Jack Shafer
Jack Shafer
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Opinion | Bret Stephens and the Perils of the Tapped-Out Column

Opinion | Bret Stephens and the Perils of the Tapped-Out Column

What happens when you give someone a lot of leash, and they have nowhere to run with it?Spencer Platt/Getty ImagesNew York Times columnist Bret Stephens ambushed and gravely wounded his own career on the evening of Dec. 27 when his about—bear with me here—the alleged superior intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews went live on the Times website.As Twitter fury rose to smite Stephens for his “The Secrets of Jewish Genius” column and tilted hard against him, his editors attempted some post-publication damage control. They went back into his column and simply deleted the most provoking passages from...

January 5, 2020
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Opinion | On Vaccine Passports, Maybe Ron DeSantis Has a Point

Opinion | On Vaccine Passports, Maybe Ron DeSantis Has a Point

Why Biden—and Americans—should think twice before blessing a new form of national ID.AP PhotoFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis set up the nation’s first vaccine passport face-off early this month when he put out an that state and local government from issuing proof-of-vaccination documents, and prohibits governments, businesses and public venues from demanding proof of Covid-19 vaccination from individuals. The DeSantis order, which went into effect , put his administration on a collision course with both a South Beach and the NBA’s , both of which intend to inspect Covid-19 vaccination records at...

April 8, 2021
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Opinion | Expelling Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Just Crazy Talk

Opinion | Expelling Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Just Crazy Talk

The most effective solution to incorrigible members of Congress is censure. And then let the voters take it from there.AP PhotoNowhere in the Constitution—and this is excellent news for freshly sworn-in Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)—does it stipulate that a House member must have the mental capacity to cook on all four burners.This is in keeping with the Framers’ general idea that only the lowest bars should be set for officeholders. They declined to cordon off Congress with credential and qualification roadblocks, stating in Article I, section 2, clause 2 that House members be 25...

January 30, 2021
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Opinion | How About a Little Sobriety, Please?

Opinion | How About a Little Sobriety, Please?

At a time when large portions of the country think mainstream media is a tool of the left, perhaps it’s time to tone down the Biden adulation.AP Photo/Alex BrandonWashington’s public works department should have built an emergency system of drainage ditches, culverts and tunnels to divert into the Potomac River the torrents of praise, approval and adoration the press poured down on President Joe Biden on Inauguration Day. At one point in the early evening, citizens living in low-lying portions of the city were at risk of drowning in the flash flood of commendations that flowed during the...

January 21, 2021
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Opinion | Television’s Trumpiest New Show

Opinion | Television’s Trumpiest New Show

Sebastian Gorka’s new 'Reality Check' proves that propaganda makes lousy TV.Sebastian Gorka | Photo by Alex Wong/Getty ImagesAlmost nobody tuned into the first episode of Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s new talk show on Newsmax, , with high expectations.Since Donald Trump’s defeat, there’s been a TV land rush to capture as much of the Trump base as possible and turn its Trumpian grievances and nostalgia for the past four years into a reliable viewership. In December, Newsmax executed the formula so well that it the dominant Fox News Channel as the center of the Trump media universe, inspiring...

April 12, 2021
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Opinion | Are Trumpworld and Fox News Headed for a Messy Divorce?

Opinion | Are Trumpworld and Fox News Headed for a Messy Divorce?

The dirty secret of their romance was that it was always a marriage of convenience.A large Fox News advertisement stands near Penn Station in New York City, March 7, 2019. | Drew Angerer/Getty ImagesNot all marriages of convenience end up in divorce court, but when they do, it’s easy pickings to find the forensic evidence that doom awaited the relationship.And so it is this week, as President Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Channel all but finalized their own conscious uncoupling, that we can see that the two weren’t really falling apart as they were never really together.It’s...

November 6, 2020
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Opinion | Trump’s War on The New York Times Hits the Classroom

Opinion | Trump’s War on The New York Times Hits the Classroom

A president who lives in the moment discovers that history can be a great place to pick a fight.President Donald Trump speaks to the White House conference on American History at the National Archives museum, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020, in Washington. | AP Photo/Alex BrandonOn Thursday, President Donald Trump visited the National Archives Museum—that tabernacle of American history that houses the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights—to deliver a morose and angry attacking what he calls the left-wing indoctrination of American students. His speech didn’t so much...

September 18, 2020
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Why 2019 Could Be Marijuana’s Biggest Year Yet

Why 2019 Could Be Marijuana’s Biggest Year Yet

On Nov. 7, the day after Democrats seized control of the House with what would become a 40-seat swing, President Donald Trump fired his attorney general, Jeff Sessions. That day, at his home in California, Smoke Wallin saw his phone blow up with congratulatory calls from friends and associates celebrating the political demise of the nation’s top law enforcement officer. Sessions had spent good parts of the preceding two years looming over a booming industry that is caught between a tidal wave of popularity at the state level and an implacable wall of illegality in Washington. Wallin, the...

February 8, 2019
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Opinion | Who’s Afraid of the 800-pound Gorilla?

Opinion | Who’s Afraid of the 800-pound Gorilla?

Everyone, it seems. But there’s no logical reason why Donald Trump, a newly minted loser, should be considered the frontrunner for the 2024 nomination.AP Photo/Evan VucciDonald Trump’s with another run for the presidency has elicited a gusher of commentary from politicians and the press claiming that he has “frozen the field” for 2024, silencing would-be contenders who dare not lay the groundwork for their own candidacies because they fear his retaliation.“Trump blocks out the sun on all of the other prospective candidates,” former Mitt Romney adviser Kevin Madden asserted recently in a...

December 9, 2020
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