Harry Stevens
Harry Stevens
Climate Lab columnist @washingtonpost Data, maps and curiosity about climate change 📩 Email me + check my work: harry.stevens@washpost.comSource
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Analysis | Watch how carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, day by day

Analysis | Watch how carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, day by day

I like to think the French physicist Joseph Fourier appreciated the irony that he, of all people, was the one who discovered the greenhouse effect. Here was a man who kept his Paris apartment tropically hot, who wrapped himself in blankets and wore an overcoat even in summer — a man who, in short, usually felt cold. Yet his calculations showed that Earth was in fact far warmer than it ought to be.It was the 1820s. Fourier, in his fifties and already a renowned scientist, decided to estimate the Earth’s temperature purely from scientific principles. He took the amount of sunlight that warms...

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Where votes are still being counted

Where votes are still being counted

Actual votesExpectedPercentPercentage of votes counted in each countyLoading data... on a county to see details.After days of uncertainty, Joe Biden has become the president-elect of the United States. In a year with record-breaking turnout, there are still millions of votes left to be counted.[]Those outstanding votes are not projected to change the allocation of electoral college votes or allow President Trump to overtake the former Vice President. Control of the Senate and the party composition of the House, however, remain in the balance.It for ballots to be counted for days after the...

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Impeachment trial threatens Biden’s already-delayed Cabinet picks amid mounting challenges

Impeachment trial threatens Biden’s already-delayed Cabinet picks amid mounting challenges

The forthcoming Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, set to begin as early as this week, threatens to delay hearings for President-elect Joe Biden’s top political appointees, further upsetting a transition already beset by extraordinary delays and facing generational challenges.Even the Trump administration, which took , had its defense and homeland security secretaries confirmed on Inauguration Day. And President Trump’s five immediate predecessors had at least five Cabinet heads in place within a week of inauguration.Delayed confirmation hearings could force the incoming...

January 19, 2021
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How Georgia became a swing state for the first time in decades

How Georgia became a swing state for the first time in decades

Add to list On my list If President-elect Joe Biden’s razor-thin lead in Georgia holds, 2020 will become the first year since 1992 that a Democrat wins the state. Georgia’s reemergence as a battleground marks a major shift in its political landscape that would have seemed almost inconceivable even four years ago. Biden leads President Trump by about 10,000 votes out of 5 million cast, and Georgia state officials said Friday that such a narrow margin . Yet even if a recount does reverse the result, the state has returned to the ranks of the competitive, its leftward shift propelled by a...

November 8, 2020
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