Katharine Houreld
Katharine Houreld
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Mauritius must brace for 'worst case scenario' after oil spill, says PM

Mauritius must brace for 'worst case scenario' after oil spill, says PM

By , NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Japanese ship that ran aground on a reef off Mauritius two weeks ago has now stopped leaking oil into the Indian Ocean but the island nation must still prepare for “a worst case scenario”, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said late on Monday.Conservationists said they were starting to find dead fish as well as seabirds covered in oil, increasing fears of an ecological catastrophe despite a massive local cleanup operation that includes making floating booms from leaves and human hair.Jugnauth said the leak from a damaged oil tank on board the stricken vessel, the MV...

August 11, 2020
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Millions face hunger as African cities impose coronavirus lockdowns

Millions face hunger as African cities impose coronavirus lockdowns

By , LAGOS/NAIROBI (Reuters) - Shehu Isah Daiyanu Dumus has run out of cash and says he only has a few handfuls of cassava flour left to eat.The 53-year-old paraplegic man usually sells phone cards. But an extended lockdown to fight the new coronavirus in Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos, has left him stranded.The Lagos state government sent him a text after the lockdown began on March 30 saying he would receive a food parcel. But no food came, and with government offices closed, he had no idea when or how he would get any.“I am sure that if this coronavirus did not kill people with...

April 16, 2020
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Health official alleges ‘sexual slavery’ in Tigray

Health official alleges ‘sexual slavery’ in Tigray

An Ethiopian woman who says she was gang-raped by armed men is seen during an interview with Reuters in a hospital in the town of Adigrat, Tigray region, Ethiopia, March 18, 2021. REUTERS/Baz RatnerRegister now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.comADIGRAT, Ethiopia, April 15 (Reuters) - The young mother was trying to get home with food for her two children when she says soldiers pulled her off a minibus in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, claiming it was overloaded.It was the beginning of an 11-day ordeal in February, during which she says she was repeatedly raped by 23 soldiers who forced...

April 15, 2021
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Illegal driftnet use widespread in Indian Ocean, Greenpeace says

Illegal driftnet use widespread in Indian Ocean, Greenpeace says

Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.comNAIROBI, April 11 (Reuters) - Greenpeace has uncovered widespread use of illegal driftnets in the northwest Indian Ocean, which it says are decimating marine life in what is one of the world’s most ecologically vulnerable fishing grounds.During two weeks at sea, the environmental organisation says it filmed seven ships within 20 square miles (50 sq km) using driftnets to catch tuna. It detected another eight vessels on radar using navigational patterns that also suggested use of nets."If yellowfin tuna continues to decrease at the current...

April 11, 2021
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Ethiopia says U.N. team shot at in Tigray after defying checkpoints

Ethiopia says U.N. team shot at in Tigray after defying checkpoints

By ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) -A United Nations team visiting refugees in Ethiopia’s war-hit Tigray region had failed to stop at two checkpoints when it was shot at over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday, proclaiming it did not need a “baby-sitter”.The U.N. security team was seeking access to the Shimelba camp for Eritrean refugees when they were fired at on Sunday. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said there were four people in the U.N. team assessing roads in the area for aid deliveries.“These are alarming reports and we are engaging at the highest level with the federal government...

December 8, 2020
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Inspired by Mother Teresa, Kenyan safari operator feeds 24,000 families

Inspired by Mother Teresa, Kenyan safari operator feeds 24,000 families

By NAIROBI (Reuters) - Safari operator Pankaj Shah would normally be showing tourists around the beauty spots of his native Kenya. Instead, he is spearheading a volunteer effort to feed thousands of families left penniless when the new coronavirus devastated the economy.“One old woman told us she hadn’t eaten for days - her sons had stopped supplying her because they have no work,” he said, walking down a line of young men packing rice, flour, beans and long-life milk into boxes.Kenya reported its first case of the coronavirus on March 12. Schools closed the following week. Businesses shut,...

April 16, 2020
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