Fact-checkers are already fighting the spread of falsehoods from Telegram
Fact-checkers in Ukraine, Germany and India were already contending with the spread of mis- and disinformation on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. Then the app’s popularity got a huge boost in early 2021 following the deplatforming of former U.S. President Donald Trump, and the proliferation of misinformation about rival messaging platform WhatsApp’s changing terms of service In Germany, fact-checking organization uncovered a campaign organized by a network of roughly 650 Telegram groups spread across the country. The members of these groups printed and distributed to people’s...…Fact-checkers in Ukraine, Germany and India were already contending with the spread of mis- and disinformation on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. Then the app’s popularity got a huge boost in early 2021 following the deplatforming of former U.S. President Donald Trump, and the proliferation of misinformation about rival messaging platform WhatsApp’s changing terms of service In Germany, fact-checking organization uncovered a campaign organized by a network of roughly 650 Telegram groups spread across the country. The members of these groups printed and distributed to people’s...WW…
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