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[WATCH] Fireball Caught on Camera in Northeast Ohio Skies | Science Times

[WATCH] Fireball Caught on Camera in Northeast Ohio Skies | Science Times

>Sep 30, 2020 11:25 PM EDTThe American Meteor Society said that the phenomenon was likely a random meteor and not part of a known meteor shower, called , that is set to happen from October 2 to November 7. Robert Lunsford said that they have been receiving reports of the fireball moving through the air caught by the .Several social media users reported that they saw a streak of light and a bright flash in the sky early Wednesday morning in Pittsburgh, and in Ohio, that happened just before 6:30 am in Pittsburgh.The fireball was recorded by the driving along I-76 in Pennsylvania. Also,...

October 1, 2020
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Tattooed Skin Negatively Impacts Sweat Gland Function | Science Times

Tattooed Skin Negatively Impacts Sweat Gland Function | Science Times

>Sep 29, 2020 08:50 AM EDTJournal of Applied PhysiologyThe sweat glands in the skin secrete water-based sweat to regulate body temperature. Damage to the  could impair sweating functions which could lead to increase risk of heat-related injury or overheating.Past studies suggest that the high concentration of sodium in the sweat of a tattooed skin reduces the function of the eccrine sweat ducts. About 3,000 skin punctures per minute are required in tattooing which could result in damaging the sweat glands.Researchers examined volunteers with tattooed skin on their upper and lower...

September 29, 2020
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New Mathematical Model Proves Time Travel Could Happen Without Paradox | Science Times

New Mathematical Model Proves Time Travel Could Happen Without Paradox | Science Times

>Sep 28, 2020 08:00 AM EDTSeveral creative minds have stretched the concept of time travel and brought it to life through various books and movies, such as the  and . These stories have all concluded that going back in time and changing the past could be catastrophic.But a new mathematical model from a physics student has proven that time travel could become possible without paradoxes. His name is Germain Tobar from the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Queensland in Australia. He said that he has "squared the numbers" to allow time travel without dealing with...

September 28, 2020
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Heart Attack Grill Displays Cremated Remains of Past Customer as New Marketing Tool | Science Times

Heart Attack Grill Displays Cremated Remains of Past Customer as New Marketing Tool | Science Times

>Sep 26, 2020 07:50 AM EDT"Patients" who weigh over 350 pounds are invited to unlimited free food as long as they weigh themselves on an electronic cattle weighing scale in front of a cheering crowd.The restaurant's enormous hamburgers range in weight from half a pound to four pounds of beef and are called Single Bypass Burger up to the Octuple Bypass Burger. Heart Attack Grill also serves the Flatliner Fries cooked in pure lard, Coronary Dog, alcohol, Butterfat Milkshakes, Lucky Strike, no filter cigarettes, full-sugar Coca-Cola, and candy cigarettes for kids. Heart Attack Grill...

September 26, 2020
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Y Chromosomes Shed Light Why Men Function Differently Than Women | Science Times

Y Chromosomes Shed Light Why Men Function Differently Than Women | Science Times

Sign up to get the latest science news delivered weekly right to your inbox!The was recently published by professor Christian Deschepper from the Université de Montréal, which is Montreal Clinical Research Institute's director of the Experimental Cardiovascular Biology research unit, in Scientific Reports.The study provides new light on understanding the mechanics of the genes in Y chromosomes that allow male cells to behave differently from female cells, said study lead author Deschepper, an associate professor at the McGill University.The researchers hope that their research would help...

September 25, 2020
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New Species of Truffles Discovered Thanks to Mushroom-Munching Bonobos | Science Times

New Species of Truffles Discovered Thanks to Mushroom-Munching Bonobos | Science Times

>Sep 23, 2020 07:40 AM EDTThey are costly because they are also hard to find and to grow. Truffles are also difficult to store for any length of time because they lose their aroma only after a week. Its size could range from strawberry-size to an apple-sized, although there are  that were discovered.Truffles are found in many parts of the world, but the prestige truffles come from specific areas in Europe and California. But a new species of truffles have been discovered in the Dominican Republic of the Congo, thanks to the mushroom-munching .A  called Hysterangium bonobos,...

September 23, 2020
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Humpback Whale Found Its Way Back To Sea After Getting Lost in Crocodile-Infested River | Science Times

Humpback Whale Found Its Way Back To Sea After Getting Lost in Crocodile-Infested River | Science Times

>Sep 21, 2020 08:50 AM EDTAn update of the whale reports that it has successfully found its way back to the sea after being stranded for two weeks. According to authorities, there were two whales to have left the area, however, it seems that one whale got stuck in the river where large saltwater crocodiles live.In a very unusual event last week, three whales entered the East Alligator River in Kakadu Park. According to reports, the animals were spotted on Tuesday, September 15, and ever since then, authorities have been closely monitoring one whale who appears to be stuck.The spokeswoman...

September 21, 2020
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Human Cells Look Younger Than Chimp's Despite Sharing 99% of Genetic Code | Science Times

Human Cells Look Younger Than Chimp's Despite Sharing 99% of Genetic Code | Science Times

>Sep 20, 2020 11:48 PM EDTAlthough the advancement in medicine over the last 200 years have made human lives longer, researchers from Duke University believe that there could be a more ancient explanation for why humans are long-lived primates. Their study suggests that the secret of human longevity may be found in the clock-like epigenetic changes that tick slower for humans.The researchers think that part of the secret of human longevity lies in the changes in the DNA within the human cells, which slowed down the rate of human aging around seven to eight million years ago when ancient...

September 21, 2020
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Thousands of Birds Mysteriously Drop Dead in New Mexico | Science Times

Thousands of Birds Mysteriously Drop Dead in New Mexico | Science Times

>Sep 16, 2020 07:40 AM EDTResearchers from the department of fish, wildlife, and conservation ecology New Mexico State University said that they had received reports in the past weeks that different species of birds are found dead.NMSU biologist Martha Desmond said that they see , and just seeing the numbers tell that the death of the birds is a large event.WOW:   Residents in New Mexico have reported seeing dead birds on hiking trails and in other areas as well. According to Desmond, the die-offs were first noticed last month at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) and the...

September 16, 2020
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Hairy Toxic Caterpillar Invades Virginia | Science Times

Hairy Toxic Caterpillar Invades Virginia | Science Times

Sign up to get the latest science news delivered weekly right to your inbox!This poisonous insect is called the , and it is covered with venomous spikes that if touched, can cause intense pain, swelling, fever, and shock symptoms. Puss caterpillar is commonly found in the southern states in the elm, oak, and sycamore trees where they feed. But residents claim that they also saw some of the caterpillars in the parks and other places.Moreover, authorities have received reports of puss in the eastern counties of the state, and some people who got injured due to touching the caterpillars were...

October 9, 2020
