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ADL Chief Calls for Tucker Carlson’s Ouster After Fox News Host Endorses White Supremacist Conspiracy Theory - U.S. News

ADL Chief Calls for Tucker Carlson’s Ouster After Fox News Host Endorses White Supremacist Conspiracy Theory - U.S. News

Ben SalesApr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021Tucker Carlson, a popular Fox News host, defended a white supremacist conspiracy theory on the cable network, spurring the head of the Anti-Defamation League to tweet “Tucker Must Go” and send a letter to Fox News saying he should be fired.Appearing Thursday on “Fox News Primetime,” Carlson said Democrats are coordinating a “replacement” of current U.S. voters with immigrants from the “Third World.”“I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest that the Democratic...

April 11, 2021
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Brazilian Political Party Leader Says Jews ‘Sacrificed Children’ - Americas

Brazilian Political Party Leader Says Jews ‘Sacrificed Children’ - Americas

Marcus M. GilbanMar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021Jewish groups have filed a criminal complaint against the head of a major Brazilian party for putting the age-old antisemitic blood libel trope in a social media post.“Baal, Satanic deity, Canaanites and Jews sacrificed children to receive their sympathy. Today, history repeats itself,” Roberto Jefferson posted on Instagram on Friday.Jefferson, a fervently Christian politician, has led the Labor Party, or PTB as it is known in Brazil, since 2003. Once a left-leaning worker’s party, PTB is now a strong supporter of right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro....

March 23, 2021
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Trump Jr., Right-wing Twitter Claim Orthodox Jewish Rioter Was a Left-wing Agitator Despite Lack of Evidence

Trump Jr., Right-wing Twitter Claim Orthodox Jewish Rioter Was a Left-wing Agitator Despite Lack of Evidence

Shira HanuaPublished at 11:40Published at 11:40Right-wing figures on Twitter, including Donald Trump Jr., are promoting the idea that Aaron Mostofsky, the Orthodox Jewish man who joined the Capitol mob last week wearing fur pelts and a bulletproof vest, was a left-wing agitator.The accounts cite Mostofsky’s registration as a Democrat in making the case that he is associated with Antifa, the loosely organized leftist anti-fascist group that right-wing media has sought to blame for the Capitol violence.The FBI has found no evidence of Antifa involvement in the mob, but the idea has taken root...

January 17, 2021
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New Hampshire State Representative Apologizes for Sharing Post From neo-Nazi Website - U.S. News

New Hampshire State Representative Apologizes for Sharing Post From neo-Nazi Website - U.S. News

Ron KampeasDec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020Dawn Johnson, a Republican just elected a state representative in New Hampshire, apologized for sharing a post from the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer.“I have removed the report as it came from a source I do not agree with and thanks to a couple of people who showed me,” she said.Johnson declined to comment to InDepthNH, the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, about why she was reading material posted on a website.Johnson, who also serves on the school board in Laconia and who has backed President Donald Trump’s false claims that he...

December 15, 2020
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Four Passengers Threaten to Blow Up Belgian Train Unless ‘Cancer Jews’ Get Off - Europe

Four Passengers Threaten to Blow Up Belgian Train Unless ‘Cancer Jews’ Get Off - Europe

Cnaan LiphshizPublished at 19:36Published at 19:36Police in Belgium are looking for four men who used a train’s public address system to threaten a bombing of the vehicle near Antwerp unless Jewish passengers step off.The passengers took control of the public address system on Wednesday afternoon between Antwerp and Mechelen, the city that Nazis and their collaborators used as an internment and dispatch station for Jews whom they sent to be murdered in Poland.“Attention, attention,” the men said in Flemish, “the cancer Jews need to leave the train now or we’ll blow you all...

December 10, 2020
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Ginni Thomas, Activist and Supreme Court Justice’s Wife, Says Soros Family ‘Is Really Running the Democrat Party’ - U.S. News

Ginni Thomas, Activist and Supreme Court Justice’s Wife, Says Soros Family ‘Is Really Running the Democrat Party’ - U.S. News

Ben SalesPublished at 14:03Published at 14:03The latest prominent American to advance conspiracy theories about Jewish philanthropist George Soros: Ginni  Thomas, a conservative activist and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.Ginni Thomas shared a meme on Facebook Wednesday claiming that Soros’ family is “evil” and “really running” the Democratic party.The meme, first posted by a right-wing page called “The Great American Movement,” shows a compilation of photos of Democratic figures posing with children of Soros, the Jewish-American hedge-funder and Democratic...

October 15, 2020
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Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn Burn Masks During Massive Protest Against New York’s New COVID Rules - U.S. News

Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn Burn Masks During Massive Protest Against New York’s New COVID Rules - U.S. News

Shira HanuaOct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020Protests by Orthodox Jews against New York’s crackdown on gatherings in their neighborhoods turned tense Tuesday night as throngs of young men demonstrated in the streets of Borough Park, setting fire to a pile of masks and at one point running a reporter out of the area.The late-night protest in a heavily Orthodox area of Brooklyn took aim at new restrictions that would close schools, limit attendance at synagogues services and close nonessential businesses in areas with upticks in COVID-19.The protests — as well as angry statements from leaders in the...

October 7, 2020
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Meet the Candidate Who Could Flip Susan Collins’ Senate Seat Blue - U.S. News

Meet the Candidate Who Could Flip Susan Collins’ Senate Seat Blue - U.S. News

Ron KampeasJul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020Lou Kornreich’s Shabbat table is a microcosm of the Maine Jewish community, of the national Jewish community, of Maine and of the nation. And he doesn’t like it.“When I have a discussion at the Shabbos table, there are those on the left who are angry at Susan and those on the right who staunchly support her,” the retired judge told me this week, describing increasingly fraught Friday night meals in Bangor.The intensity unsettles him.“It’s just politics,” Kornreich said.“Susan” is Susan Collins, the 67-year-old Maine Republican who is seeking a fifth term...

July 12, 2020
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Trump Boosts Georgia Candidate Who Peddles Antisemitic, QAnon Conspiracy Theories and Posed With a neo-Nazi - Jewish World

Trump Boosts Georgia Candidate Who Peddles Antisemitic, QAnon Conspiracy Theories and Posed With a neo-Nazi - Jewish World

Ron KampeasJun 15, 2020Jun 15, 2020U.S. President Donald Trump boosted a Georgia Republican candidate who refuses to disavow a white supremacist she posed with in a photograph and has seemingly promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories.“A big winner,” Trump said in a tweet Friday attached to a story on a pro-Trump website noting that Marjorie Taylor Greene in the heavily Republican 14th District had performed well in the primary despite having an ad banned by Facebook. “Congratulations!”Greene, the owner of a construction company, was the leader in Tuesday’s primary but did not secure 50...

June 14, 2020
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Colorado’s Jewish, LGBT Governor Rebukes Comparison Between His Stay-at-home Order and Nazism - Jewish World

Colorado’s Jewish, LGBT Governor Rebukes Comparison Between His Stay-at-home Order and Nazism - Jewish World

Marcy OsterApr 20, 2020Apr 20, 2020Colorado Gov. Jared Polis became emotional during a news briefing about the coronavirus crisis in his state when a reporter said that the public has compared his stay-at-home order to Nazism.“As a Jewish American who lost family in the Holocaust, I’m offended by any comparison to Nazism,” Polis said Wednesday during his briefing in Denver. “We act to save lives. The exact opposite of the slaughter of 6 million Jews and many gypsies and Catholics and gays and lesbians and Russians and so many others.”His voice cracked and tears welled up in his eyes as he...

April 19, 2020
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