Sanders stayed close to Biden and helped shape some of his campaign platform. That took form both through a set of Biden-Sanders , and in Sanders influencing Biden's vice presidential pick, .Sanders' advocacy pushed Biden to the left on a few issues, though it didn't get Biden to embrace signature...

August 17, 2020
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Facebook employees report 'pattern of preferential treatment' for conservatives who spread misinformation

Facebook employees report 'pattern of preferential treatment' for conservatives who spread misinformation

Speed Readswhat bias?Conservatives frequently claim Facebook is biased against them. Facebook employees say it's the other way around.While Facebook has been content on its site, it has gathered a team of who are supposed to flag blatant or harmful misinformation. But Facebook employees say that hasn't happened when misinformation comes from conservative outlets, creating a "pattern of preferential treatment for right-wing publishers and pages," .The spread of misinformation on Facebook has worried its employees, who reportedly asked CEO Mark Zuckerberg last Friday why the far-right site...

August 6, 2020
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Trump's aides are reportedly promising him re-election if he 'nukes' his China trade deal

Trump's aides are reportedly promising him re-election if he 'nukes' his China trade deal

Speed Readsreal tortured artist stuffPresident Trump may end up throwing out what was supposed to be the biggest foreign policy achievement of his first term.Trump has spent pretty much all of his presidency trying to work out a trade deal with China, sparking an all-out tariff war along the way. But all of that may have been for naught as Trump's advisers work to convince him to "nuke" the whole thing before November, saying it's his best chance to boost his re-election chances, . and keep putting former Vice President Joe Biden safely ahead of Trump to win this fall's election, and...

August 4, 2020
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Bolivia just outright canceled the rest of its school year

Bolivia just outright canceled the rest of its school year

Speed Readsschool shutdownBolivia couldn't find a balance between preventing coronavirus spread and keeping its children learning.The South American country will simply cancel the rest of its school year, its president Jeanine Añez Chavez announced Sunday. While it originally planned to run digital classes through December, the fact that most children in the country don't have internet made that impossible, .Hoy tomamos la decisión de clausurar el año escolar. Es muy duro, pero lo hacemos para cuidar la salud de los bolivianos, especialmente de nuestros niños. La salud es lo mas importante,...

August 4, 2020
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'Massive undercount' feared as Census Bureau reportedly moves to end in-person count early

'Massive undercount' feared as Census Bureau reportedly moves to end in-person count early

Speed Readscounted outThe coronavirus pandemic has already made it hard to conduct a proper census count. It's reportedly about to get harder.The Census Bureau is moving to end its in-person interviews on Sept. 30, a month earlier than its previous Oct. 31 deadline, . The decision is raising fears among census takers that a "massive undercount" is imminent, especially in communities with low self-response rates.About 4 in 10 houses still haven't responded to the 2020 Census, which counts every person living in America and is necessary for determining congressional apportionment and the...

July 31, 2020
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Poll puts Biden over Trump in 6 swing states

Poll puts Biden over Trump in 6 swing states

MenuSee More Speed ReadsFormer Vice President Joe Biden is still looking good in key swing states across the country.In May, a from a British consulting firm Redfield & Wilton Strategies put Biden ahead of President Trump in six states Trump won in 2016: Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. shows Biden still has a lead in all of those states, and even widened it in three of them.While Biden had 4 percent lead over Trump in Arizona, a 2 point lead in Florida, and an 8 point lead in Michigan , he has an 8, 7, and 12 percent lead, respectively, in those...

July 30, 2020
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Jim Jordan explodes when asked to put on a mask, pivots to 'unmasking' of Michael Flynn

Jim Jordan explodes when asked to put on a mask, pivots to 'unmasking' of Michael Flynn

Speed Readsa very awful play on wordsRep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has successfully twisted a public health concern into a conservative conspiracy theory — but not the one of the dozens of COVID-19 conspiracies one might expect.During a Wednesday hearing with the country's four biggest technology companies, Jordan used his questioning time to claim Google tried to help Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Penn.) was up next, and started her questioning by saying she would pivot from "fringe conspiracy theories" to anti-trust questions. Chaos predictably...

July 29, 2020
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Barr still denies protesters were tear gassed for Trump's Bible photo op

Barr still denies protesters were tear gassed for Trump's Bible photo op

Speed Readsfacts are factsRep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) used her time questioning Attorney General William Barr to take him to task on "semantics."Barr appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday for questioning regarding the alleged politicization of the Justice Department under his watch. Jayapal, who represents Seattle, said that politicization has been clear in which protesters Barr has decided to police and which he's let stand: those protesting systemic racism and those protesting COVID-19 shutdowns, respectively.When President Trump wanted to take a photo at St. John's...

July 28, 2020
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Trump reportedly scheduled his own Yankees 1st pitch because he was jealous of Fauci

Trump reportedly scheduled his own Yankees 1st pitch because he was jealous of Fauci

Speed Readsstriking outPresident Trump apparently wanted his own chance to a first pitch in front of a national audience.Shortly before Fauci went wide left at the Nationals-Yankees season opener last week, Trump he'd throw out the first pitch at another Yankees game on August 15. But he canceled that appearance with a Sunday tweet, scheduling and unscheduling the pitch without anyone else's consultation, .Trump has had a longstanding offer from New York Yankees president Randy Levine to throw a first pitch at a game. But he hadn't actually asked Yankees officials about coming on August 15,...

July 28, 2020
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DHS chief of staff under Trump endorses Biden, describes 'terrifying' dealings with president

DHS chief of staff under Trump endorses Biden, describes 'terrifying' dealings with president

Speed ReadsWatch thisOne of the Department of Homeland Security's top officials under President Trump is now turning against himMiles Taylor, who worked as DHS chief of staff under Trump, announced in a and a that he would be supporting former Vice President Joe Biden this fall. While he once hoped Trump would "soberly accept the burdens of the presidency," Taylor said in the op-ed that "he did not rise to the challenge," and thus Taylor had no choice but to speak out against his re-election.In the ad, Taylor said what he saw "after two and a half years in that administration was...

August 17, 2020

