John Daniel Davidson
John Daniel Davidson
John Daniel Davidson is the Political Editor at The Federalist. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Texas Monthly, The Guardian, First Things, the Claremont Review of Books, The LA Review of Books, and elsewhere. He lives in Austin, Texas.Source
Austin, TX
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Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Aren’t Ignorant Rubes, They’re Cautious

Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Aren’t Ignorant Rubes, They’re Cautious

ShareRecent polls show about a quarter of American adults either don’t plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine or want to wait on it. The numbers have held steady for months: 27 percent in , 25 percent in from late March, and 30 percent in . After federal health officials called for a pause in the distribution of Johnson and Johnson’s one-shot vaccine last week over fears of severe blood-clotting, the number of vaccine-hesitant Americans could be slightly higher now.That means tens of millions of American adults won’t be getting a vaccine, at least not right away. Why? For corporate media, the...

April 21, 2021
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Republican Politicians Who Won’t Stand Up To The Left Are Worthless

Republican Politicians Who Won’t Stand Up To The Left Are Worthless

ShareIt should be obvious by now that many, if not most, Republican leaders are worthless. It’s not just that they don’t seem to grasp what being a conservative means in the current moment, it’s that they have no interest in taking a stand against the ascendent forces of woke capitalism and an aggressive cultural left — even when they are presented with easy opportunities to do so.Take Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who was fool enough earlier this week to defend his veto of a bill that outlaws the genital mutilation and chemical castration of children. Carlson asked the governor a simple...

April 8, 2021
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Corporate Media And Leftist Corporations Are Living In Unreality

Corporate Media And Leftist Corporations Are Living In Unreality

ShareIf you follow the news, you know that something has changed. I’m not talking about media bias. The media has always been biased, sometimes in obvious and childlike ways, sometimes more subtly. That’s not what’s different.What’s different is that corporate news outlets, together with major corporations of all kinds, now routinely present what is false as true and what is true as false. They deceive on purpose and without apology, and they do so in service of a leftist ideological and political agenda. This is new, and it’s dangerous.Examples of this new media unreality are ubiquitous....

April 6, 2021
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The Biden Border Crisis Is Real And It’s About To Get Much Worse

The Biden Border Crisis Is Real And It’s About To Get Much Worse

ShareThe Biden administration is facing not just a crisis at the border, but a crisis of unprecedented magnitude. Unaccompanied migrant teenagers and children have never before arrived at the border in such numbers.For the past three weeks, federal agents have apprehended on average , and are on pace to bring in more than 17,000 children and teens in March, the most ever in a single month. The numbers for April and May, when border crossings usually peak, will undoubtedly bring far higher numbers.The federal agencies tasked with managing this crisis are overwhelmed. The facilities that...

March 24, 2021
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Corporate Media Don’t Want To Talk About The Atlanta Gunman’s Real Motivation

Corporate Media Don’t Want To Talk About The Atlanta Gunman’s Real Motivation

ShareThere’s something off about press coverage of the shooting rampage in Atlanta earlier this week. Nearly every corporate media outlet has framed the killings as a racially-motivated “hate crime” against Asian Americans, noting that six of the eight victims are Asian and the alleged shooter is white.Yet race doesn’t appear to be a significant motivating factor here, at least not according to the accused gunman, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, who was arrested Tuesday evening after targeting three different massage parlors in the Atlanta area. Long denied that he chose his victims based on...

March 19, 2021
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The Biden Administration Is Imposing A Media Blackout At The Border

The Biden Administration Is Imposing A Media Blackout At The Border

ShareOn Wednesday, NBC News the Biden administration has imposed what amounts to a media blackout at the southwest border amid a worsening crisis.Border Patrol agents, including sector chiefs and press officers, are under an unofficial gag order not to answer questions from the press, according to four current and two former Customs and Border Protection officials who spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity.Federal officials along the border, they say, have been verbally instructed—there is no official memo, no paper-trail—to deny all press requests for ride-alongs and refer all media...

March 18, 2021
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Sorry, Democrats, You Can’t Blame The Border Crisis On Trump

Sorry, Democrats, You Can’t Blame The Border Crisis On Trump

ShareAs the crisis along the southwest border deepens, Democrats have come up with a new spin: it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.Over the weekend, Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar, whose district includes El Paso, Texas, the rapid surge in illegal immigration since President Joe Biden took office “is not something that happened as a result of Joe Biden becoming president,” and that the increases date back almost a year, “during the Trump administration.”In an interview with ABC News, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said something similar: the Biden administration inherited “a broken system at the...

March 16, 2021
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Caring About The British Royal Family Is Fundamentally Un-American

Caring About The British Royal Family Is Fundamentally Un-American

As Americans, nothing should interest us less than the palace intrigue surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s troubles with the House of Windsor.ShareI spent part of my senior year of high school in Great Britain, and I made a friend there who had never heard of iced tea. As a proud Englishman from Nottingham, he was slightly offended at the notion anyone would put ice in his tea. I assured him it was normal, that you could buy iced tea anywhere, and that when I got back home I would send him a bottle to prove it.Lucky for me, when I got back that summer, Snapple had an entire line of...

March 9, 2021
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The Migrant Crisis Isn’t Just At The Border, It Stretches To Central America

The Migrant Crisis Isn’t Just At The Border, It Stretches To Central America

ShareIt doesn’t matter how the Biden administration , there is undeniably a crisis underway at the southwest border. The number of illegal border crossings is up 100 percent over this time last year, and at this rate apprehensions of illegal immigrants will surpass all of 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined. As of this writing, a record number of unaccompanied migrant teens are in federal custody, with hundreds more arriving every day.The Washington Post that more than 8,500 minors are in shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services, and another 3,500 are in U.S. Border Patrol...

March 11, 2021
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Cartels Post TikTok Ads To Smuggle Migrants Past Border Checkpoints

Cartels Post TikTok Ads To Smuggle Migrants Past Border Checkpoints

ShareMexican drug cartels and cartel-associated smuggling networks are now bringing so many illegal immigrants into the United States that they’re putting out ads on TikTok, targeting American teenagers in South Texas with offers of thousands in cash to ferry migrants past U.S. checkpoints just north of the border.This week Fox News , including screenshots of TikTok ads offering as much as $3,500 cash for a single trip. One ad reads, “Got another 6 left, already crossed. Lemme know ASAP for that easy cash,” according to Fox News, which also reported that teenagers are in some cases...

April 23, 2021
