Eliza Mackintosh
Eliza Mackintosh
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Anti-terrorism probe launched after French police officer killed in knife attack

Anti-terrorism probe launched after French police officer killed in knife attack

Paris (CNN)An anti-terrorism investigation has been launched in France after a female police officer was killed in a knife attack at a police station in a Paris suburb.Police on the scene quickly intervened and killed the attacker, Prime Minister Jean Castex told journalists on Friday, referring to the incident in Rambouillet as a "terrorist attack."Castex said that "our determination to fight terrorism in all its shape is unbroken, more than ever."French anti-terrorist prosecutor Jean-François Ricard said, "The way this crime was committed" and "the words said by the attacker during the...

April 23, 2021
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Analysis of massacre video raises questions for Ethiopian Army

Analysis of massacre video raises questions for Ethiopian Army

This story contains graphic imagery of injury and death.Dawit was watching television at a relative's one-room apartment in Axum, a historic city in Ethiopia's war-torn, northern Tigray region, in early March when a news bulletin flashed up on the screen. Graphic, unverified footage had surfaced of a mass killing near Dawit's hometown of Mahibere Dego, in a mountainous area of central Tigray. In the shaky video Ethiopian soldiers appeared to round up a group of young, unarmed men on a wind-swept, dusty ledge before shooting them at point-blank range -- picking them up by an arm or a leg and...

April 2, 2021
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Ethiopian leader says troops who raped civilians in Tigray will be held to account after CNN investigation

Ethiopian leader says troops who raped civilians in Tigray will be held to account after CNN investigation

(CNN)Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said Tuesday that his government would hold accountable any soldier found responsible for rape or looting in the country's conflict region of Tigray, just days after against women."Reports indicate that atrocities have been committed in Tigray region," Abiy wrote in a post on his Twitter account. "Regardless of the TPLF propaganda of exaggeration, any soldier responsible for raping our women & looting communities in the region will be held accountable as their mission is to protect," he said, referring to the Tigray People's Liberation Front, the...

March 19, 2021
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'Practically genocide': Doctors say rape used as tool of war in Ethiopia

'Practically genocide': Doctors say rape used as tool of war in Ethiopia

Hamdayet, Sudan -- More evidence of sexual violence being used as a deliberate weapon of war is emerging from , where an armed conflict has been raging for months.Women are being gang-raped, drugged and held hostage, according to medical records and testimonies from survivors shared with CNN. In one case a woman's vagina was stuffed with stones, nails and plastic, according to a video seen by CNN and testimony from one of the doctors who treated her. CNN has spoken with nine doctors in Ethiopia and one in a Sudanese refugee camp who say they've seen an alarming increase in sexual assault...

March 19, 2021
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'Practically genocide': Doctors say rape used as tool of war in Ethiopia

'Practically genocide': Doctors say rape used as tool of war in Ethiopia

Hamdayet, Sudan -- More evidence of sexual violence being used as a deliberate weapon of war is emerging from , where an armed conflict has been raging for months.Women are being gang-raped, drugged and held hostage, according to medical records and testimonies from survivors shared with CNN. In one case a woman's vagina was stuffed with stones, nails and plastic, according to a video seen by CNN and testimony from one of the doctors who treated her. CNN has spoken with nine doctors in Ethiopia and one in a Sudanese refugee camp who say they've seen an alarming increase in sexual assault...

March 19, 2021
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European regulator 'convinced' benefits of AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh risks as suspensions continue

European regulator 'convinced' benefits of AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh risks as suspensions continue

(CNN)Europe's medicines regulator has said there's "no indication" that the has caused blood clots, as the list of countries temporarily halting the vaccine's rollout over safety concerns continues to grow.On Tuesday, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Latvia and Sweden became the latest European nations to suspend its use, despite advice from the European Medical Authority (EMA) and other international medical agencies that the benefits of getting shots into arms outweigh any potential risks.The head of the EMA, which authorized the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for the 27-nation bloc, said...

March 15, 2021
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European regulator 'convinced' benefits of AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh risks as suspensions continue | CNN

European regulator 'convinced' benefits of AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh risks as suspensions continue | CNN

By , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Europe’s medicines regulator has said there’s “no indication” that the has caused blood clots, as the list of countries temporarily halting the vaccine’s rollout over safety concerns continues to grow.On Tuesday, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Latvia and Sweden became the latest European nations to suspend its use, despite advice from the European Medical Authority (EMA) and other international medical agencies that the benefits of getting shots into arms outweigh any potential risks.The head of the EMA, which authorized the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca...

March 15, 2021
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Massacre in the mountains: How an Ethiopian festival turned into a killing spree

Massacre in the mountains: How an Ethiopian festival turned into a killing spree

All of the witnesses to this massacre have been given pseudonyms at their request due to fears of retribution.Abraham began burying the bodies in the morning and didn't stop until nightfall. The corpses, some dressed in white church robes drenched in blood, were scattered in arid fields, scrubby farmlands and a dry riverbed. Others had been shot on their doorsteps with their hands bound with belts. Among the dead were priests, old men, women, entire families and a group of more than 20 Sunday school children, some as young as 14, according to eyewitnesses, parents and their teacher. Abraham...

February 26, 2021
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Post-Brexit UK-EU trade deal becomes law on eve of deadline | CNN

Post-Brexit UK-EU trade deal becomes law on eve of deadline | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — British lawmakers voted to back the United Kingdom’s with the European Union on Wednesday, on the eve of the December 31 deadline marking the end of the transition period.The bill passed comfortably, 521 to 73, following accelerated sittings in both Houses of Parliament. The deal, finalized last week, marks a significant milestone more than four years after the UK voted to leave the EU and after months of fraught negotiations.Opening the debate on Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Members of Parliament that the deal would “open a...

December 30, 2020
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No matter who wins the US election, the world's 'fake news' problem is here to stay | CNN

No matter who wins the US election, the world's 'fake news' problem is here to stay | CNN

Analysis by , CNNLink Copied! — and were in high spirits, smirking and jovial, when they appeared in front of the press corps at the annual , in 2019.It was their first meeting since then-special counsel wrapped his investigation into alleged in the 2016 US presidential election, and Trump was quick to make light of the situation, wagging his finger at Putin while instructing him not to meddle in the 2020 race.As journalists assembled for a photo op, setting up cameras, Trump quipped: “Get rid of them. Fake news is a great term, isn’t it? You don’t have this problem in Russia, but...

October 25, 2020
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