Elizabeth Kim
Elizabeth Kim
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Eric Adams Wins Backing Of Building Service Workers, Clinching Three Key Unions

Eric Adams Wins Backing Of Building Service Workers, Clinching Three Key Unions

AdvertisementNew York City's union for private sector building service workers on Thursday announced that it was backing Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams for mayor, marking the third significant labor endorsement for his campaign.The president of 32BJ SEIU, Kyle Bragg, held a press conference on Thursday with Adams at Brooklyn Borough Hall. The 85,000 members of his union work as airport workers, security officers, doormen and building and school cleaners.In a statement, 32BJ described itself as representing "an essential workforce of Black, brown and immigrant people," who have served...

March 11, 2021
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In A 35-Page Plan, Scott Stringer Seeks To Undo De Blasio's Housing Policies

In A 35-Page Plan, Scott Stringer Seeks To Undo De Blasio's Housing Policies

AdvertisementAs city comptroller, Scott Stringer frequently delivered harsh condemnations of Mayor Bill de Blasio's housing policies. He has accused de Blasio of deepening the affordable housing crisis by failing to create sufficient units for very low-income New Yorkers, labeled his rezonings as developer giveaways, and blamed him for mismanaging the public housing system.Now, as one of the top mayoral candidates, Stringer has laid out a detailed 27-point compendium of progressive housing goals that amount to a rebuttal of the former administration's approach.Set to be released Thursday,...

February 25, 2021
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Yang Reaches NYC Matching Funds Threshold In Less Than A Month

Yang Reaches NYC Matching Funds Threshold In Less Than A Month

AdvertisementAndrew Yang has qualified for the city's generous matching funds by raising at least $250,000 from a minimum of 1,000 New York City donors, the campaign announced Sunday.The campaign said it has raised over $1 million from all donors, including New Yorkers and non-city residents. Roughly 11,000 people have donated in less than a month, a speed that the campaign touted in its memo. Should the city Campaign Finance Board independently verify Yang's numbers, it can position Yang to receive over $2 million in public funds. "We are the fastest campaign to ever reach the matching...

February 14, 2021
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Can The Next Mayor Turn Around NYC's Affordable Housing Crisis?

Can The Next Mayor Turn Around NYC's Affordable Housing Crisis?

AdvertisementThe ease by which New Yorkers are able to find—and hold on to—an affordable apartment has long been one of the benchmarks by which New York City mayors have been judged. The same will be true, if not more true, with the mayoral candidates in the upcoming primary as hundreds of thousands of residents, who have been forced out of work because of the pandemic, now find themselves struggling to pay rent. That, coupled with record levels of homelessness, the growing financial distress of the city's aging public housing developments, and strong community opposition to large-scale...

February 8, 2021
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Here's What You Need To Know About The NYC Mayoral Contenders

Here's What You Need To Know About The NYC Mayoral Contenders

AdvertisementThe race to succeed Mayor Bill de Blasio is hitting a fever pitch as we approach the June 22nd primary. With a crowded ballot — there are — and in play, it's still anyone's race to win. New York City is facing historic challenges amid an unprecedented financial and public health crisis, making this year's election a pivotal one, as the next mayor will help rebuild and recreate the city.With Republicans outnumbered by nearly 8 to 1, the Democratic primary winner is generally considered the favorite in the general election (though that conventional wisdom ).Read More: To help...

January 26, 2021
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Facing Historic Drop In Property Tax Revenue, De Blasio Proposes Austerity Budget

Facing Historic Drop In Property Tax Revenue, De Blasio Proposes Austerity Budget

AdvertisementIn a day of unexpected news, both bad and good, Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday unveiled a $92 billion preliminary budget plan—$5 billion less than what was proposed just two month ago—that will prioritize spending on the city's coronavirus response; shore up funding for schools, including the continuing expansion of the mayor's signature pre-K program; and essential services.With half a million jobs lost and unemployment over 10% due to the pandemic, New York City is facing a historic financial downfall. In the upcoming budget, the mayor was dealt a more than $5 billion...

January 14, 2021
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In Surprise Shift, Mayor De Blasio Says He Opposes Controversial Crown Heights Towers

In Surprise Shift, Mayor De Blasio Says He Opposes Controversial Crown Heights Towers

AdvertisementMayor Bill de Blasio has announced his opposition to the development of a controversial residential project in Crown Heights that had sparked fears of gentrification as well as the casting of over the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.For more than a year, housing activists as well as Botanic Garden supporters , known as 960 Franklin. Led by high-profile Manhattan developer Bruce Eichner of Continuum Company, the project seeks to build two 39-story residential towers, both rising above 400 feet, near the perimeter of the Botanic Garden.“We need to ensure that new developments meet public...

December 21, 2020
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Cuomo Orders Hospitals To Make Emergency Preparations, Warns NY Could PAUSE Again

Cuomo Orders Hospitals To Make Emergency Preparations, Warns NY Could PAUSE Again

AdvertisementGovernor Andrew Cuomo warned of a possible return to more robust COVID-19 restrictions on Monday, and ordered hospitals in New York state to take emergency precautions as the number of hospitalizations begins to rise to levels not seen since early June.Similar to what occurred in the spring, all hospitals must plan to add 50% capacity as well as prepare for staffing shortages by reaching out to retired doctors and nurses. According to Cuomo, some hospitals are already reporting staff shortages.The number of people statewide hospitalized with COVID-19 is now above 3,500, nearly...

November 30, 2020
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Status Of Schools Hangs In The Balance As NYC Reports COVID Testing Positivity Rate Of 2.8%

Status Of Schools Hangs In The Balance As NYC Reports COVID Testing Positivity Rate Of 2.8%

AdvertisementNew York City's seven-day average test positivity is now at 2.8% as coronavirus cases reach their highest level since May, according to updated on Monday.The latest data shows that the city remains precariously close to 3%, the threshold at which Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he would shut public schools and shift completely to remote learning.Health officials on Monday also revised the prior day average positivity reading upward to 2.9%. The city's test data is routinely changed as more results roll in, and a surge in demand for testing marked the around the city and longer...

November 16, 2020
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NYC's Average COVID-19 Positivity Rate Rises Above 2%, The Highest In Over 4 Months

NYC's Average COVID-19 Positivity Rate Rises Above 2%, The Highest In Over 4 Months

Consider This, from NPR and WNYC, is the first podcast (ever!) to offer a mix of national and local news, every weekday at 5 PM. With NPR’s Audie Cornish and WNYC’s Rebeca Ibarra.New York City's average test positivity rate for COVID-19 has risen above 2%, the highest it has been in more than four months, according to the latest Health Department data. The metric meets the threshold at which Mayor Bill de Blasio said he would "reassess" indoor dining.As of Saturday, the city's was reporting a seven-day average positivity of 2.12%. The daily share of people testing positive for COVID-19 was...

November 7, 2020
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