Guy Benson
Guy Benson
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Watch: Stacey Abrams' Incoherent, Radical Answer on Abortion

Watch: Stacey Abrams' Incoherent, Radical Answer on Abortion

Georgia's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams appeared on Fox News Sunday, where she was pressed on a number of subjects.  Abrams is trailing in the polls, and appears to be on track to lose to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp -- again.  In 2018, Abrams lost by more than 50,000 votes, but has spent the last four years enriching herself and raising her national profile by claiming that result was illegitimate.  This made her a star within her party, which pretends to otherwise horrified by election trutherism, with numerous top Democratic officials indulging and affirming...

October 10, 2022
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Another Overwhelmed 'Sanctuary' Democrat Says It's Time to Enforce the Border

Another Overwhelmed 'Sanctuary' Democrat Says It's Time to Enforce the Border

Biden's Unhinged Dog That Was Biting Everyone Is Removed From the White HouseHouse GOP Settling on a New Speaker Won't Be Wrapped Up QuicklyBiden: About That Whole No More Border Wall Thing...If Republicans Want to Lead, They Have to Prove They CanWith the House in Chaos, Biden Decided to Sneak a Student Debt Initiative...Hey, Mitch, Are You Sure You Want to Weigh In on McCarthy's Ouster?Guess Who Attended a Dinner to 'Celebrate' Karine Jean-PierreThe Menendez Saga Just Got Even WorseHow These Republican Senators Are Forcing Schumer to Prioritize Funding Gov't, Avoiding Om...If These Kids...

Oct 5
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Abandon Ship: Dems Going Wobbly on Norms-Shattering Court Packing Scheme?

Abandon Ship: Dems Going Wobbly on Norms-Shattering Court Packing Scheme?

| |Posted: Apr 23, 2021 12:01 PMWhy, it's only a terrible, republic-destabilizing, radical scheme that's strongly opposed by voters so strongly that approve of it.  Why wouldn't Democrats want to dive headlong into that debate, especially when they clearly don't have the votes to even come close to passing it?  Chuck Schumer warned that "everything" would be "on the table" under a Democratic majority, but it looks like some of his rank-and-file members are awfully nervous about this issue.  As , in addition to being wildly unpopular, court-packing is a powerfully...

April 23, 2021
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Reports: Democratic Leadership Whipped Votes Hard to Protect Maxine Waters from Censure

Reports: Democratic Leadership Whipped Votes Hard to Protect Maxine Waters from Censure

| |Posted: Apr 21, 2021 10:25 AMHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi's position in the news cycle took – shall we say – a turn Tuesday evening when she decided to react to the Derek Chauvin verdict by...thanking George Floyd for his "sacrifice." Minneapolis' Democratic Mayor on tone-deafness but fell just short. Pelosi will no doubt attempt to make amends by pushing for a partisan police reform bill, having a Black senator who introduced reasonable legislation on that front last year of being complicit in Floyd's murder, as her Senate colleagues filibustered even debating that bill. No word on...

April 21, 2021
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Woke and Broke: Despite the Company's Posturing, Portland Rioters Destroy Nike Store

Woke and Broke: Despite the Company's Posturing, Portland Rioters Destroy Nike Store

| |Posted: Apr 19, 2021 1:06 PMThe hits keep coming for Nike, literally and figuratively. Last week, how the sneaker giant had sparked a backlash among Chinese consumers, in spite of the company's appalling pandering to the regime, on both Hong Kong and egregious human rights abuses in Xinjiang. The CCP's subjects are instead flocking to "patriotic" Chinese brands who are celebrating the forced labor of minorities.Similarly, here at home, despite Nike's aggressive woke preening – including paying out hefty to agitator Colin Kaepernick and other groups – rioters the company's store in...

April 19, 2021
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NYT on Vaccines: How Trump Got It Right, and Europe Fell Far Behind

NYT on Vaccines: How Trump Got It Right, and Europe Fell Far Behind

| |Posted: Mar 22, 2021 1:05 PMIn a published over the weekend, the New York Times chronicles some important lessons from the ongoing Coronavirus vaccine distribution saga.  The Washington Examiner's  the findings with three take-aways: First, "Trump's leadership on vaccine was vastly better than anyone in Europe."  Second, "when it came to a vaccine, Britain was smart to leave the EU."  Third, elite opinion was "dreadfully wrong" on both counts.  The piece begins with a vignette of President Trump fielding calls from European leaders desperate for advice...

March 22, 2021
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Iowa Congresswoman: House Democrats Have Begun the Process of Stealing the Seat I Won

Iowa Congresswoman: House Democrats Have Begun the Process of Stealing the Seat I Won

| |Posted: Mar 18, 2021 1:05 PMWe the electoral saga in Iowa's Second Congressional District rather closely, as Democrats pondered whether they'd won by Mariannette Miller-Meeks.  The votes were counted, re-counted, then unanimously certified by a bipartisan panel.  Miller-Meeks prevailed by six votes, out of hundreds of thousands cast in the district.  Under the laws of the state of Iowa, based on the choices of IA-02 voters, she was the victor, and Democrat Rita Hart was the loser.  Rather than challenge the result in Hawkeye State courts, Hart chose to take her...

March 18, 2021
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Florida Democrats Wonder: Did Ron DeSantis Actually Get COVID Right?

Florida Democrats Wonder: Did Ron DeSantis Actually Get COVID Right?

| |Posted: Mar 16, 2021 10:35 AMA coda to yesterday's post about the recent Associated Press story the divergent pandemic mitigation efforts of California and Florida, which took starkly different policy paths on restrictions, then ended up in nearly the exact same place on COVID -- and distinctly different places on the economy and other key measures.  Despite "almost identical" health outcomes, per the AP, California has destroyed far more jobs and businesses, with unemployment jumping sharply, and in-person classroom instruction is in the nation.  Florida has been far more...

March 16, 2021
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Disgrace: Massachusetts Teachers Unions Demand Additional Delays to Reopening Schools

Disgrace: Massachusetts Teachers Unions Demand Additional Delays to Reopening Schools

| |Posted: Mar 17, 2021 1:05 PMThis is a family-friendly website, so I have to be careful about how I manifest my contempt for selfish adults who continue to stand in the way of children returning to classrooms, where they belong. All across the country, have been safely attending in-person classes for months on end. The science overwhelmingly shows that open schools do not pose a public health risk to communities. Public health experts who have performed the research on this matter are not only to get schools fully open immediately, they are repeatedly sounding the alarm about the...

March 17, 2021
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Is...Virginia in Play?

Is...Virginia in Play?

The short answer to the question posed in my headline is, probably not.  Virginia has shifted leftward over recent decades, as Democrats have carried the Old Dominion in every presidential election since 2004's Bush victory.  Obama won Virginia twice -- each time by low single-digits -- then Hillary Clinton did the same in 2016,  prevailing by just over five percentage points.  Four years later, Joe Biden nearly doubled Clinton's margin, beating Donald Trump by ten points.  With progressive northern Virginia ballooning in population and influence, the Commonwealth...

May 15
