Jessie Hellmann
Jessie Hellmann
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Biden says anyone who wants vaccine may be able to get it by spring

Biden says anyone who wants vaccine may be able to get it by spring

by - 01/25/21 5:20 PM ET✕President Biden said he thinks any American who wants a COVID-19 vaccine should be able to get one by the spring.“I think we’ll be able to do that this spring,” Biden said in a press conference with reporters.“It’s going to be a logistical challenge that exceeds anything we’ve ever tried in this country, but I think we can do that,” he added. Biden also said the country should soon be vaccinating 1.5 million people per day. The Biden administration has set a goal of 100 million shots in arms within its first 100 days, which amounts to about 1 million...

January 25, 2021
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Biden inauguration marks shift in scattered COVID-19 response

Biden inauguration marks shift in scattered COVID-19 response

by - 01/20/21 7:26 PM ET✕✕✕× Close Ad

January 21, 2021
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State, local officials plead for vaccine distribution funds

State, local officials plead for vaccine distribution funds

by - 12/05/20 6:41 AM ET✕CAP and Richard Serino, former deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, estimated that $13.3 billion will be needed for a mass vaccination effort in the U.S. It’s unclear if the two sides can reach an agreement by the Dec. 11 government funding deadline, but experts say it’s imperative that they do so.✕✕× Close Ad

December 5, 2020
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Fauci distances himself from Trump adviser Atlas: ‘I totally disagree with the stand he takes’

Fauci distances himself from Trump adviser Atlas: ‘I totally disagree with the stand he takes’

by - 11/16/20 9:50 AM ET✕Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, once again distanced himself from a doctor advising the president on COVID-19, saying he “totally disagrees” with Scott Atlas.Atlas, a neuroradiologist with no training in infectious diseases, has taken to Twitter in recent days to rail against closures of some businesses and high schools in Michigan in response to COVID-19.“I don’t want to say anything against Dr. Atlas as a person, but I totally disagree with the stand he takes. I just do, period,” Fauci said Monday on NBC’s “Today.”“The...

November 16, 2020
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Rising COVID-19 cases raise worries about Trump rallies

Rising COVID-19 cases raise worries about Trump rallies

Follow Us   © 1996-2020 News Communication The Trump campaign is facing criticism for holding packed outdoor rallies and some indoor events where people don’t wear masks, even as cases of COVID-19 increase in most states ahead of an anticipated winter surge.Outbreaks are particularly bad in midwestern states like Wisconsin, where the Trump campaign has ramped up its efforts as he seeks to win a second term. Wisconsin is one of the key states the president needs to win to secure four more years.Trump’s decision to go ahead with the rallies, which still pose...

October 21, 2020
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Fauci says he does not see US mandating COVID-19 vaccination for general public

Fauci says he does not see US mandating COVID-19 vaccination for general public

by - 08/18/20 2:19 PM ET✕Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, said Tuesday he doesn’t see the U.S. mandating a COVID-19 vaccine.“I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine particularly for the general public,” Fauci said during a livestreamed interview with Healthline.Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, noted that some workplaces, particularly those in health care fields, might prevent employees from coming to work or interacting with patients if they haven’t been vaccinated for the flu. Schools generally...

August 18, 2020
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White House goes public with attacks on Fauci

White House goes public with attacks on Fauci

by Jessie Hellmann and Brett Samuels - 07/13/20 11:19 AM ET✕Tensions between the White House and Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious diseases expert, are spilling into the open as officials openly attack the doctor for his public health advice during the coronavirus pandemic. Fauci’s advice has often run contrary to President Trump’s views, and the attacks on Fauci have begun to look like a traditional negative political campaign against an opponent. Yet this time, the opponent is a public health expert and career civil servant working within the administration. Dan...

July 13, 2020
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Teachers face off against Trump on school reopenings

Teachers face off against Trump on school reopenings

by - 07/12/20 6:48 PM ET✕President Trump and his allies consistently argue that schools should reopen because closures have a negative impact on students and children have no symptoms, or mild symptoms, when infected with COVID-19.But teachers say they are worried about catching COVID-19 at school or bringing it home to their families because it is still unclear what role children play in spreading the virus to others.But since children with COVID-19 are less likely to become seriously ill, if they show any symptoms at all, it is unclear what role they play in spreading it to others. That...

July 12, 2020
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CDC won’t revise school opening guidelines after Trump criticism

CDC won’t revise school opening guidelines after Trump criticism

Follow Us   © 1996-2020 News Communication Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said Thursday the agency will not revise its guidance on reopening schools despite ’s criticism that the guidelines were “very tough and expensive.”But Redfield said the CDC will be issuing additional guidelines on face coverings and symptom screenings for schools.“It’s not a revision of the guidelines,” Redfield said on ABC's “Good Morning America.” “It’s just to provide additional information to help schools be able to use the...

July 9, 2020
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Pfizer says vaccine can be stored in normal freezers

Pfizer says vaccine can be stored in normal freezers

by - 02/19/21 10:02 AM ET✕The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine does not need to be stored in expensive deep freezers that have posed challenges to the vaccination campaign, the company  Friday.Pfizer submitted data to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing the vaccine is stable when stored between minus 13 degrees and 5 degrees Fahrenheit, temperatures commonly found in pharmaceutical freezers and refrigerators.The company is asking the FDA to update its authorization of the vaccine to allow for vials to be stored at these temperatures for a total of two weeks as an...

February 19, 2021
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