Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
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Police scolded for defending woman from transphobes who called her a man

Police scolded for defending woman from transphobes who called her a man

NEWS... BUT NOT AS YOU KNOW ITA police force has been forced to say sorry after becoming involved in a transgender row on social media.Sussex Police was accused of ‘playing identity and denying biology’ by the Home Secretary after calling out a Twitter user’s ‘hateful comments’ against a jailed trans woman.Sally Ann Dixon was sent to prison for 20 years after being convicted of historic sex offences against five girls and two boys before she had transitioned.Sussex Police had insisted it would not ‘tolerate any hateful comments’ about gender identity ‘regardless of crimes committed’ in...

September 28, 2022
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Asian hornets spotted in Essex with people warned to be vigilant

Asian hornets spotted in Essex with people warned to be vigilant

NEWS... BUT NOT AS YOU KNOW ITThe environment department has warned that Asian hornets have been sighted in the UK.The insect is smaller than native hornets and poses no greater risk to human health than them, according to Defra.But beekeepers are being urged to remain vigilant in the Rayleigh area of Essex since honey bees are at significant risk from the invasive species.The National Bee Unit has confirmed the sighting and monitoring is underway to detect further Asian hornets nearby.Defra says work is ongoing to monitor their activity and identify any nests nearby – and it is understood...

September 28, 2022
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Long Covid 'could cost UK around £2,500,000,000 a year'

Long Covid 'could cost UK around £2,500,000,000 a year'

The MP leading an investigation into coronavirus fears long Covid could cost the UK around £2.5 billion a year. Layla Moran believes the emerging crisis is comparable to the impact rheumatoid arthritis has on the health service, with hundreds of thousands of people expected to be dealing with the condition for months. The ONS says around one in ten people who test positive will go on to develop long Covid, a catch all term to describe a host of ongoing symptoms in coronavirus patients. More than 1.7 million Covid-19 infections have been reported since Christmas Day in the...

February 10, 2021
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Pfizer's Covid vaccine heading to UK by end of year is 95% effective

Pfizer's Covid vaccine heading to UK by end of year is 95% effective

Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine is more effective than initially thought, the company says.It has also passed a number of safety tests allowing it to meet the criteria needed for emergency authorisation – meaning it could be rolled out this year.Having previously said its candidate was 90% effective, the pharmaceutical giant has now revised that figure to 95% – bringing it virtually level with the Moderna vaccine, which also announced early data on its jab in recent days. Pfizer’s interim results last week provoked an outpouring of relief and joy from medical experts, who said the news could...

November 18, 2020
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'Life back to normal by spring after vaccine discovery', expert says

'Life back to normal by spring after vaccine discovery', expert says

A medicine expert has claimed Brits can look forward to a return to normal life ‘by spring’, after a major vaccine breakthrough.In comments that will come as a massive relief amid the coronavirus crisis, Sir John Bell said that other vaccines were now likely to become available in the near future.‘I am really delighted with this result – it shows that you can make a vaccine against this little critter. 90% is an amazing level of efficacy,’ he told BBC Radio 4’s The World at One.Asked if people could look forward to a return to normal life by the spring, Sir John, who advises the...

November 9, 2020
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'Super Daddy' pigs, goats and cattle could help combat global food shortages

'Super Daddy' pigs, goats and cattle could help combat global food shortages

Scientists have created ‘super Daddy’ animals that can be ‘surrogate sires’ and potentially combat global food problems.A US-UK team say they have ‘proof in principle’ that male pigs, goats and cattle can produce sperm carrying only the genetic traits of donor animals.Scientists say the development could speed up the spread of desirable characteristics in livestock and improve food production.Jon Oatley, a reproductive biologist with Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, explained: ‘With this technology, we can get better dissemination of desirable traits and improve...

September 15, 2020
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Climate change could unlock Ice Age bugs that spark the world's next pandemic

Climate change could unlock Ice Age bugs that spark the world's next pandemic

A world expert on diseases is warning that frozen ‘ancient microbes’ are a danger to humanity, as rising temperatures thaw the Arctic. Dr Dennis Carroll – who appears in the documentary Pandemic – said we should be ‘should be exceedingly cautious about underestimating the potential threats’ that reborn germs could pose. Speaking exclusively to Metro.co.uk, Dr Carroll – dubbed ‘the man who saw the pandemic coming’ – also warned that diseases spread from wildlife should also be seen as a global health concern following the outbreak.His intervention comes as scientists today published ....

May 7, 2020
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Wildfires rage across the UK as country continues to bake

Wildfires rage across the UK as country continues to bake

Wildfires raged around beauty spots across the country yesterday as temperatures continued to soar. Firefighters in Scotland, Surrey and Lancashire were tackling ‘significant’ blazes yesterday after warning that scarce rainfall and dry vegetation would provide ‘all of the ingredients’ for wildfires to spread.It comes as one of the country’s driest ever May’s came to an end, in one of the sunniest springs on record. Temperatures reached highs of 28C yesterday – far higher than the average for the time of year, the Met Office said. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) began...

May 31, 2020
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