Isaac Chotiner
Isaac Chotiner
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Bret Easton Ellis Thinks You’re Overreacting to Donald Trump

Bret Easton Ellis Thinks You’re Overreacting to Donald Trump

“When did people start identifying so relentlessly with victims, and when did the victim’s world view become the lens through which we began to look at everything?” So begins Bret Easton Ellis’s take on, of all things, Barry Jenkins’s film “Moonlight,” which he describes as “an elegy to pain.” Ellis’s first work of nonfiction, “,” is an interlocking set of essays on America in 2019, combining memoir, social commentary, and criticism; more specifically, it’s a sustained howl of displeasure aimed at liberal hand-wringers, people obsessively concerned with racism, and everyone who is not over...

April 11, 2019
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The Influence of the Anti-Vaccine Movement

The Influence of the Anti-Vaccine Movement

This week, Americans began COVID-19 vaccines, with the hope that by the middle of next year a pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than three hunded thousand Americans will be brought under control. Misinformation about the virus has been a staple of both the Trump Administration’s messaging and much of the junk science found on the Internet. Now, that misinformation will intersect with an American public that is already somewhat skeptical about , potentially imperilling the effort to get a sufficient number of Americans vaccinated. (The Times on Wednesday that many of the people...

December 18, 2020
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The Importance of the Post Office to American Democracy

The Importance of the Post Office to American Democracy

This November, record numbers of people are expected to vote by mail, in large part because of the . But a new Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, recently made major cuts to the Postal Service, raising fears that Republicans are trying to defund the Post Office, delay deliveries, and cause late-arriving ballots to go uncounted in November. The Postal Service, which was experiencing delays even before the latest cuts, recently warned forty-six states that it may not be able to deliver ballots in time for them to be counted. And, last Thursday, in an interview on Fox Business Network, said...

August 17, 2020
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How to Counter Trump’s Attempt to Manipulate the Election and the Census

How to Counter Trump’s Attempt to Manipulate the Election and the Census

With the showing no signs of abating before November 3rd, Democrats and civil-rights groups are increasingly concerned that a slew of new mail-in voters will overwhelm states, leading to delayed counts and large numbers of rejected ballots. They are particularly about the role of the U.S. Postal Service. In May, the Republican-majority Postal Service Board of Governors appointed a new Postmaster General, a Trump campaign donor named Louis DeJoy, who made operational changes that appear to have led to slowed delivery. Meanwhile, the President has repeatedly attacked the reliability of...

August 9, 2020
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How a Historian Uncovered Ronald Reagan’s Racist Remarks to Richard Nixon

How a Historian Uncovered Ronald Reagan’s Racist Remarks to Richard Nixon

On Tuesday, the historian Tim Naftali the text and audio of a taped call between Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon from October, 1971. Reagan, who was then the governor of California, gave his opinion of the African delegates to the United Nations who voted against the United States’ position that Taiwan, rather than the People’s Republic of China, should receive U.N. recognition. “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Reagan exclaimed. Nixon laughed heartily and went on to tell the Secretary of State, William Rogers,...

August 2, 2019
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The Brexit Party Arrives in the European Parliament

The Brexit Party Arrives in the European Parliament

Nearly three years after the United Kingdom voted in a referendum to leave the European Union, continues to wreak havoc on British politics, and the country remains a member state of the bloc. Last week, Prime Minister announced that she will resign, on June 7th, after failing to secure a deal with Europe around the terms of British departure. A leadership contest is already under way, with —the clownish former mayor of London and former Foreign Minister—the most likely candidate. Johnson favors a “harder” Brexit than May and has even threatened to leave Europe without any sort of deal,...

May 31, 2019
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Chris Christie Has No Regrets

Chris Christie Has No Regrets

Throughout ’s Presidency, the former New Jersey governor Chris Christie has been an informal adviser to the White House. His embrace of the Trump Administration has been complicated. Christie led Trump’s White House transition team but was removed shortly after Trump won the election. A contributor to ABC News, Christie has frequently criticized Trump for errors of policy and messaging, while keeping a line open to the President, whose election and reëlection he supported. He also helped the President with debate preparation last year, and announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19...

January 9, 2021
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How Violent Protests Change Politics

How Violent Protests Change Politics

On Thursday night, thousands of people gathered in the streets of Minneapolis, and other cities across the country, to protest the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. Outside the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct, the protests turned violent, as people looted businesses, threw projectiles, and set the station house on fire; police in riot gear fired rubber bullets and sprayed tear gas at the crowds. On Friday, Derek Chauvin, the officer who killed Floyd, was taken into custody by Minnesota’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension...

May 29, 2020
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