James Rainey
James Rainey
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California lessons from the 1918 pandemic: San Francisco dithered; Los Angeles acted and saved lives

California lessons from the 1918 pandemic: San Francisco dithered; Los Angeles acted and saved lives

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | The big, striving city on the south coast moved fairly quickly at the first signs of danger — shutting down bars, pool halls, sporting events and more. Its rival to the north waited at least a week longer to order closures, as its leaders went mask-happy, betting that their best weapon against the onrushing contagion was face coverings, and going slow on what is now referred to as “social distancing.”The two great cities charted their disparate paths in the months that followed, straining — amid rudimentary science and massive public pressure — to...

April 19, 2020
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California was impatient. Now it tops New York for most coronavirus cases

California was impatient. Now it tops New York for most coronavirus cases

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement California recorded some of the first COVID-19 cases in America and the country’s first known death, in what would become a worldwide pandemic. It responded with the nation’s initial stay-at-home order. Now, the Golden State claims another dubious distinction: more confirmed coronavirus cases than any other state.California passed New York for that record Wednesday morning, reaching more than 409,000 cases and eclipsing New York’s 408,886, according to at Johns Hopkins University.California is No. 1 in part because it is the most...

July 23, 2020
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She was known as a 'top shot.' Now an L.A. cop is at the center of a deadly shooting

She was known as a 'top shot.' Now an L.A. cop is at the center of a deadly shooting

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Just 23 years old and near the start of her life in law enforcement, Toni McBride brimmed with youthful exuberance. A slew of online videos show the Los Angeles Police Department officer blasting away at targets, with prize-winning speed and accuracy, on a gun range in the Simi Valley foothills.McBride, an officer in LAPD’s Newton Division, fired an array of shotguns, pistols and assault rifles. She cavorted and strutted, sometimes within view of Hollywood glitterati, who used the same firing range to hone the gunplay they would use...

July 17, 2020
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Trump, Congress scramble to revive virus-hunting agency that was marked for cuts

Trump, Congress scramble to revive virus-hunting agency that was marked for cuts

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement It’s an obscure U.S. government bureau with many missions, including this vital one: hunting down viral diseases like COVID-19 that spill over from animals to the human world. But in late 2019 it found itself without a permanent leader, and squarely in the Trump administration’s budget-slashing sights.That all changed with the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 20,000 Americans and more than 100,000 people across the world.Now, the Global Health Bureau, part of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has...

April 11, 2020
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A one-woman watchdog torments the far right in deep-red Northern California

A one-woman watchdog torments the far right in deep-red Northern California

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Breaking News Only halfway into the endless plague year, the most outspoken journalist in one of California’s most conservative counties had already tangled with the sheriff, the local megachurch, a rodeo operator and other characters she later pegged as “the anti-maskers, religious zealots, science-deniers, strict Constitutionalists, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, militia members and State of Jefferson believers.”Shasta County’s Doni Chamberlain took each to task in the frank and folksy column she publishes on her website, Then, in July,...

March 15, 2021
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Group affiliated with teachers union accuses Times of bias in L.A. Unified reopening coverage

Group affiliated with teachers union accuses Times of bias in L.A. Unified reopening coverage

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement A coalition of teachers, parents and community activists on Wednesday accused The Times of giving disproportionate coverage to those who want to quickly reopen Los Angeles Unified School District campuses, and short shrift to those in minority communities who urge a more deliberate approach during the coronavirus pandemic.Reclaim Our Schools L.A., a group aligned with the United Teachers Los Angeles union, released a report analyzing seven months of columns, editorials and news articles, saying the newspaper demonstrated bias in its...

March 4, 2021
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Garcetti advisor made sexually provocative gesture in photo with mayor

Garcetti advisor made sexually provocative gesture in photo with mayor

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement A photograph showing one of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s closest advisors making a sexually provocative gesture, while the mayor stands nearby, raises new questions about Garcetti’s contention that he had no knowledge of inappropriate behavior by former Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Jacobs.The picture, obtained this week by The Times, shows Jacobs placing his hand near the crotch of a civic activist as the two posed for a group photo at the U.S. Conference of Mayors convention in June 2017. Garcetti stands next to the two men, smiling and...

November 21, 2020
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Young people are driving record voting in Texas and other states

Young people are driving record voting in Texas and other states

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Like plenty of young people in Texas, 19-year-old Carissa Timpf felt compelled to vote, even if it wasn’t easy. She requested an absentee ballot to vote by mail. But the University of Houston sophomore never got it.So she plans to make the four-hour drive home to Fort Worth to cast her first vote in a national election. A good friend of hers will make the opposite journey; living in Forth Worth, she’ll drive four hours to vote at her polling place in Houston.In 2020, the hours on the road seem worth it to Timpf, emblematic of...

October 28, 2020
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Strapped for cash, Trump yanks TV ads in key states as Biden spending surges

Strapped for cash, Trump yanks TV ads in key states as Biden spending surges

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement President Trump stopped all of his television and radio advertising in three states and substantially reduced it in four others in recent weeks after his lackluster fundraising left him unable to match a surge in spending by his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.Trump’s retreat from Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire reflects his struggle to change the dynamics of a race that polls suggest he is In the six weeks since his party’s national convention, Trump’s campaign has yanked more than $17 million in ads he’d previously booked in those...

October 10, 2020
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