Joe Schoffstall
Joe Schoffstall
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Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law, Ethics Watchdog Says - Washington Free Beacon

Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law, Ethics Watchdog Says - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREA high-ranking Lincoln Project employee served as a paid campaign staffer for Georgia senator Jon Ossoff (D.) while he received payments from both groups, a potential violation of laws that prohibit coordination between campaigns and super PACs.The Lincoln Project and the Ossoff campaign paid Democratic consultant Keith Edwards during the closely watched Georgia runoffs that tipped the scales of the Senate to Democrats. Edwards said he left his post as the Lincoln Project's communications director in November to become senior digital adviser for the Ossoff campaign, but...

February 26, 2021
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Schumer's Dark Money Group Increased Election Spending by 825% in 2020 Cycle - Washington Free Beacon

Schumer's Dark Money Group Increased Election Spending by 825% in 2020 Cycle - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSchumer-aligned Majority Forward gave nearly $60 million to Democratic Senate candidatesSHAREA dark money group aligned with Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) ramped up its anonymous election cash by 825 percent in the 2020 cycle, filings show.Majority Forward, a nonprofit with ties to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC, pushed  into super PACs that helped Democrats regain the majority in Congress's upper chamber. The vast sum far eclipses the  it funneled into election activity in the 2016 and 2018 cycles combined. The nonprofit does not disclose...

January 27, 2021
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Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband's Company - Washington Free Beacon

Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband's Company - Washington Free Beacon

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) funneled an additional $1.1 million to her husband's company, bringing her total payments to the firm to $2.7 million for the election cycle, new filings show.Omar's campaign filings, released Thursday, show that she sent  more to the E Street Group, a political consulting firm owned by her husband, Tim Mynett. The payments for nearly 70 percent of the Omar's campaign has disbursed between July 23 and the end of September. They have helped cover advertisements, consulting, travel expenses, and production costs.Omar has faced criticism on a number of issues...

October 15, 2020
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Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls In 42 States - Washington Free Beacon

Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls In 42 States - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREAn election watchdog has found that there may be as many as 350,000 dead individuals on voter rolls across 42 states.The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based election integrity group, conducted a nationwide study to identify the hundreds of thousands of individuals on voter rolls. During its analysis, the group also found that nearly 40,000 likely duplicate registrants "appear to have cast second votes in 2018 from the same address."Just five states—New York, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and California—accounted for 51 percent of the total number of...

September 22, 2020
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Schumer and Pelosi-Aligned Groups Funnel Millions in Secret Cash Into 2020 Elections - Washington Free Beacon

Schumer and Pelosi-Aligned Groups Funnel Millions in Secret Cash Into 2020 Elections - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHARELiberal advocacy groups closely aligned with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) have pushed more than $12 million in dark money contributions into the 2020 elections, filings show.Majority Forward, a nonprofit with ties to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC, has pushed $10.6 million in direct contributions into the election, while House Majority Forward, a nonprofit that is linked to Pelosi's House Majority PAC, has poured $1.6 million into 2020 efforts. The cash ultimately benefits liberal politicians, who routinely vow to rid politics...

September 12, 2020
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Nevada Sends More Than 200K Mail-In Primary Ballots to The Wrong Address

Nevada Sends More Than 200K Mail-In Primary Ballots to The Wrong Address

More than one-sixth of the mail-in ballots sent to voters in Nevada's largest county during the 2020 primary went to outdated addresses, according to a new watchdog report. The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, the 1.3 million mail-in ballots Nevada's Clark County sent during the June primary. It found that more than 223,000 of the ballots were sent to outdated addresses, leading the postal service to designate them as "undeliverable." The undeliverable ballots accounted for 17 percent of all ballots mailed to registered voters. Nearly 75 percent of Nevada's...

August 6, 2020
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Nevada Sends More Than 200K Mail-In Primary Ballots to The Wrong Address

Nevada Sends More Than 200K Mail-In Primary Ballots to The Wrong Address

ADVERTISEMENTOne-sixth of Clark County mail-in ballots were sent to outdated or undeliverable addressesSHAREMore than one-sixth of the mail-in ballots sent to voters in Nevada's largest county during the 2020 primary went to outdated addresses, according to a new watchdog report.The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, the 1.3 million mail-in ballots Nevada's Clark County sent during the June primary. It found that more than 223,000 of the ballots were sent to outdated addresses, leading the postal service to designate them as "undeliverable." The undeliverable...

August 6, 2020
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Ilhan Omar Paid Her Husband's Firm $600,000 in Three Weeks

Ilhan Omar Paid Her Husband's Firm $600,000 in Three Weeks

ADVERTISEMENTOmar has already dished more than $1 million to her husband's consulting group this cycleSHARERep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) funneled an additional $606,000 to her husband's firm in the first three weeks of July alone, according to new campaign filings.Federal Election Commission records released Thursday  that over the first three weeks of July, Omar's campaign sent $606,000 to the E Street Group, a D.C.-based consulting firm run by Tim Mynett, Omar's husband. The money  for 77 percent of the campaign's disbursements during that time.Omar has sent massive sums...

July 30, 2020
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Soros Pours Record $50 Million Into 2020 Election

Soros Pours Record $50 Million Into 2020 Election

ADVERTISEMENTLiberal billionaire spends $30 million more than in 2016 with months left to go before the electionsSHARELiberal billionaire George Soros has flooded Democratic PACs and campaigns with $50 million this election cycle, shattering his personal record by tens of millions with four months to go before the elections.Soros ramped up his political spending this cycle through the Democracy PAC, which he created last year to pump large sums into the coffers of other left-wing groups. New filings to the Federal Election Commission show the PAC doled out nearly  last quarter,...

July 27, 2020
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Dark Money Network Conceals $20 Million in Liberal Donors' Election Funding

Dark Money Network Conceals $20 Million in Liberal Donors' Election Funding

ADVERTISEMENTSixteen Thirty Fund acts as network for liberal donors to anonymously give to Democratic committeesSHAREDeep-pocketed liberal donors are using a massive dark money network to conceal the source of nearly $20 million in donations to pro-Biden PACs.At least $19.8 million has made its way through the Sixteen Thirty Fund to liberal PACs for the 2020 cycle. The fund, which normally works with advocacy organizations, has switched its focus to the election in recent months, sending large amounts to groups supporting Joe Biden in the presidential race. Wealthy donors push cash into the...

July 21, 2020
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