John Harwood
John Harwood
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Trump's evident character flaws leave him unable to meet the historic moment

Trump's evident character flaws leave him unable to meet the historic moment

(CNN)"In a president, character is everything," . And therein lies inability to meet this American moment.Noonan referred, , to the human qualities behind successful leadership in the White House. Empathy, courage, vision, decency, candor -- these traits have yielded the presidential moments that resonate through history.The evident absence of those qualities in Trump leaves him uniquely ill-equipped to handle the intertwined challenges of a , and that the nation now faces. The results have inflamed enmity, division and hardship across the nation.Consider some of the signature events that...

June 6, 2020
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The strong economy didn't make Trump, but coronavirus collapse could break him | CNN Politics

The strong economy didn't make Trump, but coronavirus collapse could break him | CNN Politics

Analysis byLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The last time an incumbent president lost reelection – , in 1992 – an “it’s the economy, stupid” campaign theme took him down. Unemployment then was hovering around 7.5%.In the calamitous spring of 2020, that sounds like a long-lost boomtime. The Labor Department last week . Administration economists warn US output may plummet at a 40% annual rate in the second quarter.Those staggering measures of economic suffering do not guarantee that will meet the same one-term fate as Bush, who lost to Bill Clinton. But they underscore the uphill fight...

May 8, 2020
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Good news on coronavirus makes it harder for Trump to hold the line | CNN Politics

Good news on coronavirus makes it harder for Trump to hold the line | CNN Politics

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — urged Americans eight days ago to brace for the “toughest week” of the – but for Trump himself, the week ahead may well be tougher.That’s because, even as the death toll keeps rising, so have . Good news makes it harder to hold the line on those restrictions as the outcome of America’s war against coronavirus remains uncertain.That paradox has produced intense cross-pressures inside the White House. Business interests, economic advisers and Republican conservatives that has halted normal life and ; public health authorities warn that...

April 10, 2020
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Analysis: Trump's impeachment foretold everything that's happened since

Analysis: Trump's impeachment foretold everything that's happened since

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppAnalysis by John Harwood, CNN(CNN) Alarming as it is, the corrosive conclusion to 2020 in America was plainly visible in advance.A year ago, the impeachment of foreshadowed the damage he has wreaked in the six weeks since beat him in the election. It demonstrated Trump's elevation of self over country, his willingness to subvert democracy, and the Republican Party's refusal to constrain his behavior.It was hardly clear then that Biden would end up as Trump's general election opponent, much less that he would win. Biden was struggling through...

December 20, 2020
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Biden strengthens Obama's legacy while seeking his own | CNN Politics

Biden strengthens Obama's legacy while seeking his own | CNN Politics

Analysis byLink Copied!Ad Feedback — With sweeping economic recovery plans, President Joe Biden seeks his own legacy like the New Deal or Great Society. But he’s also bolstering Barack Obama’s.In multiple ways, Biden has used his first 100 days to reinforce the battered foundations of Obamacare. He , expanded marketing to encourage them and provided larger premium subsidies as part of his $1.9 trillion Covid relief legislation., according to figures the administration released last week. With the special enrollment period now extended through August 15, to be followed by normal...

March 24, 2021
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Analysis: Why Biden's next legislative push might be much harder than Covid relief

Analysis: Why Biden's next legislative push might be much harder than Covid relief

(CNN) and fellow Democrats are racing to prove a counterintuitive lesson: with congressional majorities, sometimes . The new President holds a slim House advantage and even slimmer Senate edge -- 51-50, and then only if he holds every Democrat and allows Vice President Kamala Harris to break ties. Yet this weekend keeps party leaders on track to overcome rock-solid Republican opposition and , though even some prominent Democratic economists consider it too costly. More on Covid-19 reliefBy the standards of recent history, that would represent an audacious feat. Every Democratic president in...

March 5, 2021
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Murkowski to meet with Tanden on Monday as confirmation remains on the rocks | CNN Politics

Murkowski to meet with Tanden on Monday as confirmation remains on the rocks | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will meet on Monday with , the Biden administration’s pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN.after at least one Democratic and several moderate Republican senators announced their opposition to her appointment because of her past partisan criticisms and sharp social media attacks on lawmakers.Murkowski is seen as a potential swing vote who could save Tanden’s nomination, but the senator has not indicated how she would vote.Because the Senate is made...

February 26, 2021
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Analysis: Biden's $1.9 trillion question

Analysis: Biden's $1.9 trillion question

(CNN)Is $1.9 trillion Covid relief package too big? Plenty of economists across the ideological spectrum think so. But economics was only one of several considerations in its assembly. All come into sharper focus this week as narrow to the Resolute Desk for Biden's signature by mid-March. More on Covid-19 reliefIf that happens, it would take the federal government's coronavirus response over the last year to nearly a staggering $6 trillion -- all of it borrowed money. Biden advisers argue nothing about current economic conditions prevents Washington from spending as much as circumstances of...

February 16, 2021
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Analysis: Biden needs to figure out what kind of GOP opposition he's facing

Analysis: Biden needs to figure out what kind of GOP opposition he's facing

(CNN)The collision of the new President's agenda with the old one's impeachment trial this week sharpens the question: Just what kind of Republican opposition does the Democrat in the White House face? If the GOP remains an honest voice for a wide swath of Americans in the democratic competition of ideas, has reason to follow his instincts toward common ground on Covid-19 relief and the rest of his agenda. But if the GOP has devolved into something else -- dishonest, detached from reality, bent on gaining power by undemocratic means if necessary -- he can justify skipping the time and...

February 5, 2021
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Trump's impeachment foretold everything that's happened since | CNN Politics

Trump's impeachment foretold everything that's happened since | CNN Politics

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Alarming as it is, the corrosive conclusion to 2020 in America was plainly visible in advance.A year ago, the impeachment of foreshadowed the damage he has wreaked in the six weeks since beat him in the election. It demonstrated Trump’s elevation of self over country, his willingness to subvert democracy, and the Republican Party’s refusal to constrain his behavior.It was hardly clear then that Biden would end up as Trump’s general election opponent, much less that he would win. Biden was struggling through early Democratic primary...

December 17, 2020
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