Hannah Sparks
Hannah Sparks
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Oprah labeled a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ since she’s so rich

Oprah labeled a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ since she’s so rich

Twitter critics have a billion-dollar bone to pick with Oprah Winfrey.The 66-year-old media mogul has been labeled a hypocritical “fraud” following the latest installment of her Apple TV+ series, “The Oprah Conversation,” featuring .Acho, 29, who also hosts the web series “Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man,” joined Winfrey for a two-part episode, which included a segment inviting non-black viewers to ask difficult questions about racism and white privilege.“Not all white people have power,” said one guest. “There’s plenty of poor, working-class white people. But I think that when...

August 5, 2020
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Newspaper delivery man got groceries for seniors over 900 times during pandemic

Newspaper delivery man got groceries for seniors over 900 times during pandemic

A man who has delivered newspapers to the same New Jersey community for 25 years has added grocery orders to his route.Greg Dailey, 50, received a call in March from one of the many elderly residents of East Windsor, asking if he could bring the paper closer to to the ailing woman’s door.The “shy guy” was more than prepared to oblige. A few days later, during a personal run to ShopRite, he called her back.“My thought process was that if she’s struggling to get the newspaper from the sidewalk, how is she getting anything else done?” . Dailey then offered to bring groceries to the 88-year-old...

July 30, 2020
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Morbid ‘boomer remover’ coronavirus meme only makes millennials seem more awful

Morbid ‘boomer remover’ coronavirus meme only makes millennials seem more awful

There’s a morbid — and chillingly astute — new slang term for the : boomer remover.Spawned in the , the nihilistic catchphrase has gained traction on all social media platforms, especially among savvy millennials who picked up on the fact that the COVID-19 virus seems to take aim at baby boomers, or those aged between 55 and 75.And despite the fact that nearly 40% of coronavirus-related hospitalizations in the US have occurred in patients younger than 54, , the disease is hitting older adults much harder: 80% of deaths associated with the illness were among those 65 and older.Hence, “boomer...

March 19, 2020
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Doctors pull 1.5-inch worm from woman’s tonsils after she ate sashimi

Doctors pull 1.5-inch worm from woman’s tonsils after she ate sashimi

Raw fish strikes again.Sushi, poke and other similar dishes have food group, where even the most prized cuts can come with an unwelcome garnish: parasites.By nature of their uncooked preparation, parasites that call many fish home can survive even while the fish is out of water and long-dead. Sometimes just a few millimeters long, these worms can go unnoticed on the plate, and later wreak havoc on your insides.On July 8, doctors in Tokyo reported the case of an anonymous 25-year-old woman who was admitted to St. Luke’s International Hospital over a sore throat earlier this year. A simple...

July 10, 2020
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Greta Thunberg added to CNN’s expert coronavirus panel, Twitter erupts

Greta Thunberg added to CNN’s expert coronavirus panel, Twitter erupts

An upcoming CNN town hall on the will feature 17-year-old Greta Thunberg alongside a panel of medical experts.The program, “Coronavirus Facts and Fears,” also includes CNN broadcaster Sanjay Gupta, 50, former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, 71, and former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Richard Besser, 60. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, 52, will host alongside Gupta.However, social media watchdogs are foaming at the mouth over the choice to place a teen climate activist on a panel with public health experts.“What place does Greta Thunberg have in this...

May 13, 2020
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‘Miserable’ man tattoos entire body blue to feel confident

‘Miserable’ man tattoos entire body blue to feel confident

A man who tattooed his entire body in blue ink has a simple reason for giving himself a Smurf-like tinge.“To be honest, I just like the look of it,” said Donnie Snider, a former forklift driver from Canada. “I thought it would be neat.”It has taken just three years for Snider to transform himself into a jewelry-making, bus-dwelling blue dude. In 2017, Snider — who lives in Scarborough, Ontario — asked his sister to ink a portion of his leg and foot with a bright turquoise hue.The rest, he told Jam Press, is history.“It’s like living life in strange-mode,” said the 26-year-old. “It’s...

March 10, 2020
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A ‘terror crocodile’ with teeth the ‘size of bananas’ once roamed the US: study

A ‘terror crocodile’ with teeth the ‘size of bananas’ once roamed the US: study

To borrow a , these prehistoric crocs got “dumps like a truck.”Paleontologists are revealing new details about an ancient reptile described as having been the size of a city bus — growing up to 33 feet in length — and possessing teeth “the size of bananas.”Species of the Deinosuchus genus, which literally means “terror crocodile,” , once roamed the United States. During the Deinosuchus’ reign between 75 million and 82 million years ago, the country was split by the Western Interior Seaway, an ocean that once covered many Southern and Midwestern states, as well as parts of central Canada and...

August 11, 2020
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Pentagon develops implant that could help detect COVID under your skin

Pentagon develops implant that could help detect COVID under your skin

Medical researchers at the Pentagon have created a microsensor implant that may eventually detect COVID-19 when inserted under the skin.Relax, conspiracy theorists — they’re not being disseminated via vaccines.The revolutionary subdermal technology was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which operates under the Pentagon umbrella, according to Sunday night’s The top-secret unit was launched during the Cold War to study emerging technologies for military use — among them, innovations to defend soldiers from biological weapons.Dr. Matt Hepburn, an infectious...

April 12, 2021
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Steak-umm’s Twitter beef with Neil deGrasse Tyson: ‘Log off bro’

Steak-umm’s Twitter beef with Neil deGrasse Tyson: ‘Log off bro’

Who will win in the battle between science and steak?Steak-umm, the brand that specializes in frozen beef and hot takes, is coming for Neil deGrasse Tyson — again, this time calling out the celebrity-scientist for inciting “skepticism” among science-deniers.In 2018, their brief beef started and ended when the Twitter account for , “who cares,” following a random factoid . The fun fact revealed that the “thirteen letters of ‘eleven plus two,’ when rearranged, also spells ‘twelve plus one,’ ” all of which amounts to the number 13.Despite more than 76,000 likes on the anagram, Steak-umm was...

April 14, 2021
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Scientists want to send 6.7M sperm samples to the moon

Scientists want to send 6.7M sperm samples to the moon

Scientists have begun to lay plans for repopulation, starting with a sperm bank — on the moon.In what they’re calling a “modern global insurance policy,” mechanical engineers have proposed that humans establish a repository of reproductive cells — sperm and ova — from 6.7 million of Earth’s species, including humans.And the proposed bank, or “ark,” would be beneath the moon’s surface.As our planet faces natural disasters, drought, asteroids and the potential for nuclear war — to name a few troubles — scientists say that humans must set their sights on space travel to preserve life as we...

March 11, 2021
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