Joy Pullmann
Joy Pullmann
Executive ed, @FDRLST. Mother of six. @Hillsdale grad. @HeartlandInst education fellow. Gender natural and native American.Source
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Parents Revolt After Texas’s No. 1 District Tries To Institutionalize Racism

Parents Revolt After Texas’s No. 1 District Tries To Institutionalize Racism

ShareA suburb of Dallas, Texas has exploded into national media coverage and after parents found out what their schools have been teaching in the name of “racial justice.” They’re fighting back with lawsuits and challengers for two school board seats in an election that finishes May 1.Carroll Independent School District of Southlake is the top-achieving school district in Texas. It has no racial achievement gaps, which is nearly unheard of. That’s because Southlake attracts high-achieving families of all races.The local median income is more than four times the national average and poverty...

April 27, 2021
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Facebook Throttles Article Arguing Chauvin Verdict Was Tainted By Politics

Facebook Throttles Article Arguing Chauvin Verdict Was Tainted By Politics

ShareOn Friday afternoon, Facebook began attaching a ridiculous fact check to my top-read Federalist article of last week titled, “.” Anyone who wanted to share the article on Facebook was forced to do so with the opinion-based “fact check” attached, which means Facebook also of the article on its platform.Facebook and the factcheckers it pays have a of targeting The Federalist due not to factual errors but political bias. The more “fact checkers” target a publication, the more and choke off that publication’s traffic.The so-called “fact check” used to suppress open discourse was conducted...

April 26, 2021
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There's No Way Americans Can Trust The Jury's Chauvin Verdict

There's No Way Americans Can Trust The Jury's Chauvin Verdict

ShareA Minnesota jury has found former police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. This means they claim to have concluded that they unanimously believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin caused Floyd’s death.Given the circumstances of the trial, however, it’s extremely hard to believe the jury was solely concerned with either truth or justice. It’s extremely hard, if not impossible, for any thinking person not to have a reasonable doubt about the outcome.We know the judge in the case to sequester jurors from media...

April 21, 2021
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Democrats Should Be On Their Knees Thanking God They Live In America

Democrats Should Be On Their Knees Thanking God They Live In America

ShareJoe Biden’s United Nations ambassador claimed April 14 that “white supremacy” is intrinsic to the United States’s “founding documents and principles” and that the entire country is at fault when any individual in it does anything racist.“I’ve seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield said during an online event for Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, mentioning several personal experiences of racial discrimination. She then went on to blame Americans as a whole for any evil action any...

April 15, 2021
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An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

ShareThe New York Times on March 27 that Syrian-born Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa had been on the FBI’s radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery store.“The suspect’s identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials,” the Times says.According , six days before Alissa shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal background check . It seems the FBI is not very good at this “stopping mass shooters” thing.This is...

March 30, 2021
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Congress Should Probe The Military's Spend On Anti-White Extremism

Congress Should Probe The Military's Spend On Anti-White Extremism

ShareAdm. Michael Gilday has anti-white books from the U.S. Navy reading list, reports Fox News, despite pressure from House Republicans. Several members of Congress, most of them veterans, objecting to the inclusion of these works on the military’s recommended list.Gilday essentially told these elected officials who oversee his service to take a hike, saying that adding the racially divisive works was the result of military leadership’s attempts “to identify and remove racial barriers, improve inclusion efforts, create new opportunities for professional development and eliminate obstacles...

March 18, 2021
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Backlash Against His Criticism Of Military Proves Tucker Carlson's Point

Backlash Against His Criticism Of Military Proves Tucker Carlson's Point

ShareAs Chris Bedford , it’s no surprise U.S. military brass released a fake outrage squirrel with Tucker’s Carlson’s name on it the day after a suggesting the United States would lose a fight with China over Taiwan. Noncommissioned officers marshaling military resources to wage an information operation against an American journalist over his opinions doesn’t just happen by accident.The operation also reveals that Carlson was right on the mark to target leftist identity politics as compromising U.S. military dominance over the globe. It also reveals that the U.S. military is more...

March 16, 2021
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5 Ways To Spend Hush Money To Fight Democrat Plans For Your Serfdom

5 Ways To Spend Hush Money To Fight Democrat Plans For Your Serfdom

ShareDemocrats’ fifth round of “coronavirus” “stimulus” will another $1,400 in government debt, plus interest, to every American man, woman, and child in of U.S. households. It’s clear this is yet another round of hush money meant to keep Americans quiet and distracted while Democrats restructure the United States into a larger version of their failed uniparty state, California.While COVID times have been obviously worse than the four years of prosperity and freedom under President Trump, the U.S. unemployment rate is , markedly better than the average during Barack Obama’s presidency, ....

March 15, 2021
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15 Insane Things In Democrats' H.R. 1 Bill To Corrupt Elections Forever

15 Insane Things In Democrats' H.R. 1 Bill To Corrupt Elections Forever

ShareOn Wednesday, House Democrats passed an that would mandate insecure voting processes and subject voting tallies to partisan manipulation. It’s a slap in the face to the half of Americans, including many Democrats, who the 2020 election was riddled with fraud and errors, to the rapid expansion of mail-in balloting and other suspensions of state election laws.“It is difficult to imagine a legislative proposal more threatening to election integrity and voter confidence,” write 20 Republican attorneys general in a Thursday letter about the ridiculously named For The People Act of 2021, or...

March 8, 2021
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Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate Doesn't Exist. It's Just A Press Release

Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandate Doesn't Exist. It's Just A Press Release

ShareYes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.That’s why...

October 13, 2021
