Karen DeYoung
Karen DeYoung
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White House does not plan any immediate response over intelligence reports on Russian bounties targeting U.S. troops

White House does not plan any immediate response over intelligence reports on Russian bounties targeting U.S. troops

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe White House is not planning an immediate response to intelligence reports of Russian bounties given to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan because President Trump does not believe the reports are true or “actionable,” according to two senior administration officials.Trump is not convinced he should do anything about the bounty issue, which he decried in a Wednesday morning tweet as “just another made up by Fake News tale that is told only to damage me and the Republican Party.”...

July 1, 2020
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Russian bounties to Taliban-linked militants resulted in deaths of U.S. troops, according to intelligence assessments

Russian bounties to Taliban-linked militants resulted in deaths of U.S. troops, according to intelligence assessments

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareRussian bounties offered to Taliban-linked militants to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan are believed to have resulted in the deaths of several U.S. service members, according to intelligence gleaned from U.S. military interrogations of captured militants in recent months.Several people familiar with the matter said it was unclear exactly how many Americans or coalition troops from other countries may have been killed or targeted under the program. U.S. forces in Afghanistan suffered a total of 10 deaths from hostile...

June 29, 2020
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Intelligence reports on Russian bounty operation first reached White House in early 2019

Intelligence reports on Russian bounty operation first reached White House in early 2019

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareWhite House officials were first informed in early 2019 of intelligence reports that Russia was offering bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. and coalition military personnel in Afghanistan, but the information was deemed sketchy and in need of additional confirmation, according to people familiar with the matter.Several discussions were held with members of the National Security Council staff on the reports, which had been flagged as potentially significant and came at a time of growing tensions between...

June 30, 2020
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Trump approves plan to withdraw one-third of U.S. troops from Germany

Trump approves plan to withdraw one-third of U.S. troops from Germany

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump has signed off on a plan to permanently withdraw up to one-third of about 34,500 U.S. troops currently based in Germany, bringing the total down to no more than 25,000, according to U.S. officials.Implementation of the plan is being turned over to the Defense Department, a senior administration official said. Defense officials said they had no immediate comment on the subject and referred questions to the White House National Security Council, which did not respond to queries.Trump pledged during his last...

June 5, 2020
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Trump ramps up retaliatory purge with firing of State Department inspector general

Trump ramps up retaliatory purge with firing of State Department inspector general

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump accelerated his retaliatory purge of public servants by firing the State Department’s inspector general, who had played a minor role in the president’s impeachment proceedings and was said to have begun investigating alleged misconduct by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.Acting on Pompeo’s recommendation, Trump abruptly terminated Steve A. Linick late Friday night, again challenging established norms of American governance in his push to rid the federal bureaucracy of officials he considers insufficiently...

May 16, 2020
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Susan E. Rice’s vice presidential chances rest on something others lack: A long relationship with Joe Biden

Susan E. Rice’s vice presidential chances rest on something others lack: A long relationship with Joe Biden

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareIn the Oval Office many mornings, as Joe Biden sat in a chair next to President Barack Obama, Susan E. Rice would take her usual spot on a nearby couch and brief them on sensitive national security issues. At other times in the Situation Room, Rice and Biden would sit directly across the table from one another, according to people with knowledge of the setup.As vice president, Biden would pop into Rice’s neighboring office in the White House for some light banter with the national security adviser — or heavier talk about...

July 24, 2020
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Coronavirus flares as states and countries ease social distancing guidelines

Coronavirus flares as states and countries ease social distancing guidelines

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by Easing of social distancing guidelines — whether by government edict or individual decision — has led to new coronavirus flare-ups in the United States and abroad, even as pressure builds to loosen restrictions that have kept millions isolated and decimated economies.Officials in Pasadena, Calif., warned Saturday against Mother’s Day gatherings after a among a large group of...

May 9, 2020
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Americans at World Health Organization transmitted real-time information about coronavirus to Trump administration

Americans at World Health Organization transmitted real-time information about coronavirus to Trump administration

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareMore than a dozen U.S. researchers, physicians and public health experts, many of them from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were working full time at the Geneva headquarters of the World Health Organization as the novel coronavirus emerged late last year and transmitted real-time information about its discovery and spread in China to the Trump administration, according to U.S. and international officials.A number of CDC staff members are regularly detailed to work at the WHO in Geneva as part of a rotation...

April 19, 2020
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Trump administration pushes forward on $500 million weapons deal with Saudi Arabia

Trump administration pushes forward on $500 million weapons deal with Saudi Arabia

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe Trump administration has formally notified Congress that it intends to sell nearly $500 million in precision bombs to Saudi Arabia, a transaction that is likely to fuel criticism from lawmakers who object to arming the Persian Gulf nation over its record of human rights abuses and stifling dissent and role in the war in Yemen.An individual familiar with the sale, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment to the news media, said the deal includes 7,500 “Paveway IV”...

December 24, 2020
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Biden will withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021

Biden will withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift SharePresident Biden will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan over the coming months, U.S. officials said, completing the military exit by the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that drew the United States into its longest war.The decision, which Biden is expected to announce Wednesday, will keep thousands of U.S. forces in the country beyond the May 1 exit deadline that the Trump administration negotiated last year with the Taliban, according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters...

April 13, 2021
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