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KERI creates a super-high-resolution nano display based on the 3D printing close to virtual reality

KERI creates a super-high-resolution nano display based on the 3D printing close to virtual reality

Companies across the world are competing fiercely to provide high-resolution displays to electronic devices such as TVs and smartphones. In particular, the virtual reality, a keyword of the 4th industrial revolution, requires a much higher resolution to improve the picture quality. A Korean research team developed a technology to produce a 'nano display' with a phenomenal resolution based on the 3D printing technique and posted the result of the study on a SCI journal, garnering much global attention.A team led by Dr. Jaeyeon Pyo and Dr. Seung Kwon Seol at Nano Hybrid Technology Research...

August 12, 2020
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New super-resolution method reveals fine details without constantly needing to zoom in

New super-resolution method reveals fine details without constantly needing to zoom in

Since the early 1930s, electron microscopy has provided unprecedented access to the alien world of the extraordinarily small, revealing intricate details that are otherwise impossible to discern with conventional light microscopy. But to achieve high resolution over a large specimen area, the energy of the electron beams needs to be cranked up, which is costly and detrimental to the specimen under observation.Texas A&M University researchers may have found a new method to improve the quality of low-resolution electron micrographs without compromising the integrity of specimen samples....

August 12, 2020
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Increase in immigration has little impact on the wages of US citizens

Increase in immigration has little impact on the wages of US citizens

A new study in Review of Economic Studies suggests that a large increase in the stock of immigrants to the United States would have little impact on the wages of native US citizens. Allowing for more high-skill immigration could be detrimental to some highly skilled workers in the country, but disproportionately beneficial to low skilled workers.The researcher involved in the study, Suphanit Piyapromdee of the economics department at University College London, quanti?ed the impact of immigration in a spatial equilibrium model. Using a framework that incorporates characteristics of workers...

August 5, 2020
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Scientists accelerate progress in preventing drug resistance in lung and pancreas cancers

Scientists accelerate progress in preventing drug resistance in lung and pancreas cancers

Scientists at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U) report today the development of new models to study molecular characteristics of tumors of the lung and pancreasScientists at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U) report today the development of new models to study molecular characteristics of tumors of the lung and pancreas that are driven by mutations in a gene named NTRK1. The findings were published today in the journal Cell Reports.In healthy bodies, NTRK1 has critical functions in the development of nerve cells, particularly...

August 4, 2020
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Dome A in Antarctica is the best site for optical astronomical observation on Earth

Dome A in Antarctica is the best site for optical astronomical observation on Earth

A research team led by Prof. SHANG Zhaohui from National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) has proved that Dome A in Antarctica is the best site for optical astronomical observation on Earth. The study was published in Nature on July 29.Seeing reflects the atmospheric turbulence that makes stars twinkle or smears star images observed by telescopes. At an observatory with good seeing, weak turbulence results in a smaller seeing value and sharper images. This is especially good for viewing faint objects. A small-aperture telescope at such a site can compete...

August 3, 2020
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Nano-sponges of solid acid transform carbon dioxide to fuel and plastic waste to chemicals

Nano-sponges of solid acid transform carbon dioxide to fuel and plastic waste to chemicals

Solid acids are amongst the most essential heterogeneous catalysts, which have the potential to replace environmentally harmful liquid acids, in some of the most important processes, such as hydrocarbon cracking, alkylation, as well as plastic waste degradation and carbon dioxide to fuel conversion.Two best known solid acids are crystalline zeolites and amorphous aluminosilicates. Although zeolites are strongly acidic, they are limited by their inherent microporosity, causing extreme diffusion limitation, whereas aluminosilicates are although mesoporous, they suffer from low acidity and...

July 31, 2020
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Engineering a carbon-negative power plant

Engineering a carbon-negative power plant

As renewable power generation increases, conventional energy sources like natural gas, coal, and nuclear power will still be required to balance the nation's energy portfolio. Traditional power plants will not, however, need to produce as much energy as they do now, leaving them to sit idle some of the time.Katherine Hornbostel, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at the University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of Engineering, and her team received $800,283 in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)...

July 29, 2020
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Quantum simulation: Particle behavior near the event horizon of block hole

Quantum simulation: Particle behavior near the event horizon of block hole

The vast universe can always arise people's infinite imagination and yearning. Black hole, as one of the most attractive heavenly bodies in the universe, are waiting to be explored and studied. However, due to the limitations of technology, human is still unable to go into the depths of universe, let alone reach the vicinity of a black hole.Fortunately, based on the equivalence between the metric of curved space-time in general relativity and the electromagnetic parameters in electromagnetic materials, the physical scientist has developed the method of transformation optics to simulate the...

July 16, 2020
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Elderly people's response to COVID-19 not as expected

Elderly people's response to COVID-19 not as expected

Survey results from 27 countries suggest that, despite their increased risk of severe illness due to COVID-19, elderly people are not more willing to isolate when asked to, and are not more compliant with several COVID-19 preventive measures. Jean-François Daoust of the University of Edinburgh, U.K., presents these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on July 2, 2020.Among those who become ill with COVID-19, older adults appear to be more likely to be hospitalized or die from the disease. Because of their increased vulnerability, one might expect that elderly people would be more...

July 2, 2020
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Digital content on track to equal half Earth's mass by 2245

Digital content on track to equal half Earth's mass by 2245

WASHINGTON, August 11, 2020 -- As we use resources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, copper, silicon and aluminum, to power massive computer farms and process digital information, our technological progress is redistributing Earth's matter from physical atoms to digital information -- the fifth state of matter, alongside liquid, solid, gas and plasma.Eventually, we will reach a point of full saturation, a period in our evolution in which digital bits will outnumber atoms on Earth, a world "mostly computer simulated and dominated by digital bits and computer code," according to an article...

August 11, 2020
