Elissa Nadworny
Elissa Nadworny
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As Colleges Make Plans For Fall, More Young People Are Getting COVID-19

As Colleges Make Plans For Fall, More Young People Are Getting COVID-19

As Colleges Make Plans For Fall, More Young People Are Getting COVID-19 When campuses reopen for the fall semester, there will be a lot of rules such as: no travel, masking and social distancing. Leaders will be relying on social contracts. But will it work?Heard onToggle more optionsWhen campuses reopen for the fall semester, there will be a lot of rules such as: no travel, masking and social distancing. Leaders will be relying on social contracts. But will it work?RACHEL MARTIN, HOST:Young people make up a growing share of new coronavirus cases, which is not good news for colleges...

June 25, 2020
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Interested Parties Watch To See If U.S. Schools Reopen For Fall Semester

Interested Parties Watch To See If U.S. Schools Reopen For Fall Semester

Interested Parties Watch To See If U.S. Schools Reopen For Fall Semester The Trump administration urges schools to reopen in the fall. Immigration and Customs Enforcement rules say international students can't stay in the U.S. if their schools are entirely online.Heard onToggle more optionsThe Trump administration urges schools to reopen in the fall. Immigration and Customs Enforcement rules say international students can't stay in the U.S. if their schools are entirely online.RACHEL MARTIN, HOST:Will schools reopen in the fall? Parents, teachers and students are all craving an answer to...

July 8, 2020
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Colleges Begin New Academic Years As Pandemic Continues

Colleges Begin New Academic Years As Pandemic Continues

Colleges Begin New Academic Years As Pandemic Continues A look at testing, the role of student social behavior and the impact of domestic travel restrictions/quarantine requirements.Heard onToggle more optionsA look at testing, the role of student social behavior and the impact of domestic travel restrictions/quarantine requirements.DAVID GREENE, HOST:So this week, college students - many of them, at least - are going to start making their way to campus. But, of course, there is still a whole lot of uncertainty about this upcoming semester. Many schools are offering remote classes or a mix...

August 7, 2020
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For In-Person College, Coronavirus Testing Will Be Key. But Is That Feasible?

For In-Person College, Coronavirus Testing Will Be Key. But Is That Feasible?

Colleges Stockpile Coronavirus Tests In Hopes Of Reopening Colleges might be able to reopen their campuses if they're able to frequently test their students. But can they get tests --- and with budgets already squeezed, will they be able to afford it?Heard onToggle more optionsThe coronavirus test wasn't as bad as Celeste Torres imagined. Standing outside a dorm at the University of California, San Diego, Torres stuck a swab up a nostril, scanned a QR code, and went on with the day. "The process itself was about five minutes," Torres says, "I did cry a little bit just because it's, I guess,...

May 22, 2020
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More Colleges Say They'll Require Students To Have COVID-19 Vaccines For Fall

More Colleges Say They'll Require Students To Have COVID-19 Vaccines For Fall

More Colleges Say They'll Require Students To Have COVID Vaccines For Fall More campuses are expected to add the requirement, with potential legal challenges ahead. One key point: Requiring vaccines for infectious diseases is nothing new for many residential colleges.Heard onToggle more optionsDuke University in North Carolina has announced that it will require students to have a when they return this fall. And the list of campuses with such policies is growing. Rutgers University in New Jersey , and since then more than a dozen residential colleges have followed. The University of Notre...

April 11, 2021
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Congress Poised To Simplify FAFSA, And Help People In Prison Go To College

Congress Poised To Simplify FAFSA, And Help People In Prison Go To College

Congress Close To Deal On FAFSA, Prison Pell Grants, HBCUs In a bipartisan effort, Congress is close to a deal to simplify the federal financial aid form, or FAFSA, a major policy goal of retiring Republican senator Lamar Alexander.U.S. lawmakers have announced an agreement on a handful of higher education measures that would provide meaningful help to marginalized students, students of color and many of the schools that serve them. The aid is part of a broad new set of legislation, meant to fund the federal government through fiscal year 2021. Lawmakers are expected to vote on the proposed...

December 21, 2020
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Are Lockdowns At Colleges Working?

Are Lockdowns At Colleges Working?

Are Lockdowns At Colleges Working? As colleges across the country see rising coronavirus rates, many campuses have gone into lockdown. Are these lockdowns effective at stopping the spread of the virus?Heard onToggle more optionsAs colleges across the country see rising coronavirus rates, many campuses have gone into lockdown. Are these lockdowns effective at stopping the spread of the virus?TONYA MOSLEY, HOST:This week, University of Michigan students were put on lockdown after a surge of coronavirus cases on campus. It's a reminder of the challenges colleges have faced in reopening during...

October 23, 2020
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Many Colleges Aren't Aggressively Testing Students For Coronavirus

Many Colleges Aren't Aggressively Testing Students For Coronavirus

Many Colleges Aren't Aggressively Testing Students For Coronavirus Hundreds of colleges are only testing students if they feel sick or think they were exposed to COVID-19. That's according to new data from more than 1,400 colleges which was obtained by NPR.Heard onToggle more optionsHundreds of colleges are only testing students if they feel sick or think they were exposed to COVID-19. That's according to new data from more than 1,400 colleges which was obtained by NPR.NOEL KING, HOST:Right now, despite the pandemic, a lot of colleges and universities have some students on campus, and of...

October 6, 2020
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Fewer Students Are Going To Community College, Despite High Unemployment

Fewer Students Are Going To Community College, Despite High Unemployment

Community College Fall Enrollment Drops : Coronavirus Updates Often during a recession, enrollment in community colleges goes up. The first numbers for this fall show a decline — down nearly 8% compared with last year.Heard onToggle more optionsEnrollment at U.S. community colleges has dropped nearly 8% this fall, newly released figures show, part of an overall decline in undergraduate enrollment as students face a global pandemic and the worst economic recession in decades. Often, enrollment in higher education spikes in times of high unemployment and recession as students seek additional...

September 24, 2020
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New York City Delays School Reopening; Campus Lockdowns Grow

New York City Delays School Reopening; Campus Lockdowns Grow

COVID-19 Challenges Continue For Schools and Colleges Our roundup of education stories looks at the turmoil following Mayor Bill de Blasio's latest delay announcement; and the continuing struggles on campus to control COVID outbreaks.Monday, Sept. 21, was supposed to mark the start of in-person classes for New York City's 1.1 million public school students. It was the only big-city district planning to start the school year in person. But with just four days to go, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced that only the youngest students, in 3-K and Pre-K, and those with significant special needs,...

September 19, 2020
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