Jim Treacher
Jim Treacher
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Are We in a Pandemic or Not?

Are We in a Pandemic or Not?

For the last eight months, what have we heard? “Wash your hands. Maintain social distancing. Wear a mask (even though at first we implored you, in no uncertain terms, not to wear a mask). Don’t go to work. Don’t go to school. Don’t go to church. Don’t go to the movies. Don’t you dare set foot in a restaurant. In fact, don’t do anything. If you’re not sure whether or not you should do something, just don’t. Because if you spread this virus, you’re killing Grandma. Do you want to kill Grandma? Now just sit at home and wait to die. Or else… well, you’ll die.”I did what they told me to do. I...

September 11, 2020
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Wife of Boston Marathon Hero Claims Biden Groped Her

Wife of Boston Marathon Hero Claims Biden Groped Her

Remember #MeToo? The Democrats don’t. They’ve willfully forgotten it. The wave of accusations and ruined careers that followed the downfall of Harvey Weinstein in 2017 abruptly ended earlier this year, the minute Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. Suddenly, all the people who had been scolding us to #BelieveWomen were scolding us to #BelieveWomenExceptHER. They did everything they could to destroy Reade. Even Alyssa Milano, widely credited with starting the #MeToo movement, turned her back on an accuser to stand with Biden. The Dems proved, to anyone who still had a doubt, that...

January 10, 2020
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Cancel Culture Comes for That Dancing Kid from the Sia Music Videos

Cancel Culture Comes for That Dancing Kid from the Sia Music Videos

In the dystopian nightmare that is 2020, most people don’t seem to care much about the Asian-American community until a celebrity makes fun of them. Less than a year ago, a comedian named was fired from Saturday Night Live before he even started, because he had gone on a podcast and made some jokes about Asian people. This is odd when you consider that SNL made John Belushi famous for lampooning Asian culture and the Japanese language. (, anyone?) Maybe Gillis’s firing had something to do with the fact that SNL never had an Asian cast member until last year and Lorne Michaels was a bit...

May 8, 2020
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'A Win for Sanity' -- Trader Joe's Now Denies Being Racist

'A Win for Sanity' -- Trader Joe's Now Denies Being Racist

I told you about the Trader Joe’s grocery chain capitulating to an utterly insane petition started by a California high school student. It accused the store of racism for labeling its ethnic foods “Trader Jose’s” and “Trader Ming’s” and whatnot.We demand that Trader Joe’s remove racist branding and packaging from its stores. The grocery chain labels some of its ethnic foods with modifications of “Joe” that belies a narrative of exoticism that perpetuates harmful stereotypes. For example, “Trader Ming’s” is used to brand the chain’s Chinese food, “Arabian Joe” brands Middle Eastern foods,...

July 31, 2020
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De Blasio to Replace NYC Schools with 'Public Childcare Program'

De Blasio to Replace NYC Schools with 'Public Childcare Program'

COVID-19 The Chinese virus has broken everybody’s brains. If you were sane four months ago, you are now crazy. And if you were crazy four months ago, for some reason you’re still the mayor of New York City.Warren Wilhelm Jr., AKA Bill de Blasio, is quite possibly the dumbest mayor in the history of NYC, if not the dumbest human being who has ever lived. I don’t want to say he’s completely over his head with this virus, because that doesn’t even begin to describe how inept his response has been. Just take a look at this, which is an actual piece of reporting from NY1:The is announcing a plan...

July 17, 2020
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Going to National Parks Is Racist, Declares ABC News

Going to National Parks Is Racist, Declares ABC News

In the six weeks since a multiracial group of Minnesota cops killed George Floyd, America has learned all sorts of things about what caused the crime. It wasn’t just those cops’ fault, you see. It wasn’t just the responsibility of the city of Minneapolis or even the state of Minnesota. As it turns out, every white person in the world is responsible for Floyd’s death. That’s why we now need to tear down any statue of any historical figure who was Caucasian, even the guy who signed the Emancipation Proclamation. That’s why any white person who voices a black character on a cartoon show needs...

February 7, 2020
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Trayvon's Mom, Sybrina Fulton: 'I Think We Need More Police'

Trayvon's Mom, Sybrina Fulton: 'I Think We Need More Police'

In 2012, a young Florida man named Trayvon Martin became a cause célèbre after he attacked a man named George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Martin in self-defense. Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder, but the Black Lives Matter movement that emerged from the killing lives on. You might’ve heard about it on the news recently.That’s what makes the following item so surprising.Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, is running for county commissioner in Florida and says she disagrees with demands to defund the police that some have called for in the wake of George...

December 6, 2020
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Watch the Joy Drain Out of Stacey Abrams' Face as Biden Doesn't Announce Her as His VP

Watch the Joy Drain Out of Stacey Abrams' Face as Biden Doesn't Announce Her as His VP

Twelve years ago, our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press told us that Sarah Palin was absurdly unqualified to be vice president of the United States. Sure, she had successfully governed the state of Alaska, which was more executive experience than Obama had in 2008. But, um… did you know she owns a tanning bed? And she makes moose chili? And she named her baby Trig? And so on, and so forth. Journos and other liberals threw everything they had at her, no matter how ridiculous and meaningless, convincing themselves she was an idiot and/or a monster. All her achievements and...

May 17, 2020
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