Gene Maddaus
Gene Maddaus
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Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison

Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison

Erik Pendzich/Shutterstockhas been sentenced to 23 years in a New York State prison on charges of sexual assault and third-degree rape and will be formally registered as a sex offender. It’s the culmination of a stunning fall for a man who was one of the most influential and powerful figures in Hollywood.Before the sentencing was delivered, and said he had “deep remorse.” But he showed little contrition. In a rambling speech he also pushed back at the #MeToo movement, implying that it had gone too far, while talking up his charity work.“I am totally confused,” he said. “I think men are...

March 11, 2020
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No Rival Bids Received for Alamo Drafthouse, Clearing Way for Fortress Takeover

No Rival Bids Received for Alamo Drafthouse, Clearing Way for Fortress Takeover

A bankruptcy auction for the theater chain has been canceled, after no rival bids were received for the company.The cancelation clears the way for and to take control of the company, in a deal that also includes Alamo Drafthouse co-founder .Alamo Drafthouse Cinema on March 3, among a wave of theater chains that have gone under due to the pandemic. Studio Movie Grill and Cinemex have also declared bankruptcy, and earlier this month Pacific Theatres, which owns Arclight Theatres, announced that it would not reopen.Alamo Drafthouse went bankrupt after being unable to renegotiate $105 million...

April 26, 2021
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Weinstein Attorneys Object to Paperwork in Los Angeles Extradition

Weinstein Attorneys Object to Paperwork in Los Angeles Extradition

’s attorneys objected on Monday to the paperwork submitted to seek his extradition to face sex assault and rape charges in Los Angeles.A judge in Buffalo, N.Y., set an April 30 court date to hear the objections.Monday’s hearing was only the second time Weinstein has appeared in court since being sentenced in March 2020 to 23 years in prison. He appeared remotely from Wende Correctional Facility, the maximum security state prison where he is serving his sentence. He used a walker, but smiled while chatting with his attorneys before the hearing. He answered a few simple questions from the...

April 12, 2021
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Google Copyright Case Appears to Have Little Hollywood Impact

Google Copyright Case Appears to Have Little Hollywood Impact

Hollywood would not exist without copyright law. So when the took up what was billed as the “copyright case of the century” — the multibillion-dollar fight between and — the Hollywood trade groups rushed to the barricades.The joined with other pro-copyright organizations in support of Oracle, which accused Google of ripping off thousands of lines of Java code for its Android operating system. In an amicus brief, the MPA warned that if the court accepted Google’s “fair use” defense, and applied it to Hollywood, it could “potentially eviscerate” the ability of studios to make spinoffs and...

April 8, 2021
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Harvey Weinstein Appeals Conviction on Rape and Assault Charges

Harvey Weinstein Appeals Conviction on Rape and Assault Charges

filed an appeal on Monday of his conviction on counts of sexual assault and rape, arguing that the judge made numerous errors that resulted in a rigged trial.Weinstein’s attorney, Barry Kamins, should have excluded Juror 11, saying she could not have been impartial because she had written a novel that involved sexual exploitation by predatory older men. Kamins also argued that Justice James Burke improperly excluded testimony that could have been helpful to Weinstein.He also challenged Burke’s decision to allow three women to testify about uncharged sexual assaults involving Weinstein. Such...

April 5, 2021
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L.A. Movie Theaters Can Reopen Next Week at 25% Capacity

L.A. Movie Theaters Can Reopen Next Week at 25% Capacity

in Los Angeles will be able to reopen early next week, public health officials said Thursday. The announcement punctuates nearly a year without cinemas in the film capital of the world, and is welcome news to the exhibition industry, which has struggled over the past twelve months since COVID-19 upended daily life.The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced Thursday that theaters will be allowed to reopen at 25% capacity sometime between Monday and Wednesday of next week.Last week, movie theaters in New York City were allowed to reopen at reduced capacity.In Los Angeles,...

March 11, 2021
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Disney Keeps 80% of Streaming Revenue By Calling It 'Home Video'

Disney Keeps 80% of Streaming Revenue By Calling It 'Home Video'

For years, has been keeping 80% of the revenue from older shows that it distributes to streaming platforms, leaving only 20% to be available to stars and other profit participants.It does so by classifying the revenue as “home video.” Under a formula dating from the introduction of the VCR, Disney subtracts an 80% royalty to its in-house distributor to cover the costs of distribution.In 2017, , star of “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” challenged that practice, calling it yet another example of Hollywood accounting.In a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, Nye argued that the actual...

February 23, 2021
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Three North Koreans Indicted in Sony Pictures Hack and Financial Crimes

Three North Koreans Indicted in Sony Pictures Hack and Financial Crimes

The Department of Justice on Wednesday announced the indictment of three North Koreans who are accused of perpetrating the 2014 hack of , along with numerous other cyber intrusions and financial crimes.Arrest warrants were issued for three defendants — Jon Chang Hyok, Kim Il, and Park Jin Hyok — all of whom are believed to be in . Park was in a case unsealed in September 2018.Prosecutors , a wing of North Korean military intelligence. They allegedly carried out the cyberhack of Sony Pictures in November 2014, in retaliation for “The Interview,” the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy that...

February 17, 2021
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Movie Theaters Fear Hike in Minimum Wage: 'That Would Kill Us'

Movie Theaters Fear Hike in Minimum Wage: 'That Would Kill Us'

Battered by the pandemic and the collapse of exhibition windows, the movie theater industry now has one more thing to worry about: a hike in the minimum wage.The industry relies heavily on part-time workers who make at or near the local minimum rate. Cinema operators say that an increase to $15 an hour nationwide — which Democrats in Congress are pushing for — would make it much harder to turn a profit.“That would kill us,” said Byron Berkley, owner of Foothills Entertainment in Kilgore, Tex., where workers make $8 an hour. “We couldn’t justify raising our admission prices and concession...

February 11, 2021
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Hollywood's Great Depression: Meet the Entertainment Workers Left Jobless by the Coronavirus Pandemic

Hollywood's Great Depression: Meet the Entertainment Workers Left Jobless by the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mac Brandt was one of the lucky ones.For the past six years, he’s made a living purely from acting, appearing in television shows like “Kingdom” and “Arrested Development,” and scrounging up enough jobs to pay the bills without having to tend bar or wait tables. But life changed drastically for Brandt and much of the entertainment industry in March, when work ground to a halt as the swept across the country. Movie theaters have gone dark, soundstages have shut their doors and productions have been delayed indefinitely, leaving tens of thousands of people like Brandt jobless and forced to...

April 29, 2020
