John Nolte
John Nolte
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Nolte: Fascists Seek to Remove Trump from IL, MA Ballots

Nolte: Fascists Seek to Remove Trump from IL, MA Ballots

Left-wing fascists in Illinois and Massachusetts filed petitions to have former President Donald Trump removed from the 2024 ballot. “Groups of voters from Illinois and Massachusetts on Thursday filed motions to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot,” reports the far-left CNN, “adding to the list of states where the former president faces a challenge to his candidacy under the 14th Amendment’s so-called insurrectionist ban.” My favorite part of the CNNLOL report is this: “The party affiliation of the voters, if any, was not listed.” Except: In Illinois, the challenge filed in...

Jan 5
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Nolte: Biden and Waters Deliberately Sought Mistrial in Derek Chauvin Case

Nolte: Biden and Waters Deliberately Sought Mistrial in Derek Chauvin Case

After it became obvious former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin would be convicted of murdering George Floyd, Democrats Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and His Fraudulency Joe Biden timed their respective outbursts hoping there would be a mistrial, which would usher in a new wave of Black Lives Matter riots.Just as the case was about to go to the jury, Waters stood at Ground Zero — Brooklyn Center, Minnesota — there must be more intense violence — even more intense than the endless riots we saw last year after Floyd’s murder — if Chauvin was not convicted of first-degree murder. Chauvin...

April 21, 2021
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Nolte: Media Fail -- Majority Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Election Results

Nolte: Media Fail -- Majority Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Election Results

Those looking for more proof of just how little influence the corporate media have need only look at the fact that a majority, 51 percent, believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.One of the few remaining reputable pollsters out there is Rasmussen. All media pollsters, including Fox News, have been exposed as fakes and frauds, but Rasmussen has consistently gotten it right, and here’s what it :A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 35% who say it’s Very Likely cheating...

April 15, 2021
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Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning ... Again

Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning ... Again

The Democrat-run cities of Minneapolis and Portland are both on fire … again. Over the weekend, in Democrat-run Portland, the left-wing terrorists in Antifa tried to burn down government buildings with people in them … again. In Democrat-run Minneapolis, the left-wing terrorists in Black Lives Matter burned and looted and rioted … again.Anyway… How was your weekend?My weekend? Well, I live out here in Rural MAGA Land, so my weekend was like every weekend in Rural MAGA Land… In a word blissful. Clean air. Clean water. No shootings. No lootings. No riots. No racial tension. The wind was a...

April 12, 2021
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Nolte: United Airlines Admits It Will No Longer Train Most Qualified Pilots

Nolte: United Airlines Admits It Will No Longer Train Most Qualified Pilots

In today’s edition of The Woke Gestapo Have Gone Stark-Raving Mad, I give you United Airlines admitting its primary objective is not to hire the most qualified pilots for a training course that decides who will pilot airliners full of hundreds of souls. No, the top objective is skin color and vaginas.Yes, the Woketards at United Airlines are openly bragging that when it comes to its training program for its pilots and co-pilots and navigators, skin color and vaginas come before skill and experience.“Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day,”...

April 7, 2021
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Prominent BLM Activist Threatens Cities 'on Fire' if Chauvin Walks

Prominent BLM Activist Threatens Cities 'on Fire' if Chauvin Walks

Maya Echols, a prominent Black Lives Matter activist, threatened that cities will be “on fire” if Derek Chauvin is not convicted.Side note: So what? I don’t live there.Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, is currently on trial for the murder of George Floyd.“If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is gonna break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire. Just saying,” Echols threatened in a since-deleted video.“Justice” apparently now means people riot in the street if they don’t get the conviction that they want…😳— Kelly Campagna...

April 5, 2021
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Nolte: How the Fake News '60 Minutes' Hit on Ron DeSantis Collapsed

Nolte: How the Fake News '60 Minutes' Hit on Ron DeSantis Collapsed

60 Minutes, a news magazine that airs on far-left CBS, launched a political assassination attempt against Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Sunday night. By Monday afternoon, this shamelessly dishonest hoax and conspiracy theory had collapsed into a steaming pile of fake news.According to the long-disgraced 60 Minutes, DeSantis accepted a $100,000 political donation from Publix supermarkets and then awarded Publix with a vaccine contract. In other words: pay-for-play.Here’s how the hoax fell apart….It began with that the long-disgraced 60 Minutes had deliberately and maliciously edited a clip of...

April 6, 2021
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Nolte: Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams Lied. Democrat-Run Atlanta Died.

Nolte: Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams Lied. Democrat-Run Atlanta Died.

His Fraudulency Joe Biden barely walked away with Georgia’s electoral votes in 2020. Stacey Abrams nearly won the state’s 2018 gubernatorial race. Both would like to win Georgia in coming elections and now both, due to their shameless and deliberate lies, have screwed Georgia and its citizens out of Major League Baseball’s (MLB) All-Star game, which was set to generate at least $.The irony, however, is that it is the Democrat-run city of Atlanta that’s going to take the $100 million wipe-out in the neck, that’s going to lose all that money — money that could have done tremendous good in a...

April 6, 2021
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Nolte: Disgraced ‘60 Minutes' Deceptively Edits Ron DeSantis Video

Nolte: Disgraced ‘60 Minutes' Deceptively Edits Ron DeSantis Video

CBS News’ news magazine 60 Minutes has been caught maliciously editing comments made by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) about a fake “pay for play” conspiracy theory, which fake media outlets like 60 Minutes are trying to fabricate out of thin air.Side Note: DeSantis’ full and complete and reasonable answer was available on YouTube, but now the exculpatory YouTube video has after conservatives began sharing it.Over Easter weekend, 60 Minutes released a clip of its correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi (pictured, right) basically heckling the governor with her debunked conspiracy theory during a March...

April 5, 2021
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Nolte: Despair Settles into the Never Trump World

Nolte: Despair Settles into the Never Trump World

I’m all for raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but my favorite thing in the world is watching the smug fascists in the Never Trump movement deal with failure and despair. Oh, Jonah “Fauntleroy” Goldberg’s having a bad day? In the Nolte household, that piece of news ranks right up there with cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels. “‘Never Trumpers’ are close to giving up hope,” reads the Hill headline. Knowing Never Trumpers are giving up hope means you can keep your bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. It gets better, so much better… “Former President Trump is on...

Jan 23

