Julie Rovner
Julie Rovner
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One Year In, How Much of Trump’s Health Agenda Has Biden Undone?

One Year In, How Much of Trump’s Health Agenda Has Biden Undone?

Originally Published March 25, 2021It’s been a year since President Joe Biden took the reins of the federal executive branch, and with them the power to undo health policies of his predecessor. So how much has this administration accomplished?It depends on how — and what — you count. Biden or his health officials were quick to reverse many of the policies President Donald Trump implemented that did not require formal regulations. Those include having the U.S. rejoin the World Health Organization, rolling back the “Mexico City” policy that banned aid or international organizations that...

March 25, 2021
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Democrats Could Undo Trump Policies Faster, But They’re Not. Why?

Democrats Could Undo Trump Policies Faster, But They’re Not. Why?

Undoing many of the policies of his predecessor is one of President Joe Biden’s top priorities. In early February, Biden even got a little defensive about all the executive actions he was taking in his first days in office to halt policies set by President Donald Trump. “I’m not making new law,” he said Feb. 2. “I’m eliminating bad policy.”This story also ran on . It can beBut as easy as it sounds on the campaign hustings or in a 30-second political ad, it’s complicated to overturn rules from earlier administrations. There is one tool, however, that Biden and the Democratic Congress could...

March 26, 2021
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Biden Takes the Reins, Calls for a United Front Against Covid and Other Threats

Biden Takes the Reins, Calls for a United Front Against Covid and Other Threats

It can beJoe Biden on Wednesday took the oath to become the 46th president of the United States, vowing to bring the nation together in the midst of an ongoing pandemic that has claimed more than 400,000 lives, enormous economic dislocation and civil unrest so serious that the U.S. Capitol steps where he took his oath were surrounded not by cheering crowds, but by tens of thousands of armed police and National Guard troops.In his inaugural address, given outside despite concerns for his physical security, Biden emphasized unity, the driving theme of his campaign. “My whole soul is in this,...

January 20, 2021
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When Biden Takes Office, Undoing Trump's Health Policies Won't Be Easy

When Biden Takes Office, Undoing Trump's Health Policies Won't Be Easy

How Will Biden Advance His Health Care Agenda? : Shots - Health News Democrats control the new Congress by such a slim margin that passing health laws will be daunting. Instead Biden may have to use executive authority to advance his health care vision.Julie RovnerFromEven with Democrats technically in the majority in Congress, the party split is so slim that passing major health care legislation will be extremely difficult. So speculation about President-elect Joe Biden's health agenda has focused on the things he can accomplish using executive authority. Although there is a long list of...

January 8, 2021
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Biden’s First Order of Business May Be to Undo Trump’s Policies, but It Won’t Be Easy

Biden’s First Order of Business May Be to Undo Trump’s Policies, but It Won’t Be Easy

The party split in Congress is so slim that, even with Democrats technically in the majority, passing major health care legislation will be extremely difficult. So speculation about President-elect Joe Biden’s health agenda has focused on the things he can accomplish using executive authority. Although there is a long list of things he could do, even longer is the list of things he is being urged to undo — actions taken by President Donald Trump.This story also ran on . It can beWhile Trump was not able to make good on his highest-profile from his 2016 campaign — including repealing the...

January 8, 2021
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Becerra, un candidato para el HHS con habilidad política pero sin experiencia en salud

Becerra, un candidato para el HHS con habilidad política pero sin experiencia en salud

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().Xavier Becerra, elegido por el presidente electo Joe Biden para dirigir el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS), será un secretario de la era pandémica, sin experiencia en salud pública. Si eso importa o no, depende de quién conteste.Forma parte del grupo de Facebook de Kaiser Health News en español...

December 8, 2020
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What Biden Can Do to Combat COVID Right Now

What Biden Can Do to Combat COVID Right Now

It can beKHN’s chief Washington correspondent, Julie Rovner, who has covered health care for more than 30 years, offers insight and analysis of policies and politics in her regular HealthBent columns.Send questions to .When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the country was in the midst of a dire economic crisis. Twelve years later, his vice president, Joe Biden, has been elected president in the midst of a dire economic crisis and a worldwide, worsening coronavirus pandemic.In 2008, Obama’s team and that of outgoing President George W. Bush worked together to allow the new...

November 23, 2020
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What to Know as ACA Heads to Supreme Court — Again

What to Know as ACA Heads to Supreme Court — Again

The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear oral arguments in a case that, for the third time in eight years, could result in the justices striking down the Affordable Care Act.The case, , is the result of a change to the health law made by Congress in 2017. As part of a major tax bill, Congress reduced to zero the penalty for not having health insurance. But it was that penalty — a tax — that the high court ruled made the law constitutional in a 2012 decision, argues a group of Republican state attorneys general. Without the tax, they say in their suit, the rest of the law must fall, too.After...

November 9, 2020
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Biden Wins, but His Health Agenda Dims With GOP Likely to Hold Senate

Biden Wins, but His Health Agenda Dims With GOP Likely to Hold Senate

Former Vice President Joe Biden secured the 270 electoral votes needed to capture the White House on Saturday, major news organizations projected,  after election officials in a handful of swing states spent days in round-the-clock counting of millions of mail-in ballots and early votes.The Democrat’s victory came after the latest tallies showed him taking an insurmountable lead in Pennsylvania, a state both Biden and President Donald Trump had long identified as vital to their election efforts.  Trump has signaled he will fight the election results in several states, filing a...

November 7, 2020
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Another Problem On The Health Horizon: Medicare Is Running Out Of Money

Another Problem On The Health Horizon: Medicare Is Running Out Of Money

One Medicare Trust Fund May Run Dry By As Early As 2022, Analysts Warn : Shots - Health News With millions of people out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic, fewer payroll taxes are coming in to help keep Medicare's trust fund intact.Julie RovnerFromEveryone involved even tangentially in health care today is consumed by the coronavirus pandemic, as they should be. But the pandemic is accelerating a problem that used to be front and center in health circles: the impending insolvency of Medicare. With record numbers of Americans out of work, fewer payroll taxes are rolling in to fund...

July 21, 2020



