Jennifer Lynch
Jennifer Lynch
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Your Service Provider’s Terms of Service Shouldn’t Overrule Your Fourth Amendment Rights

Your Service Provider’s Terms of Service Shouldn’t Overrule Your Fourth Amendment Rights

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItIn a victory for users, Slack has fixed its for free workspaces. Instead of holding onto your messages on its servers for as long as your workspace exists, Slack is now giving free workspace admins the option to automatically delete all messages older than 90 days....Earlier this week, EFF, the Center for Democracy and Technology, and Demand Progress expressing our concerns about H.R. 3962, The Securing and Enabling Commerce Using Remote and Electronic Notarization Act of 2021 or SECURE Notarization Act....

April 24, 2021
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EFF Challenges Surreptitious Collection of DNA at Iowa Supreme Court

EFF Challenges Surreptitious Collection of DNA at Iowa Supreme Court

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare It,Share ItThis week we learned that San Francisco Police used a woman’s own DNA—collected years earlier as part of an investigation into her sexual assault—to charge her for an unrelated property crime. What’s worse—it appears the S.F. police routinely search victims’ DNA in criminal investigations.Marking a big win for the privacy and civil liberties of immigrant communities, the Biden Administration recently a Trump-era proposed rule that would have massively expanded the collection of biometrics from people...

April 9, 2021
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EFF, ACLU and EPIC File Amicus Brief Challenging Warrantless Cell Phone Search, Retention, and Subsequent Search

EFF, ACLU and EPIC File Amicus Brief Challenging Warrantless Cell Phone Search, Retention, and Subsequent Search

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItThe scourge of stalkerware—malicious apps used by perpetrators of domestic violence to secretly spy on their victims—is not going unchallenged or unaddressed. are increasingly adding stalkerware to the list of apps their products detect on devices; victim help people figure out whether their devices are...Update: This feature is only available on certain phones running Android 12. So far we have only confirmed it is available on the Pixel 6. Last year Google quietly pushed a new feature to its Android...

March 8, 2021
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EFF Files Comment Opposing the Department of Homeland Security's Massive Expansion of Biometric Surveillance

EFF Files Comment Opposing the Department of Homeland Security's Massive Expansion of Biometric Surveillance

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItThis massive collection of biometric data—and the danger that it could be leaked—places a significant burden on First Amendment activity. By collecting and retaining biometric data like face recognition and sharing it broadly with federal, state, and local agencies, as well as with contractors and foreign governments, DHS lays the groundwork for a vast surveillance and tracking network that could impact individuals and communities for years to come. DHS could soon build a database large enough to identify and track...

October 22, 2020
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EFF Files Amicus Brief Arguing Geofence Warrants Violate the Fourth Amendment

EFF Files Amicus Brief Arguing Geofence Warrants Violate the Fourth Amendment

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItThe scourge of stalkerware—malicious apps used by perpetrators of domestic violence to secretly spy on their victims—is not going unchallenged or unaddressed. are increasingly adding stalkerware to the list of apps their products detect on devices; victim help people figure out whether their devices are...The ease with which bad actors can find a worldwide market for malicious apps that spy on people’s digital devices is at the center of an Australian Federal Police case against a man who, starting at the...

July 2, 2020
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EFF Testifies Today on Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Before Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

EFF Testifies Today on Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Before Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItThe  invited EFF to testify on law enforcement use of face recognition. The Commission, which was established via Executive Order and convened by Attorney General William Barr earlier this year, is tasked with addressing the serious issues confronting law enforcement and is made up of representatives from federal law enforcement as well as police chiefs and sheriffs from around the country.We testified orally and provided the Commission with a copy of our whitepaper, The following is our oral testimony:Thank...

April 22, 2020
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Courts Issue Rulings in Two Cases Challenging Law Enforcement Searches of License Plate Databases

Courts Issue Rulings in Two Cases Challenging Law Enforcement Searches of License Plate Databases

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItThe scourge of stalkerware—malicious apps used by perpetrators of domestic violence to secretly spy on their victims—is not going unchallenged or unaddressed. are increasingly adding stalkerware to the list of apps their products detect on devices; victim help people figure out whether their devices are...The ease with which bad actors can find a worldwide market for malicious apps that spy on people’s digital devices is at the center of an Australian Federal Police case against a man who, starting at the...

May 5, 2020
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Clearview AI—Yet Another Example of Why We Need A Ban on Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Now

Clearview AI—Yet Another Example of Why We Need A Ban on Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Now

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItBy unanimous vote, San Francisco's public records appeals body ruled last night that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) violated state and local laws when it failed to respond adequately to EFF's requests for documents about face recognition and the department's relationship with the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC),...SAN FRANCISCO – On Wednesday, June 1, at 5 p.m. PT, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will testify against the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) at...

January 31, 2020
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