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TikTok’s Parent Company Employs Chinese Communist Party Members in Its Highest Ranks

TikTok’s Parent Company Employs Chinese Communist Party Members in Its Highest Ranks

More than 130 employees at ByteDance, the Chinese owner of video-sharing application , are part of a Chinese Communist Party () committee embedded in the company. Many of the employees work in management positions, an internal document reveals.The extent of CCP membership among ByteDance management further demonstrates the company’s ties to the Chinese regime, fueling security concerns about TikTok.By law, Chinese companies are required to Communist Party units within their offices to ensure that business policies and employees toe the Party line. ByteDance, founded in March 2012, set...

August 7, 2020
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Why Do Our Intelligence Agencies Keep Lying to Us?

Why Do Our Intelligence Agencies Keep Lying to Us?

Share NowCommentaryAfter listening to three years of lies about Russiagate from the Department of Justice and the FBI, not to mention the State Department and various of our 17 (count ’em) intelligence agencies, it’s hard to believe any arm of our government anymore.Trust, but verify, Reagan told us. But how do we even do that?Check the media? (I know—don’t make me laugh.)So, on the usual-slip-it-under the rug Friday (on Aug. 7), we have news from the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, via its director , of foreign meddling in the coming presidential election:“The US...

August 8, 2020
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TikTok’s Parent Company Employs Chinese Communist Party Members in Its Highest Ranks

TikTok’s Parent Company Employs Chinese Communist Party Members in Its Highest Ranks

Share NowMore than 130 employees at ByteDance, the Chinese owner of video-sharing application , are part of a Chinese Communist Party () committee embedded in the company. Many of the employees work in management positions, an internal document reveals.The extent of CCP membership among ByteDance management further demonstrates the company’s ties to the Chinese regime, fueling security concerns about TikTok.By law, Chinese companies are required to Communist Party units within their offices to ensure that business policies and employees toe the Party line. ByteDance, founded in March...

August 7, 2020
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Institutional Wokeness Is Destroying American Higher Education

Institutional Wokeness Is Destroying American Higher Education

Share NowCommentaryThe English department at , the eighth-oldest university in America, recently went . In an email obtained by The College Fix, Rebecca Walkowitz, English department chair, announced to faculty, staff, and students that the department would implement a set of “anti-racist” initiatives. Lest the gullible be led astray by such anodyne phraseology, these initiatives include “limit(ing) emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds at a disadvantage.”A pedagogical insistence on proper English...

August 7, 2020
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Beijing’s 'Gestapo' Leverages ABC Report in Propaganda Campaign Against Falun Gong

Beijing’s 'Gestapo' Leverages ABC Report in Propaganda Campaign Against Falun Gong

Share NowTorture survivor is reminded of his experiences and the Chinese regime's propagandaA program by the () has been leveraged by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) notorious 610 office—an extralegal secret police force akin to the Gestapo–to justify its 21-year persecution of the spiritual meditation practice.Last week, the Australian Falun Gong association warned the ABC that the program they intended to broadcast could be exploited by the CCP in its ongoing propaganda and disinformation campaign against the practice.The 610 office—named for the date it was created on June 10,...

July 21, 2020
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Venezuelan, Cuban Refugees Call on Trump to Help Free Their Countries From Communism

Venezuelan, Cuban Refugees Call on Trump to Help Free Their Countries From Communism

Share NowRefugees talk about their firsthand experience with socialism, communismVenezuelan and Cuban activists in on July 10 urged to help people oppressed by the regimes in their countries to regain their freedom and eliminate narco-terrorism.Ernesto Ackerman, the president of  Independent Venezuelan-American Citizens, requested that Trump “eliminate the germs of ” from , , , and other countries in the region and to “help the people of Venezuela to get rid of the narco-terrorists who have kidnapped our nation.”Ackerman, the son of a Venezuelan concentration camp survivor who...

July 12, 2020
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No, Mr. Durham. We Need Your Report Before Election Day

No, Mr. Durham. We Need Your Report Before Election Day

Share NowCommentaryFox’s Brooke Singman, who has been perspicacious in her coverage of the probe of the Russia probe, had a disturbing “exclusive” on July 9, with the headline: “”Wouldn’t we love to know who her “source” or “sources” were? But never mind for the moment. The story begins:“U.S. Attorney John is under pressure to wrap up his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe by the end of the summer, but if he doesn’t, he could wait to reveal his findings or initiate prosecutions until after the 2020 presidential election, Fox News has learned.“Two sources familiar...

July 9, 2020
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Documentary: Coverup of the Century–The Truth the CCP Concealed From the World

Documentary: Coverup of the Century–The Truth the CCP Concealed From the World

Update: Full documentary is now available aboveA new documentary about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) extensively covered up the outbreak and created the worldwide pandemic premiered on The Epoch Times and NTD News websites, as well as related YouTube and Facebook channels on June 28. Watch the documentary here.The CCP actively worked to suppress all information both inside and outside of its borders from the earliest days of the outbreak. The physical, emotional, and financial costs have been felt throughout the world in the wake of the pandemic.Steps included silencing and...

June 25, 2020
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Venezuelan, Cuban Refugees Call on Trump to Help Free Their Countries From Communism

Venezuelan, Cuban Refugees Call on Trump to Help Free Their Countries From Communism

Share NowRefugees talk about their firsthand experience with socialism, communismVenezuelan and Cuban activists in on July 10 urged to help people oppressed by the regimes in their countries to regain their freedom and eliminate narco-terrorism.Ernesto Ackerman, the president of  Independent Venezuelan-American Citizens, requested that Trump “eliminate the germs of ” from , , , and other countries in the region and to “help the people of Venezuela to get rid of the narco-terrorists who have kidnapped our nation.”Ackerman, the son of a Venezuelan concentration camp survivor who...

July 12, 2020
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Big Spending Biden

Big Spending Biden

Share NowCommentaryWhich presidential candidate will bankrupt America first, Donald Trump or ?Last year, we compared the costs of the leading Democratic candidates’ promises. At that time, Biden, to his credit, proposed the least new spending.Kamala Harris promised the most. She wanted to add $4.2 trillion to America’s debt. Her lavish promises didn’t win her supporters; she dropped out soon after. But now she’s Biden’s running mate, and Biden promises to spend more.That’s unusual.Historically, moved left during the primaries, and then back toward the center once nominated. Not this time....

August 19, 2020
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