Jane Wakefield
Jane Wakefield
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Donald Trump Jr suspended from tweeting after Covid post

Donald Trump Jr suspended from tweeting after Covid post

Twitter has banned the US president's eldest son from tweeting for 12 hours.The action followed a post by Donald Trump Jr containing a video clip discussing the benefits of hydroxychloroquine.Some, including President Trump, have suggested the anti-malaria drug works as a preventative measure against coronavirus, despite medical studies that indicate the contrary.Twitter said the post had violated its Covid-19 misinformation rules.Donald Trump Jr will still be able to browse Twitter and send direct messages in the interim.Twitter told the BBC: "We are taking action in line with our...

July 28, 2020
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EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked

EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked

EasyJet has admitted that a "highly sophisticated cyber-attack" has affected approximately nine million customers.It said email addresses and travel details had been stolen and that 2,208 customers had also had their credit and debit card details "accessed".The firm has informed the UK's Information Commissioner's Office while it investigates the breach.EasyJet first became aware of the attack in January.It told the BBC that it was only able to notify customers whose credit card details were stolen in early April."This was a highly sophisticated attacker. It took time to understand the...

May 19, 2020
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Major flaw in millions of Intel chips revealed

Major flaw in millions of Intel chips revealed

A serious flaw in the design of Intel's chips will require Microsoft, Linux and Apple to update operating systems for computers around the world.It is believed to affect chips in millions of computers from the last decade.The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said it was aware of the issue and that patches were being produced. In response, Intel said the issue was not limited to its processors and that it was working on a fix."Based on analysis to date, many types of computing devices - with many different vendors' processors and operating systems - are susceptible to these...

January 4, 2018
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Facebook 'danger to public health' warns report

Facebook 'danger to public health' warns report

Health misinformation on Facebook was viewed 3.8 billion times in the past year, peaking during the Covid-19 crisis, a report suggests.Activist group Avaaz, which conducted the research, said Facebook posed a "major threat" to public health.Doctors added false claims about vaccines on the social network could limit the numbers prepared to have a Covid jab if one became available.Facebook said the findings did "not reflect the steps we've taken"In a statement the firm said: "We share Avaaz's goal of limiting misinformation. Thanks to our global network of fact-checkers, from April to June,...

August 19, 2020
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UK 4G smartphone owners may be due £480m payout

UK 4G smartphone owners may be due £480m payout

About 29 million people in the UK may be entitled to compensation of up to £30 each if a legal claim from watchdog Which? is successful.It is suing chipmaker Qualcomm, claiming it breached UK competition law by taking advantage of its dominance in the patent licensing and chip markets.Which? alleges that it charged inflated fees to manufacturers, which were then passed on to consumers in the form of higher smartphone prices.Qualcomm said the case had "no basis"."As the plaintiffs are well aware, their claims were effectively put to rest last summer by a unanimous panel of judges at the...

February 25, 2021
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Amazon faces spying claims over AI cameras in vans - BBC News

Amazon faces spying claims over AI cameras in vans - BBC News

4 February 2021Amazon has begun using AI-powered cameras in delivery vans that constantly record footage of drivers and upload any mistakes they make.The firm says it is an investment in safety but privacy campaigners described it as "surveillance".The cameras will be on all the time but will only upload footage for 16 actions, including hard braking, driver distraction and drowsiness.One person the system was even triggered by the driver yawning.The Kentucky-based driver said if someone yawns, they will be told to pull over for 15 minutes.In a statement, Amazon told the BBC: "We are...

February 4, 2021
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Malware found on laptops given out by government - BBC News

Malware found on laptops given out by government - BBC News

21 January 2021Updated 22 January 2021Some of the laptops given out in England to support vulnerable children home-schooling during lockdown contain malware, BBC News has learned.Teachers shared details on an online forum about suspicious files found on devices sent to a Bradford school.The malware, which they said appeared to be contacting Russian servers, is believed to have been found on laptops given to a handful of schools.The Department for Education said it was aware and urgently investigating.A DfE official told BBC News: "We are aware of an issue with a small number of devices. And...

January 21, 2021
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Signal: Cellebrite claimed to have 'cracked' chat app's encryption

Signal: Cellebrite claimed to have 'cracked' chat app's encryption

Israeli security firm Cellebrite has claimed that it can decrypt messages from Signal's highly secure chat and voice-call app, boasting that it could disrupt communications from "gang members, drug dealers and even protesters". detailing how it did it has .According to one cyber-security expert, the claims sounded "believable".But others, including Signal's founder, have dismissed them as being risible.The BBC has contacted Cellebrite and Signal for comment.Signal did not reply but describing Cellebrite's original post as being "pretty embarrassing".Highly encrypted apps such as Signal and...

December 22, 2020
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How artificial intelligence may be making you buy things

How artificial intelligence may be making you buy things

The shopping lists we used to scribble on the back of an envelope are increasingly already known by the supermarkets we frequent.Firstly via the loyalty cards we scan at checkouts, and more and more so from our online baskets, our shopping habits are no longer a secret.But now more retailers are using - to try to automatically predict and encourage our very specific preferences and purchases like never before. Retail consultant Daniel Burke, of Blick Rothenberg, calls this "the holy grail... to build up a profile of customers and suggest a product before they realise it is what they...

November 9, 2020
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Robot Bores: AI-powered awkward first date

Robot Bores: AI-powered awkward first date

A man with more than a passing resemblance to Mark Zuckerberg (but a bit more pumped) is having the world's most awkward first date with Kuki, a blue-haired young woman.He wears a blue baseball cap emblazoned with the words "Make Facebook Great Again". She is a little more dressed for the occasion, with green satin trousers the highlight of her outfit.They chat about politics, their favourite football teams (Liverpool for Blenderbot and Leeds United "all the way" for Kuki) and hobbies - Kuki used to collect coins but now just spends them, apparently.The man's name is Blenderbot and he isn't...

November 1, 2020
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