Gian Volpicelli
Gian Volpicelli
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Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales wanted to save journalism. He didn't

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales wanted to save journalism. He didn't

In 2017, Jimmy “Jimbo” Wales – the Wikipedia cofounder whose plaintive face used to haunt the free encyclopedia’s homepage during fundraising campaigns – decided to save journalism. As an avid consumer of news, The Guardian board member, and all-around internet wise man, he had noticed some alarming trends in the media industry: the advertising-based revenue model was starving online news outlets while pushing them towards clickbait sensationalism; bias and partisanship were rife, which made the general public increasingly distrustful of the media; alternative sources and outright “fake...

December 2, 2019
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The UK Is Trying to Stop Facebook's End-to-End Encryption

The UK Is Trying to Stop Facebook's End-to-End Encryption

planning a new attack on with the Home Office set to spearhead efforts designed to from further rolling out the technology to its messaging apps.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on . Home Secretary Priti Patel is planning to deliver a keynote speech at a child protection charity’s event focused on exposing the perceived ills of end-to-end encryption and asking for stricter regulation of the technology. At the same time a new report will say that technology companies need to do more to protect children online.Patel will headline an April 19 roundtable organized by the National...

April 4, 2021
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The Home Office is preparing another attack on encryption

The Home Office is preparing another attack on encryption

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .The UK is planning a new attack on end-to-end encryption, with the Home Office set to spearhead efforts designed to discourage Facebook from further rolling out the technology to its messaging apps.Home Secretary Priti Patel is planning to deliver a keynote speech at a child protection charity’s event focused on exposing the perceived ills of end-to-end encryption and asking for stricter regulation of the technology. At the same time a new report will say that technology companies need to do more to protect...

March 31, 2021
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A blockchain tweak could fix crypto’s colossal energy problem

A blockchain tweak could fix crypto’s colossal energy problem

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .You just have to doom-scroll through your Twitter feed to realise that the last few weeks have been a turbulent period in cryptocurrency. Non-fungible tokens , units of crypto purportedly acting as simulacra of digital objects ranging from digital artworks to in-video-game weapons, to tweets, to farts, have exploded in notoriety, seeping well into the mainstream. (You can hardly get more mainstream than John Cleese, or Christie’s.) Yet, digital artists who have been making a killing by piggybacking on the...

March 22, 2021
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The UK Is Trying to Stop Facebook's End-to-End Encryption

The UK Is Trying to Stop Facebook's End-to-End Encryption

planning a new attack on with the Home Office set to spearhead efforts designed to from further rolling out the technology to its messaging apps.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on . Home Secretary Priti Patel is planning to deliver a keynote speech at a child protection charity’s event focused on exposing the perceived ills of end-to-end encryption and asking for stricter regulation of the technology. At the same time a new report will say that technology companies need to do more to protect children online.Patel will headline an April 19 roundtable organized by the National...

April 4, 2021
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NFTs Boom as Collectors Shell Out to ‘Own’ Digital Art

NFTs Boom as Collectors Shell Out to ‘Own’ Digital Art

CryptoKitties. In December 2017, the dopey-looking cartoon cats, created by Canadian company Dapper Labs, debuted as tradable collectibles, like Pokémon cards for the bitcoin era. Each image was associated with a unique string of digits—a cryptocurrency “non-fungible token,” or NFT—that could be traded on the Ethereum platform as a title deed granting the holder ownership of a particular kitty.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .The trading game quickly caught on among the crypto-initiated, so much so that CryptoKitties-related transactions clogged and slowed down Ethereum. That was...

February 27, 2021
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European Football Clubs Are Turning to AI for an Assist

European Football Clubs Are Turning to AI for an Assist

ApplicationEnd UserSectorSource DataTechnology Europe’s most prestigious football clubs to trust it with their data—now, it plans to use that information to help them win more games. Founded by Serguei Beloussov, a Russian-born Singaporean serial entrepreneur with a taste for bow ties, Acronis provides data storage, backup, and cyber-protection services to businesses in over 150 countries.WIRED UKThis story originally appeared on .In the last few years, the company has landed contracts with football heavyweights including Arsenal, Manchester City, Liverpool, and Inter Milan—backing up...

June 21, 2020
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This startup is working to bring full anonymity to the internet

This startup is working to bring full anonymity to the internet

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .Dave Hrycyszyn had never used Facebook, until Facebook hired him. “At Facebook, your office login is your Facebook account,” says Hrycyszyn. “I'm probably one of the very few people who ever had to create a Facebook account in order to work at Facebook.”Hrycyszyn, a Canadian coder expert in computer security, had joined the social media behemoth in February 2019 alongside several other members of the team of Chainspace, the London-based startup he had co-founded a year earlier. Four out of five of other...

June 12, 2020
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The bitcoin elite are spending millions on collectable memes

The bitcoin elite are spending millions on collectable memes

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .It started with CryptoKitties. In December 2017, the dopey-looking cartoon cats, created by Canadian company Dapper Labs, debuted as tradable collectibles, like Pokémon cards for the bitcoin era. Each image was associated with a unique string of digits – a cryptocurrency “non-fungible token” or NFT – that could be traded on the Ethereum blockchain platform as a title deed granting the holder ownership of a particular kitty.The trading game quickly caught on among the crypto-initiated, so much so that...

February 22, 2021
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