Jacob Crosse
Jacob Crosse
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Wisconsin Governor deploys National Guard to Kenosha after protests break out in wake of brutal police shooting

Wisconsin Governor deploys National Guard to Kenosha after protests break out in wake of brutal police shooting

ByJacob Crosse25 August 2020Protests erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin Sunday night after a still unidentified Kenosha police officer shot an unarmed African-American father of three, 29-year-old Jacob Blake, in the back seven times at point-blank range. Blake was attempting to enter his vehicle where his children, aged three, five and eight, were seated in the back.The , which has been viewed millions of times across multiple social media platforms in less than 24 hours, uncorked a geyser of social anger in Kenosha and across the country as protesters took to the streets in opposition to...

August 25, 2020
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Democratic Party leads nationwide purge of Green Party candidates from November ballots

Democratic Party leads nationwide purge of Green Party candidates from November ballots

In a series of blatantly undemocratic actions, Democratic Party state election commission members have kicked Green Party candidates off of the ballots in several states within the last week. The moves express the fear within the ruling class over the growth of social opposition and display the political gangsterism of the Democratic Party.The moves come as Democratic state governors in Michigan and California and have blocked the Socialist Equality Party’s candidates from the ballot, forcing them to gather signatures despite the coronavirus pandemic. While the SEP opposes the politics of...

August 24, 2020
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How the Obama administration ignored the pandemic threat

How the Obama administration ignored the pandemic threat

With deaths from the coronavirus pandemic surpassing 41,000 in the US, apologists for the capitalist system have sought to pin the anarchic and criminally inadequate response of the government and health care system on the singular sociopathic figure of President Donald Trump.The Trump’s administration handling of the preventable pandemic has been reprehensible, but a review of the record of the Obama-Biden administration in dealing with deadly viruses such as H1N1, Ebola and Zika makes clear that the political responsibility for the death and suffering growing by leaps and bounds today is...

April 21, 2020
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US House overwhelmingly passes $484 billion “relief” package, refilling corporate slush fund

US House overwhelmingly passes $484 billion “relief” package, refilling corporate slush fund

Following Tuesday’s unanimous consent vote in the Senate, lawmakers of both big business parties in the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the “Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act” on Thursday.Taking every precaution to assure their personal safety and well-being, as opposed to the absence of such precautions for hospital workers, Amazon workers, transit workers, grocery workers and those being sent back into the auto plants, the Democrats and Republicans came together in the House chamber and voted 388-5, with one abstention, to send the approved bill to...

April 24, 2020
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Trump blocks federal funeral aid to families of COVID-19 victims

Trump blocks federal funeral aid to families of COVID-19 victims

Demonstrating that there is no expense the criminal oligarchy will not foist onto the back of the working class, President Donald Trump has barred the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from using any of the $45 billion Congress appropriated to the agency through the CARES Act to help families and relatives pay for funerals costs incurred due to COVID-19.While an ocean of new funds have been made available to the agency, an April 28 White House memorandum directed to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Administrator of FEMA, sharply curtailed how the funds could be...

May 2, 2020
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