Karen Townsend
Karen Townsend
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Hostage released from Iran, thanks Trump for "making America great again"

Hostage released from Iran, thanks Trump for "making America great again"

How about we end the week with a good news story? Well, another good news story. The first one this morning was huge – the May jobs report was, in the best way. A Navy veteran held hostage in Iran was released Thursday after being held for almost two years.Michael White traveled to Iran to visit his Iranian girlfriend in July 2018 and was imprisoned. In March 2019 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges that he had insulted Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and posted a private photo on social media. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, he was recently placed on...

June 6, 2020
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Here's why looters chose Target stores as focus of rage

Here's why looters chose Target stores as focus of rage

One question that arose during the non-stop weekend coverage of the chaos and mayhem created by rioters and looters was why are they focusing on Target stores? It’s not just happening in Minneapolis, the city of the company’s headquarters, but in , too. There may be a reason – there’s a history here.Adweek has an interesting piece on why Target is being, well, targeted by the anarchists and thieves who are looting stores in the chain. It’s not a random choice. A young woman aired grievances via a Twitter thread explaining the corporation’s history of supporting and funding local police. I...

June 1, 2020
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Biden caves to special interest group in exchange for endorsement

Biden caves to special interest group in exchange for endorsement

Joe Biden scored two big endorsements (for Democrats) on Monday. Both the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and the Congressional Black Caucus PAC weighed in with their support of Biden’s presidential bid. While neither endorsement is particularly unusual, given both , it is interesting that both waited until there is no other choice before offering their official endorsements.In order to get the endorsement nailed down from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, Biden is moving even more left than he already has done in order to secure the votes of environmental...

April 21, 2020
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Biden's Texas political director alleged involvement in ballot harvesting exposed

Biden's Texas political director alleged involvement in ballot harvesting exposed

The political swamp cultivated by Texas Democrats is alive and well. Earlier this month, on September 8, the Biden campaign announced the appointment of Biden’s Texas political director, Dallas Jones. Just 20 days later, a potentially major story is developing involving Jones and ballot harvesting.Jones is with Texas Democrats. He is formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation. This information comes from two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court. Both affidavits are from private investigators, one former F.B.I. agent, and one a retired...

September 30, 2020
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Barrasso: Go ahead with SCOTUS confirmaton now, Democrats will blow up Senate anyway

Barrasso: Go ahead with SCOTUS confirmaton now, Democrats will blow up Senate anyway

Senator John Barrasso isn’t one of the Senate’s bomb-throwers. He rarely makes headlines. One thing is certain, though – he is ready to put another conservative on the Supreme Court. As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell works to secure enough Republican yeas on moving forward with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s successor, count Barrasso in.Barrasso, Chairman of the Senate GOP Conference, says Trump may as well and make his nomination so the process moves forward now because if the Democrats take back control of the Senate, they plan to blow it up anyway. He also addressed . I wrote...

September 22, 2020
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SNL season debut: Rapper compares KY AG Cameron to "sell-out negroes that sold our people into slavery"

SNL season debut: Rapper compares KY AG Cameron to "sell-out negroes that sold our people into slavery"

The reviews are somewhat mixed on the debut show of Saturday Night Live’s 46th season. Conservative writers weren’t impressed while liberals were amused by some of the performances. The longer this show drags on, the more it is obvious that it is well past its expiration date.I admit I am not a regular viewer of SNL and haven’t been for years. I remember how the show used to be in its first years when it was funny and entertaining before it became just another propaganda outlet for the DNC. The guest host was comedian Chris Rock and the musical guest was rapper Megan Thee Stallion. I didn’t...

October 4, 2020
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Abbott: The eyes of Texas will be upon rioters in new get-tough legislation

Abbott: The eyes of Texas will be upon rioters in new get-tough legislation

Governor Abbott held a news conference in Dallas on Thursday to announce new legislative proposals to address the riots that break out during protests in Texas. He isn’t on the ballot but he spoke during a campaign event joined by police union officials, other Texas leaders, and Republican politicians. They hope to take Texas House seats from Dallas County Democrats in November.Dallas has seen continuous protests throughout the Summer of Love so it was appropriate that the governor spoke from there. Abbott has been pursuing a law and order message, which is popular with Texans if the latest...

September 25, 2020
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In Biden's own words: "There is no Biden Rule, It doesn't exist."

In Biden's own words: "There is no Biden Rule, It doesn't exist."

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away Friday, on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. She led a full and meaningful life. As a conservative woman, I rarely agreed with her votes on the bench. It is possible to acknowledge that she led a remarkable life and that we didn’t agree with her legal decisions. Both things can be true.Her death, just weeks before the presidential election, is a very 2020 kind of thing to happen. As if the country was not divided enough, as if rioting in the streets was not already happening, now the process of selecting another justice for the Supreme...

September 19, 2020
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Judge blocks removal of straight ticket voting in Texas, throws last minute chaos to election officials

Judge blocks removal of straight ticket voting in Texas, throws last minute chaos to election officials

This was to be the first presidential election without the option for voters to cast a straight-ticket ballot in Texas. During the 2017 legislative session, the Texas legislature ended straight-ticket voting. A last-minute amendment to the legislation delayed its implementation until this year’s general election. Late Friday, U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo threw another wrench into the plan.It’s less than three weeks until early voting begins in Texas. Ballots are already in the mail for those who are voting by mail. Some eager voters have already returned their ballots, votes...

September 26, 2020
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Historic: Half of Trump's National Security Council advisers are women

Historic: Half of Trump's National Security Council advisers are women

Where is Annie Leibovitz when we need her? Leibovitz, a widely-celebrated photographer with a liberal political philosophy, is well-known for her photos of famous celebrities and public figures. If the current administration was a Democrat one, you can bet that her assistant would be booking a photography session with a historic group of women in the Trump administration.President Trump has a historic first in American history to document – for the first time, half of the senior leaders of the National Security Council are women. Twelve of the 24 directorates are led by women, including...

June 12, 2020

