Jason Kelley
Jason Kelley
Jason Kelley is a Digital Strategist on EFF’s Activism Team. Before joining EFF, Jason managed marketing strategy and content for a software company that helps non-programmers learn to code, and advertising and marketing analytics for a student loan startup. Jason received his BA in English and Philosophy from Kent State University and an M.F.A. in creative writing from The University of the South.Source
San Francisco, CA
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Deceptive Checkboxes Should Not Open Our Checkbooks

Deceptive Checkboxes Should Not Open Our Checkbooks

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItThe checkbox in question, from the New York Times April 3rd piece.A screenshot of the November 3rd, 2020 donation form from WinRed on donaldjtrump.com, which shows two pre-checked boxes: one for monthly donations, and one for an additional automatic donation of the same amount on an additional date.A screenshot of the National Republican Congressional Committee donation site (nrcc.org), from the WayBack Machine’s crawl on November 3rd, 2020.Share ItIn a victory for users, Slack has fixed its for free workspaces....

April 9, 2021
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The SAFE Tech Act Wouldn't Make the Internet Safer for Users

The SAFE Tech Act Wouldn't Make the Internet Safer for Users

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItSection 230 Protects Intermediaries That Host Speech:Section 230 Protects Users Who Create Content:Harm to Data Privacy:Increased Censorship:Unintended Burdens on a Complex Ecosystem:As it stands, the injunctive relief exception to Section 230 poses a real danger to legitimate speech. Share ItCourts and legislatures around the globe are hotly debating to what degree online intermediaries—the chain of entities that facilitate or support speech on the internet—are liable for the content they help publish. One...

February 26, 2021
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Online-Only Vaccine Distribution Will Leave Too Many Behind

Online-Only Vaccine Distribution Will Leave Too Many Behind

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItIn the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, a location data broker called Veraset offered officials in Washington, DC full access to its proprietary database of “highly sensitive” , collected from cell phones, for the entire DC metro area.The officials accepted the offer, according to ...Vaccine mandates are becoming increasingly urgent from public health officials and various governments. As they roll out, we must protect users of vaccine passports and those who do not want to use—or cannot use—a...

February 5, 2021
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For Many, the Arab Spring Isn't Over

For Many, the Arab Spring Isn't Over

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItMany governments have long seen social media as a potential threat. In the early part of the new millennium, countries across the globe were engaged in a wide variety of censorship and even wholesale restrictions to platforms, and even Internet access as a whole. As the use of social media accelerated, governments took action: Thailand blocked YouTube in 2006; Facebook was blocked in Syria in 2007; countries from Turkey to Tunisia to Iran followed suit. Within a few years, tech companies were inundated with...

January 25, 2021
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Face Surveillance and the Capitol Attack

Face Surveillance and the Capitol Attack

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItBy unanimous vote, San Francisco's public records appeals body ruled last night that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) violated state and local laws when it failed to respond adequately to EFF's requests for documents about face recognition and the department's relationship with the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC),...SAN FRANCISCO – On Wednesday, June 1, at 5 p.m. PT, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will testify against the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) at...

January 12, 2021
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ExamSoft Flags One-Third of California Bar Exam Test Takers for Cheating

ExamSoft Flags One-Third of California Bar Exam Test Takers for Cheating

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItOnline proctoring companies employ a lengthy list of dangerous monitoring and tracking techniques in an attempt to determine whether or not students are potentially cheating, many of which are and . This week, one of the more invasive techniques—the “room scan”— by a...Last year, several parents at EFF enrolled kids into daycare and were instantly told to download an application for managing their children’s care. Daycare and preschool applications frequently include notifications of feedings, diaper...

December 23, 2020
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The CASE Act Is Just the Beginning of the Next Copyright Battle

The CASE Act Is Just the Beginning of the Next Copyright Battle

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItStop us if you’ve heard these: piracy is driving artists out of business. The reason they are starving is because no one pays for things, just illegally downloads them. . These arguments are old and being to get support for rules...In response to the very real pressures that online news outlets are facing, Congress continues to believe the very flawed Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) is a magic solution. It is not. In fact, it is actively dangerous. And there’s a available....Much of what...

December 22, 2020
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A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa

A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItMany in the U.S. have spent 2020 debating the problems of content moderation on social media platforms, misinformation and disinformation, and the perceived censorship of political views. But globally, this issue has been in the spotlight for a decade. This year is the tenth anniversary of what became known as the "Arab Spring", in which activists and citizens across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) used social media to document the conditions in which they lived, to push for political...

December 17, 2020
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EFF at 30: Saving Encryption, with Technologist Bruce Schneier

EFF at 30: Saving Encryption, with Technologist Bruce Schneier

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare...

December 9, 2020
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Proctoring Tools and Dragnet Investigations Rob Students of Due Process

Proctoring Tools and Dragnet Investigations Rob Students of Due Process

Email updates on news, actions,and events in your area.DEEPLINKS BLOGShare ItShare ItOnline proctoring companies employ a lengthy list of dangerous monitoring and tracking techniques in an attempt to determine whether or not students are potentially cheating, many of which are and . This week, one of the more invasive techniques—the “room scan”— by a...Last year, several parents at EFF enrolled kids into daycare and were instantly told to download an application for managing their children’s care. Daycare and preschool applications frequently include notifications of feedings, diaper...

April 15, 2021
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