John Gallagher
John Gallagher
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There are now some Democrats around the country backing anti-trans legislation

There are now some Democrats around the country backing anti-trans legislation

Thanks to a concerted effort by Republicans and anti-LGBTQ groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), trans kids across the country are being banned from sports and bathrooms, while the few with access to trans-affirming health care are facing the possibility of losing it.Republicans control at least one house in the state legislatures where anti-trans bills are pending, and both houses in most states. As a result, in most places, they hold the power to pass measures strictly on a party line basis. So why are some Democrats joining in with them to support the legislative...

March 14, 2021
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Joe Manchin may have officially killed the Equality Act & the rest of Biden’s agenda

Joe Manchin may have officially killed the Equality Act & the rest of Biden’s agenda

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has made it clear: he is inalterably opposed to any changes to the Senate filibuster.“There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster,” Manchin declared earlier this week. “The time has come to end these political games, and to usher a new era of bipartisanship where we find common ground on the major policy debates facing our nation.”Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you.That means the West Virginia Democrat probably just killed , along with virtually every other part of the Biden...

April 10, 2021
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Anti-LGBTQ activists are now funding voter suppression & anti-vaccine conspiracies

Anti-LGBTQ activists are now funding voter suppression & anti-vaccine conspiracies

Apparently, attacking LGBTQ rights isn’t enough full-time work for a variety of right-wing groups. So they’ve taken up other projects, adding voter suppression efforts and disinformation about the COVID vaccine to their portfolio.In addition to fundraising for themselves, anti-LGBTQ leaders are throwing cash to support voter suppression after Trump’s loss in the election. Their also appealing to a similar base of right-wing “anti-vaxxers” who are skeptical of the establishment medical community as a way to remain relevant.Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care...

April 4, 2021
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The seats opening in the Senate for 2022 are already attracting terrible Trump wannabes

The seats opening in the Senate for 2022 are already attracting terrible Trump wannabes

We just got through the 2020 election, but has already led to a land rush of candidates seeking to take their place.But as dreadful a batch as the incumbents are, the candidates vying to replace them are even more dire.Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you.So far, five GOP incumbents have announced their packing it in: Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Richard Shelby (R-AL).The retirees are a pretty mixed bunch at best. Shelby, Burr and Blunt are hard-core conservatives and dependably...

March 28, 2021
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Conservative Christians are driving more Americans away from religion altogether

Conservative Christians are driving more Americans away from religion altogether

There’s no question that conservative Christians are engaged in a desperate political effort to keep America the religious and traditional nation they believe it was decades ago. But what if that very effort was what was actually accelerating the changes that they are fighting against?That’s the premise of a new book by political scientists David Campbell and Geoffrey Layman of the University of Notre Dame and John C. Green of the University of Akron. Their book, Secular Surge: A New Fault Line in American Politics, argues that the religious right’s tight embrace of politics is essentially...

March 27, 2021
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DC has the largest per capita population of LGBTQ people. No wonder the GOP opposes statehood.

DC has the largest per capita population of LGBTQ people. No wonder the GOP opposes statehood.

This week, Congress For Democrats, this measure has two primary benefits.The first is based on principle. DC statehood would enfranchise 700,000 Americans who pay federal taxes but have no federal representation. That’s about as many people as the population of Alaska, and more than Wyoming and Vermont, all of whom have two Senators.Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you.The second is based on politics. Adding DC as a state would add two more seats to the Senate. Given the overwhelmingly Democratic tilt of the district, that would virtually ensure two...

March 24, 2021
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Republicans are fleeing the GOP because of Trump but the rot started long before he was president

Republicans are fleeing the GOP because of Trump but the rot started long before he was president

The political fallout continues from of the Trump presidency. dozens of former Bush officials have fled the party in the wake of the deadly Capitol riot.The flight from the GOP by the former officials . Thousands of voters in such pivotal states as Colorado, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, have decided that they’re fed up with the party and have switched their registration to independent or (gasp!) Democrat.Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you.While the exodus is a sign that at least some Republicans have had enough, the sad part is it took a...

February 3, 2021
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Your tax dollars are at work — helping hate groups act as “charities” that save millions

Your tax dollars are at work — helping hate groups act as “charities” that save millions

Do you have a group that promotes white supremacy? Anti-LGBTQ hatred? Islamophobia?The IRS would be happy to denote you as a charity, with all the tax benefits — and millions in savings — that implies.Related:The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you.found that 90 of them are hate groups In other words, extremist groups get to call themselves charities, avoid paying taxes and even have donations designated as tax-deductible.told CBS News that the IRS is essentially complicit in the spread of hate in the country.“When you choose to write hate a blank check in the...

December 6, 2020
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