Eric Boehm
Eric Boehm
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Poll Shows 69 Percent of Americans Favor Legal Weed, a New Record High

Poll Shows 69 Percent of Americans Favor Legal Weed, a New Record High

Public support for marijuana legalization has reached a new high.According to pollsters at Quinnipiac University, 69 percent of all Americans and clear majorities in every demographic group now favor the legalization of marijuana. That's up from 51 percent of Americans who said they favored legalization in 2012, the first year Quinnipiac included questions about marijuana in their national surveys, and up from 60 percent who backed legalization in 2019. The trend is unmistakable.Support isn't just growing, it is broadening. The found that 78 percent of self-identified Democrats, 62 percent...

April 16, 2021
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Legislators Override Kentucky Governor's Veto of School Choice Bill

Legislators Override Kentucky Governor's Veto of School Choice Bill

Lawmakers in Kentucky successfully overrode Gov. Andy Beshear's veto of a school choice bill, opening several avenues for families in the state to pursue a better education for their children.The new law, originally House Bill 563, allows students in Kentucky public schools to switch school districts, and it creates a new tax-advantaged education savings program for families to use for private school tuition, to pay for tutoring, or to cover other educational expenses. The most controversial part of the proposal was the creation of a $25 million scholarship fund—to be filled by donations...

March 30, 2021
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If You Like Tariffs, You Should Have Cheered the Clogged Suez Canal

If You Like Tariffs, You Should Have Cheered the Clogged Suez Canal

Now that the Ever Given has been from the sandy banks of the Suez Canal, we can safely return to ignoring the modern miracle of global trade that tends to be noticed only on the rare occasion when it doesn't work as smoothly as we're accustomed.Before that happens, let's take a moment to appreciate it.An estimated flows through the Suez Canal every day, according to Lloyd's List, a London-based shipping journal—an amount considerably larger than the entire of dozens of countries. All of it is the result of individuals and businesses engaged in mutually beneficial transactions despite...

March 30, 2021
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Abolishing the Filibuster Is About Power, Not Anti-Racism

Abolishing the Filibuster Is About Power, Not Anti-Racism

As the Senate majority prepared to abolish the filibuster in order to advance its political agenda, a long-tenured member of the chamber issued a stern warning."We should make no mistake. This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. It is a fundamental power-grab by the majority party," then-Sen. Joe Biden (D–Del.) said during delivered on May 23, 2005, from the Senate floor.Calling it "the single most significant" vote he would cast in more than three decades as a member of the Senate, Biden admonished Republicans for trying to blow up the filibuster to get...

March 26, 2021
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After $1.9 Trillion Spending Hike, Biden Is Planning $3 Trillion in New Spending

After $1.9 Trillion Spending Hike, Biden Is Planning $3 Trillion in New Spending

It's been a whole 11 days since President Joe Biden signed a $1.9 trillion spending bill, so naturally the White House is already planning the next, even bigger spending package.The New York Times Monday that Biden's advisors are prepping a $3 trillion hike in federal spending. The money would go to infrastructure projects, climate change initiatives, community colleges, and a variety of other Democratic priorities. The plan may also include higher taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals, but it seems unlikely that the tax increases would offset such a massive spending binge. And that...

March 22, 2021
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Biden's Planned Corporate Tax Hike Will Cost Jobs and Reduce Economic Growth. Because That's What Taxes Do.

Biden's Planned Corporate Tax Hike Will Cost Jobs and Reduce Economic Growth. Because That's What Taxes Do.

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering a plan to hike taxes on individuals and corporations in order to help offset another splurge of government spending. Preliminary analyses of the possible tax hikes show they would transfer as much as $2 trillion from the private sector to the government, likely costing jobs and reducing wages for American workers.Of course, that's what taxes do. Every dollar the federal government drains from the economy is a dollar that cannot be used to grow a business, cannot be used to purchase new equipment, and cannot be paid to workers or...

March 17, 2021
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Tennessee Tries To Limit Residents' Access to Wine From Other States (Again)

Tennessee Tries To Limit Residents' Access to Wine From Other States (Again)

The COVID-19 pandemic has seemingly proven the merits of tearing down nonsensical laws limiting the direct shipment of alcohol, giving wineries more potential buyers and consumers more choices without having to leave home. But some state lawmakers are all too eager to put those barriers back in place.Legislation making its way through both houses of the would ban wine shipments to Tennessee residents from "fulfillment houses," or wine warehouses that act as wholesalers in the direct-to-consumer shipping market, buying from wineries and selling to consumers. Instead, consumers would only be...

March 16, 2021
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Biden's 'Rescue Plan' Will Sic the IRS on Anyone Who Earns $600 in the Gig Economy

Biden's 'Rescue Plan' Will Sic the IRS on Anyone Who Earns $600 in the Gig Economy

Uber drivers, Etsy sellers, and others who earn income through the gig economy could get a nasty surprise from the signed by President Joe Biden on Thursday.Buried inside the 600-page bill that's is a provision requiring gig economy platforms to report information to the IRS about all users who earn at least $600 in a year. Previously, platforms were only required to provide the IRS with information on users who made at least 200 transactions or earned at least $20,000.*The tightening of the reporting requirements means a lot more paperwork and tax compliance requirements for platforms. It...

March 12, 2021
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How Congress Could Send Bigger Stimulus Checks, Fund School Reopening, and Save $1 Trillion

How Congress Could Send Bigger Stimulus Checks, Fund School Reopening, and Save $1 Trillion

President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill took its first major step toward passage over the weekend. But political circumstances and the current state of the pandemic suggest that Congress ought to reconsider this approach.In comments to reporters on Saturday, Biden urged the Senate to take "quick action" to pass the bill after the House of Representatives passed it in the early morning hours that same day."We have no time to waste," Biden said, according to a pool report. "If we act now decisively, quickly, and boldly, we can finally get ahead of this virus. We can finally...

March 1, 2021
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Foxconn Finally Admits It Won't Create 13,000 Jobs in Wisconsin

Foxconn Finally Admits It Won't Create 13,000 Jobs in Wisconsin

When you subsidize something, the , you'll get more of it.But some ideas make so little economic sense that even the largest corporate subsidy ever awarded by a state government isn't enough.It's been obvious for quite some time that Wisconsin's highly touted deal with Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn was going to fall well short of the lofty promises made by the project's supporters. Then-President Donald Trump, for example, in 2018 that the planned factory on the outskirts of Milwaukee would be nothing less than "the eighth wonder of the world."Exactly how short it will fall is now official....

April 21, 2021
