Eddie Scarry
Eddie Scarry
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The lying about Donald Trump is now completely out of control

The lying about Donald Trump is now completely out of control

Anti-Trump liberals (i.e., Democrats and the media) just have to find something — anything — wrong with the president, even if it means making it up.The perpetually not-President Hillary Clinton on Monday shared a of the White House, one lit up in a rainbow spectrum from 2015, when Barack Obama was in office, and the other appearing almost in pitch black with no lighting. “Elections matter,” tweeted Clinton.Former Obama adviser David Axelrod shared the same image of the darkened White House, calling it “perfect symbolism,” because, “if ever the country needed the occupant of the White House...

June 3, 2020
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Liberals are never scared to speak up. Why are conservatives?

Liberals are never scared to speak up. Why are conservatives?

A handful of friends and I have spoken privately about the crippling anxiety apparently only experienced by independents and right-leaners when politics comes up in a social setting. Right up until now, it was just a theory.confirms what we suspected all along: Liberals really do feel like they can spew their thoughts freely, while everyone else quivers with fear that anything they say might offend.The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, published a study this week showing that overall, 62% of people in the United States believe that the current “political climate” keeps them from...

July 25, 2020
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The media rehabilitation of Andrew Gillum has begun

The media rehabilitation of Andrew Gillum has begun

Because Andrew Gillum was one of the national media’s favorite losers in the 2018 midterms, it’s only natural that even after he was found accompanied by a male escort, they’d be eager to see him bounce back and land on his feet.The process for that began in earnest this week after Gillum, the married Democrat who lost his bid for Florida governor, posted a video on Instagram .“Andrew Gillum opens up about rehab and therapy,” read the Politico headline . The story said Gillum “opened up for the first time Monday about his experiences battling alcoholism and depression since entering...

July 22, 2020
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Save the country by quickly reopening the economy

Save the country by quickly reopening the economy

Keeping the U.S. economy will very literally destroy the country as we know it.We've taken extraordinary measures for more than a month to avoid the worst-case public health scenario, but those steps have resulted in north of an unprecedented 22 million jobless claims. We now have to recalibrate our response and address the economic devastation.Any mention of that fact is greeted by Democrats and liberals in the media as a gleeful invitation to kill a million citizens, but here are the facts: From everything we’ve seen so far, the coronavirus is statistically deadly for a minority of...

April 17, 2020
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Obama pours gasoline on another race fire by calling officer Derek Chauvin a murderer

Obama pours gasoline on another race fire by calling officer Derek Chauvin a murderer

Barack Obama is no longer president, so I guess there's no reason to expect him to be "presidential," but how about thoughtful?Obama logged on Twitter Tuesday to dump kerosene on the multiple racial bonfires taking place in Minnesota right now, that referred to the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and the "heart-wrenching murder of George Floyd."The express purpose of the trial is, in part, to determine whether Floyd was murdered, and the jury is no doubt nervous that an acquittal will inevitably ignite more widespread rioting and violence as seen all throughout 2020...

April 13, 2021
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Derek Chauvin didn't get American justice, he got social justice

Derek Chauvin didn't get American justice, he got social justice

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was , so let’s pretend for a second that, like liberals, I don’t trust the criminal justice system. Here’s how I might react: I might take to the streets to riot, maybe throw things at cops, and bash some windows. If I didn’t do that, I would instigate others to do it for me and then justify it or, at minimum, excuse it.I would do this for days, weeks, and months. I would make anyone who disagreed with me uncomfortable for doing so. I would never shut up about how unfair and unjust our criminal justice system actually is.Fortunately, for me...

April 20, 2021
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Joe Biden is the human trafficking president

Joe Biden is the human trafficking president

Just 50 days into his presidency, human trafficking and smuggling at the southern border have already gotten worse thanks to President Biden.Reuters that the Mexican government has assessed "that gangs are diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will 'incentivize migration.'"The trafficking of migrants to the United States from Mexico and Central America hoping to win asylum isn't new. The Trump administration went to great lengths to discourage it by getting those governments to disperse migrant caravans and forcing asylum-seekers to wait in...

March 11, 2021
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Ted Cruz is the pandemic super hero we needed

Ted Cruz is the pandemic super hero we needed

Each year on March 24, we should be celebrating National Ted Cruz Day.The Republican senator from Texas is my hero for doing what everyone needs to start doing, which is to tell the perpetual pandemic hysterics .At the start of , one of those mask fetishists in the press corps asked Cruz, "Would you mind putting a mask on for us?" Cruz said yes. He did mind. He wouldn't wear one while addressing the TV cameras, and in any case, Cruz and the other senators present had all been vaccinated against COVID-19.In that patronizing tone that pandemic lovers have mastered, the cameraman told Cruz...

March 26, 2021
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Is everything the Biden administration says about the border crisis a lie? Just about!

Is everything the Biden administration says about the border crisis a lie? Just about!

It would be nice if the media's affinity for "fact-checking" were still a thing. But it seems to have lost its appeal with a new president.That's too bad because fact-checking this White House, at least on immigration policy, would make for a lot of work for a smart journalist somewhere.Almost everything that comes out of the Biden administration on immigration is a lie — a complete and sophomoric lie.Let's just look at one thing bleated earlier this month by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. At a White House press briefing, Mayorkas claimed with a straight face...

March 16, 2021
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Liberal restaurant owner endorses vandalism to his own business by rioters

Liberal restaurant owner endorses vandalism to his own business by rioters

Most of the damage caused by rioting in Washington, D.C., over the weekend happened about four blocks from where I live, and it included the at Busboys and Poets, a restaurant owned by a liberal activist.I don't feel sorry for him; not after the way the owner reacted to the vandalism that hit not just his restaurant but other small restaurants and stores as well."We had a window broken @busboysandpoets last night," Andy Shallal, owner of Busboys, wrote Monday morning . "No one was hurt. We understand the rage and we stand in complete and unequivocal solidarity with the protests." He...

June 1, 2020



