Kath Sullivan
Kath Sullivan
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China raises the cost of Australian beef as ChAFTA safeguard is triggered - ABC News

China raises the cost of Australian beef as ChAFTA safeguard is triggered - ABC News

China raises the cost of Australian beef as ChAFTA safeguard is triggeredShareChina has increased tariffs on imports of Australian beef and looks set to increase tariffs on whole milk powder later this year.Australian meat analyst Simon Quilty said, from this week, the duty on beef would jump from 4.8 per cent to 12 per cent for the remainder of 2020.Under the China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) preferential tariffs are withdrawn once a Special Agricultural Safeguard (SSG) is triggered.This year the safeguard was set to 179,687 tonnes of beef, a volume that was met on...

July 1, 2020
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Australia calls for independent study of wet market risks in response to coronavirus pandemic - ABC News

Australia calls for independent study of wet market risks in response to coronavirus pandemic - ABC News

Australia calls for independent study of wet market risks in response to coronavirus pandemicShareAustralia has ratcheted up pressure on China to look into the health risks associated with wildlife wet markets as the world continues to battle the deadly spread of the coronavirus pandemic.Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has sought international support for a scientific study into the markets. alongside other fresh foods and are popular in Asia, parts of Africa and the Middle East.The Nationals deputy leader told a virtual meeting of G20 agriculture ministers on Tuesday that...

April 22, 2020
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Rice company calls for government intervention to guarantee Australian rice harvest - ABC News

Rice company calls for government intervention to guarantee Australian rice harvest - ABC News

ShareThere will be no Australian-grown rice on supermarket shelves by December according to the company that produces 98 per cent of the domestic rice harvest.But ASX-listed SunRice said if Governments intervened in the water market, subsidised the cost of water, or changed the so that water intended to go to the environment can instead be used to grow rice, it would guarantee Australian-grown rice returned to supermarket shelves in April 2021.Australians consume about 300,000 tonnes of rice each year and half of that is typically imported. The company has told State and Federal Governments...

May 7, 2020
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Australian farmers caught in the middle as China expected to announce tariffs that would end barley trade - ABC News

Australian farmers caught in the middle as China expected to announce tariffs that would end barley trade - ABC News

ShareChina has fired its first shot in an increasingly bitter diplomatic row, threatening to slap major tariffs on Australia's barley exports, that could rip hundreds of millions of dollars from the trade.Relations between have hit a fresh low in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison lobbies his counterparts for an international inquiry into the origins of the virus.China's Ambassador to possible retaliation if Mr Morrison continued to push for the probe, in what Trade Minister Simon Birmingham described as "coercion". Now, it appears China is set to make good...

May 10, 2020
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More Australian timber exports to China blocked as pressure grows to take trade dispute to World Trade Organization - ABC News

More Australian timber exports to China blocked as pressure grows to take trade dispute to World Trade Organization - ABC News

More Australian timber exports to China blocked as pressure grows to take trade dispute to World Trade OrganizationShareChina's attack on Australian trade is continuing, with timber exports from two more states blocked and the number of meatworks waiting to resume trade growing to eight.An official notice from China's Customs authority, issued earlier this month, notified Australian exporters a pest had been detected in shipments of logs from South Australia and Tasmania, but did not specify what type.It declared China would refuse to accept timber those states from December 3 and said it...

December 9, 2020
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China puts tariffs of up to 200 per cent on Australian wine - ABC News

China puts tariffs of up to 200 per cent on Australian wine - ABC News

China puts tariffs of up to 200 per cent on Australian wineShareThe Chinese Government has announced it will place tariffs on all Australian wine imports from Saturday, striking a blow to the $1.2 billion-a-year industry.It follows the preliminary findings of a that found that dumping exists and causes Chinese winemakers "substantial harm".China has accused Australian producers of selling wine for below the cost of production.The investigation is not due to finish until next year, but China's Commerce Ministry announced that from November 28, importers of Australian wine entering China will...

November 27, 2020
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