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Cornell President Finally Steps Down

Cornell President Finally Steps Down

Cornell University President Martha Pollack announced she will retire on June 30 in a Thursday email sent to the campus community.Pollack wrote in the email that she began deliberating about her retirement last fall, but several events forced her to postpone the announcement. ”I am writing today to announce that this will be my last year in that role, and that I will retire on June 30. It is only after extensive reflection that I have determined that this is the right decision,” wrote Pollock. “Indeed, I began deliberating about this last fall, and made the decision over the...

May 15
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Columbia Faculty to Strike if Police Not Removed. Let Them

Columbia Faculty to Strike if Police Not Removed. Let Them

First it was Columbia University students — now “hundreds” of the school’s faculty and staff are planning to go on strike unless officers from the New York Police Department vacate the campus. The strike will be limited, however; the Columbia Spectator reports the potential strikers still will “do work that directly serves students.”This means professors won’t “withhold grades, recommendation letters, or other ‘student-serving’ work.”Those planning to strike said in a Friday press release that the NYPD “has created an unsafe work environment,” most especially for members of...

May 15
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Poll finds most college students want to ban "threatening ideas"

Poll finds most college students want to ban "threatening ideas"

A of college and university students around the country finds that a huge majority of them are in favor of “safe spaces” where they can’t be exposed to “threatening actions, ideas, or conversations.” Strangely, a majority of these same students support the Trump administration’s policy of cutting off federal funding to schools that don’t support free speech on campus. Are you confused yet? Probably, but I’m guessing you’re not nearly as confused as some of these students. Let’s see if we can . (Free Beacon)More than three-in-four college students want “safe spaces” on their campuses that...

May 5, 2020
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Famous bail opponent suddenly wants cash bail back

Famous bail opponent suddenly wants cash bail back

We’ve covered about New York’s disastrous “bail reform” law and the chain of resulting arrests that would be almost comical were it not for the number of people victimized through recidivism. Through it all, however, both New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Big Apple Mayor Bill de Blasio have stuck to their figurative guns, insisting that their efforts to “empty the jails” were of more value to the citizens than any petty concerns of people being robbed, raped or otherwise assaulted by the beneficiaries of these catch and release programs. But one of those two champions is now singing a bit...

June 6, 2020
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Judicial Watch sues DC mayor to paint their own message on city streets and I can't stop laughing

Judicial Watch sues DC mayor to paint their own message on city streets and I can't stop laughing

Back at the beginning of June, District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser to rename a public street “Black Lives Matter Plaza” and ordered those three words to be painted in huge yellow letters spanning two blocks of 16th Street NW. This was an obvious sop to the protesters and rioters who have been filling the streets of most major cities for quite some time now, as well as an opportunity to score a few quick headlines in her ongoing PR battle with Donald Trump. But in doing so, she also established a precedent of sorts. Public streets in the nation’s capital that are maintained using...

July 2, 2020
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Hmmm. Popular Mechanics offers advice on how to tear down a statue

Hmmm. Popular Mechanics offers advice on how to tear down a statue

Think of this as less of a racial unrest story and more of a curious media analysis mystery. By now you’re surely aware of the recent spate of statues being torn down by rioters exploiting the George Floyd protests. Originally, we were seeing the usual list of subjects being attacked, mostly in the form of Confederate Civil War monuments. But since then, it’s spread to everything from bronze images of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln to Spanish Conquistadors. Tearing down a sizable, heavy monument can be hard work, however, and potentially dangerous if you don’t know what you’re...

June 17, 2020
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New York Times appears to celebrate impending Taliban victory

New York Times appears to celebrate impending Taliban victory

What with the apparent “progress” of our peace talks with the Taliban and the prospect of US involvement in Afghanistan potentially coming to an end, journalists clearly feel a duty to put it all in perspective. What was the meaning of America’s longest war and what comes next? There’s a really this week, written by Mujib Mashal. He’s the Gray Lady’s senior correspondent in Afghanistan. Mashal has previously written for The Atlantic, Harper’s andTime, among other outlets.So what does Mr. Mashal think of the current state of affairs in Afghanistan? He seems to be fairly impressed with the...

May 26, 2020
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Iranians poisoning themselves faster than the virus can kill them

Iranians poisoning themselves faster than the virus can kill them

As if Iran wasn’t having enough problems during the pandemic already. They were among the slowest to respond to the novel coronavirus outbreak and they continued to allow regular flights to and from China until only recently. The percapita death toll in their nation was among the highest in the world and most average citizens couldn’t expect much help or relief from their corrupt government. And now, to top it all off, a rumor has been going around that drinking methanol (commonly known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol) can stave off the virus or even cure COVID-19. The result? from methyl...

April 28, 2020
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Cuomo hires firm with close ties to CCP to develop reopening plan

Cuomo hires firm with close ties to CCP to develop reopening plan

Earlier this week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s strategy of developing a “Trump-proof” strategy for reopening businesses in his state without letting the President take credit for it or Cuomo taking the blame over a longer shutdown and/or a resurgence of the virus, depending on how it plays out. As part of this strategy, Cuomo has hired the consultant firm McKinsey & Company to help him develop the plan.While this may not look like an unusual choice at first glance, a deeper look into McKinsey’s history makes them a very problematic option at best. It’s not that they aren’t...

April 18, 2020
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Up to 27% of Illegal Migrants Registered to Vote

Up to 27% of Illegal Migrants Registered to Vote

A new study from Just Facts builds on Electoral Studies’ 2014 paper and estimates that 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are illegally registered to vote. They estimate that this could potentially total 2 to 5 million voters. Just Facts also checks the “factcheckers,” namely Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post:Beyond portraying minimums as best estimates, Kessler also misleads his readers with a half-truth that the 2014 paper estimated “6.4 percent of noncitizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent voted in 2010.” What Kessler fails to reveal is that 2010 was a...

May 15

