Howie Carr
Howie Carr
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Howie Carr: Without Trump to blame, coronavirus turns the corner

Howie Carr: Without Trump to blame, coronavirus turns the corner

By | | Boston HeraldHave you noticed something missing from the home page of your local news outlet in the last couple of days?COVID-19 has gone MIA.If not quite totally vanished, the coronavirus is certainly fading from the front pages. No more apocalyptic headlines about “cases” and “infections” which usually mean … not very much.A year ago, it was the greatest threat to humankind since the Black Death. Now it’s on the verge of becoming just another seasonal virus.What could possibly have changed over the last couple of days to reduce a yearlong torrent of unhinged, fact-free hysteria to...

January 21, 2021
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Howie Carr: It’s a crime you haven’t heard about Hunter Biden’s latest

Howie Carr: It’s a crime you haven’t heard about Hunter Biden’s latest

By | | Boston HeraldI didn’t think the Democrats were planning to dismantle the First Amendment and end free speech until after they won the election next month.But their plans have changed, obviously.Which means that this treasure trove of Hunter Biden emails (leavened with some amateur porn and photos of Hunter passed out next to his crack pipe) must really be a “bombshell.”How big is this scandal if Big Tech has to try to shut down all transmission of the damning stories about the favored candidate of both Silicon Valley and Communist China (but I repeat myself)?It’s so criminal that...

October 15, 2020
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Will Sleepy Joe wake up before Thursday’s debate kicks off?

Will Sleepy Joe wake up before Thursday’s debate kicks off?

By | | Boston HeraldDementia Joe Biden is taking a slide this week until Thursday night’s final two-on-one-is-Democrat-fun debate against President Donald J. Trump.Joe’s exhausted, after enduring the hard-hitting questions to which he has become accustomed, most recently as he left an ice cream shop in Durham, N.C., Sunday holding a milkshake.“Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden!” the crack scribe asked. “What flavor did you get?”“One vanilla and one chocolate,” Biden said forthrightly.Then a real reporter tried to ask Biden about the FBI grabbing the laptop of his crackhead son Hunter Biden, but Joe just...

October 20, 2020
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Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family

Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family

By | | Boston Herald“I have no response.”That was Dementia Joe Biden’s response Friday when he was finally asked about the devastating expose of his son Hunter’s emails and so much more.Those revelations included the crack-addled Hunter whining to one of his daughters that he has to pay 50% of all the cash he collects to “Pop,” and that as part of a shady Chinese deal, the so-called “remuneration package” would include “10 held by H for the Big Guy.”“I have no response,” the Big Guy told a CBS reporter. “It’s another smear campaign, right up your alley.”But he didn’t deny it. Biden — or...

October 17, 2020
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Howie Carr: Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline

Howie Carr: Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline

By | | Boston HeraldGet well soon, Mr. President!But with President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.So while Trump is recuperating, let us consider some of Joe’s recent Greatest Hits. Since it’s the big story of the weekend, let’s...

October 3, 2020
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Time for cancel culture to ditch the Kennedys

Time for cancel culture to ditch the Kennedys

By | | Boston HeraldIf Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Columbus no longer pass woke muster in Boston, then it’s time for the Kennedys to go.And everything with their names plastered on it — the JFK Library and JFK federal building, his statue at the State House, the Kennedy School of Government across the river, the Rose Kennedy Greenway, the Edward M. Kennedy Whatever They Call It, etc.Everything must go!Profiles in Courage? The Kennedys were more like Profiles in Caucasity, as that woke Harvard gal said this week before she too got canceled.Let’s start with President Kennedy. Just for...

July 4, 2020
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Sleepy Joe Biden comes out of the basement

Sleepy Joe Biden comes out of the basement

By | | Boston HeraldPunxsutawney Joe Biden emerged from the basement Monday and saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of gaffeapalooza, at least.It was Memorial Day, so Joe shakily climbed the steps out of his cellar, 72 hours after his disastrous “you-ain’t-black” turn.Given his Friday fiasco, Joe was in a very contrite, mournful mood.That was why he wore a black mask. So did his wife, “Dr.” Jill, whom he has occasionally mistaken for his sister, and vice versa. After placing a wreath at a nearby veterans’ park in Wilmington, Biden intoned:“Never forget the sacrifices these men and...

May 25, 2020
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