Jill Tucker
Jill Tucker
Jill Tucker knows the rules of tether ball and sort of gets why one might need to solve for X and so she is the k-12 education writer at the SF Chronicle.Source
San Francisco, California
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Bay Area parents rush to form ‘pandemic pods’ for the school year. The backlash is fierce

Bay Area parents rush to form ‘pandemic pods’ for the school year. The backlash is fierce

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateThe fear and desperation erupted just over a week ago as parents realized schools would not reopen in August as hoped, and their kids would be stuck in front of screens, again, learning to read and solve equations despite a largely disastrous two months of distance learning in the spring.Privileged parents — those with money and connections — banded together to do something about it.In the past week alone, tens of thousands of families in the Bay Area and across the country have found each other on Facebook, created contact lists...

July 24, 2020
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San Francisco public schools unlikely to fully reopen in August: ‘It’s an impossible task’

San Francisco public schools unlikely to fully reopen in August: ‘It’s an impossible task’

It looks increasingly likely that few if any San Francisco students will be back full-time in classrooms this fall, but families won’t know for sure until the end of July, less than three weeks before the first day of school.Reopening to all students will be virtually impossible by Aug. 17, given staffing and facilities challenges as well as shortfalls in funding to hire the necessary custodians and nurses and in critical supplies like soap and hand sanitizer, according to administrators and community members involved in the planning process.San Francisco health officials have yet to...

July 8, 2020
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Union boss says passengers who attacked SF Muni bus driver used racial slurs, police not so sure

Union boss says passengers who attacked SF Muni bus driver used racial slurs, police not so sure

An on a San Francisco bus driver also included a verbal attack with racial slurs, according to a local labor leader.The driver encountered the male passengers at about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and asked them multiple times to put on face coverings, according to San Francisco police. The passengers, who appeared to be teenagers, refused, and then one of them attacked the driver with a small souvenir-type bat.Roger Marenco, president of the Transport Workers Union Local 250, told The Chronicle on Sunday that the assailants used racial slurs directed at the operator, who is Asian American. The...

July 28, 2020
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Is failure an option? Bay Area school districts debate student grading during coronavirus closures

Is failure an option? Bay Area school districts debate student grading during coronavirus closures

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateIt’s a conundrum all schools are facing during the coronavirus closures: How do you hold students accountable for academic work while also ensuring they aren’t punished on their report cards for circumstances beyond their control?District officials across the Bay Area and state have responded to that concern with a range of grading systems, with many opting for pass/fail or credit/no credit.Teachers want to reward students who continue to work hard.Yet the idea of failing any student this semester raises legal and ethical...

April 20, 2020
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School grades during coronavirus: S.F. proposes giving everyone an A

School grades during coronavirus: S.F. proposes giving everyone an A

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateSan Francisco school officials, grappling with how to grade students during the coronavirus closures, have landed on a solution: Just give everyone an “A.”The proposal stands out as the most extreme among districts across the state, with many, including Oakland and West Contra Costa, switching to a pass/fail system sanctioned by California’s public university systems.The San Francisco school board mulled over several options during a nearly eight-hour meeting Tuesday, but settled on the preliminary idea of an automatic A for all...

April 16, 2020
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‘Truly complicated’: Reopening California schools will be a logistical nightmare

‘Truly complicated’: Reopening California schools will be a logistical nightmare

The wall in Clark Burke’s school district office has turned into a war room, with flow charts and diagrams covered with directional arrows and white boards with potential plans of attack.The career Army officer, now schools superintendent in the San Joaquin County town of Manteca, is mapping out how to reopen schools for the upcoming academic year after a coronavirus closure.For school officials like Burke across California, getting teachers and students back into classrooms with the virus still circulating in communities is a high-stakes challenge and a logistical nightmare.How do you keep...

May 4, 2020
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Bay Area to ease shelter in place slowly as other counties and states rush to reopen

Bay Area to ease shelter in place slowly as other counties and states rush to reopen

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateAcross the Bay Area, coronavirus cases and deaths have reached a stubborn plateau after seven weeks of sheltering in place, and public health leaders in most counties say they are committed to a slow reopening of the economy — even as the state prepares to relax some restrictions and a handful of local businesses are pushing for a quicker recovery.The Bay Area approached 9,000 cases on Tuesday, and last week the region saw a small uptick in the number of new cases from the previous week. Death reports have been slightly, but...

May 6, 2020
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S.F. school board approves plan with labor unions to reopen classrooms

S.F. school board approves plan with labor unions to reopen classrooms

San Francisco school officials unanimously approved a health and safety agreement with labor unions allowing the reopening of schools before the end of the academic year.The deal, approved during Tuesday’s school board meeting, is the first major hurdle in bringing the first students back into classrooms for in-person learning, although the unions and district are still at odds over what the school day will look like when classrooms reopen.Any return to in-person instruction — which is not a certainty — is likely at least two months off.The district and board have faced increased pressure...

February 24, 2021
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S.F. school district, unions reach tentative deal to reopen classrooms

S.F. school district, unions reach tentative deal to reopen classrooms

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateUnions representing San Francisco Unified School District employees announced a tentative agreement with the district Sunday to safely reopen the city’s public schools — a major step in a contentious, monthslong debate that has pitted city officials against district leaders.A key component of the agreement allows a return to classrooms once the city reaches the red tier, the second most restrictive level of California’s reopening blueprint, if vaccinations against the coronavirus are made available to on-site school staff. If the...

February 8, 2021
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‘Public apologies are in order’: City leaders push back on flawed narrative around Bob Lee killing

‘Public apologies are in order’: City leaders push back on flawed narrative around Bob Lee killing

Police say Lee was stabbed to death by a man he knew, piercing a narrative put forward by many in the tech community that the slaying was endemic of San Francisco's street conditions. The killing of tech executive Bob Lee last week sent San Francisco’s reputation tumbling around the world. Big-name industry leaders, celebrities and conservative politicians took to the internet and the airwaves to decry a city beset by lawlessness and violence, and the progressive leaders who purportedly look the other way. But there was largely deafening silence from those same individuals after...

April 13, 2023

