Elizabeth Cohen
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Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts | CNN

Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts | CNN

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A surprising new study found the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped patients better survive in the hospital. But the findings, like the federal government’s use of the drug itself, were disputed.A team at Henry Ford Health System in southeast Michigan said Thursday their study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die.Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died,...

May 19, 2020
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CDC scientists recall 'death by a thousand cuts' as they try to rebuild the agency's reputation

CDC scientists recall 'death by a thousand cuts' as they try to rebuild the agency's reputation

(CNN)Back in March, a doctor at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found himself swearing at his television set. He was watching a segment about a couple in Arizona who'd heard then-President Donald Trump's enthusiasm for the drug hydroxychloroquine to fight Covid-19. The couple noticed their home aquarium cleaner contained an ingredient with a similar name, and so they ingested it. The husband died and the wife was hospitalized, critically ill. Alongside the couple's story, the TV program ran clips of Trump cheerleading for hydroxychloroquine. "I was screaming at the...

October 25, 2020
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Scientists fear the 'escape mutant' in coronavirus variant from South Africa

Scientists fear the 'escape mutant' in coronavirus variant from South Africa

(CNN)Scientists have identified an "escape mutant" that may decrease the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. The mutation -- called E484K -- has been found in a variant of the coronavirus two months ago. That variant has now spread to 12 other countries. Penny Moore, associate professor at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa, called the mutation "alarming." Read More "We fear this mutation might have an impact, and what we don't know is the extent of the impact," she said. E484K is called an "escape mutant" because it's been shown it might be able to escape some of...

December 15, 2020
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Much of US data to catch newest coronavirus variants is several months old

Much of US data to catch newest coronavirus variants is several months old

(CNN)As part of the hunt for new coronavirus variants, an international database shows the United States ranks 61st in how quickly virus samples are collected from patients, analyzed and then posted online. Countries with far fewer resources, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Suriname, process samples more quickly than the United States does."It's pathetic," said Dr. Peter Hotez, a virologist at Baylor College of Medicine. The median number of days from the time a sample is collected from a patient's nose until the time its genetic sequence is posted on , an independent data sharing...

December 30, 2020
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Distilleries that made hand sanitizer won't face hefty fee for helping out during pandemic | CNN Politics

Distilleries that made hand sanitizer won't face hefty fee for helping out during pandemic | CNN Politics

By , Senior Medical Correspondent, CNN Senior Medical CorrespondentLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Distilleries that helped out in the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic by won’t have to pay a hefty fee the government charged them this week by mistake.When hand sanitizer was in short supply in March, hundreds of distilleries jumped in and made it themselves. In order to do so, they had to register as drug makers, which have to pay user fees every year to the government.Earlier this week, the US Food and Drug Administration, an agency within the Department of Health and Human...

March 19, 2020
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Researchers think 'hundreds' of people in US could have new UK coronavirus strain

Researchers think 'hundreds' of people in US could have new UK coronavirus strain

(CNN)Researchers studying the new UK strain of the coronavirus think it likely arrived in the US in mid-November, and that many people in the United States could already be infected. "If I had to guess, I would say it's probably in hundreds of people by now," said Michael Worobey, head of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. "It's very possible it's arrived multiple times in multiple places." "Imagine the amount of infected travelers leaving London -- that's been increasing exponentially," said Trevor Bedford, associate professor in the vaccine...

December 22, 2020
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CDC testing requirements for UK travelers are like 'a chain link fence to keep out a mosquito,' experts say | CNN

CDC testing requirements for UK travelers are like 'a chain link fence to keep out a mosquito,' experts say | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced new testing requirements for travelers arriving from the UK, but research by the agency’s own scientists shows the rule may have only a small impact on the spread of the new UK strain of coronavirus.Starting Monday in the UK, passengers must have a negative Covid-19 test within three days of boarding a flight to the United States.A CDC Thursday hailed the new changes.“Today, President Trump is taking another step to protect the health of the American people,” according to the...

December 21, 2020
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Genetics experts worry coronavirus vaccines might not work quite as well against UK variant | CNN

Genetics experts worry coronavirus vaccines might not work quite as well against UK variant | CNN

By , Senior Medical Correspondent, CNN Senior Medical CorrespondentLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Michael Worobey, a biologist at the University of Arizona, has seen more than 100,000 different strains of the virus that causes Covid-19. But when he saw the new variant from the UK, he noticed something different.“This is the first variant I’ve seen during the whole pandemic where I took a step back and said: ‘Whoa,’ ” he remembers.Health officials have downplayed the possibility that the coronavirus vaccines won’t work against the UK strain, but Worobey and other scientists thinks it’s...

December 22, 2020
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Don't expect a coronavirus vaccine before December, experts caution

Don't expect a coronavirus vaccine before December, experts caution

(CNN)Pfizer released about its experimental coronavirus vaccine this week and may hope to apply for regulatory approval by the end of the month, but it will take several weeks more to get a vaccine through the approval process, experts noted.Americans should not be hoping for any authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration before the last half of December, experts agreed.That's because Pfizer, which appears to be the first company to be getting its vaccine trial data to the finish line, could not possibly get it together before the end of next week, which is already the end of...

November 12, 2020
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Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts

Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts

(CNN)A surprising new study found the controversial antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped patients better survive in the hospital. But the findings, like the federal government's use of the drug itself, were disputed.A team at Henry Ford Health System in southeast Michigan said Thursday their study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die. Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who got the drug. The...

May 19, 2020
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