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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

June 10, 2020
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Lost on the Frontline

Lost on the Frontline

August 10, 2020These stories are co-published with .America’s health care workers are dying. In some states, medical personnel account for as many as 20% of known coronavirus cases. They tend to patients in hospitals, treating them, serving them food and cleaning their rooms. Others at risk work in nursing homes or are employed as home health aides.“Lost on the Frontline,” a collaboration between KHN and The Guardian, has identified such workers who likely died of COVID-19 after helping patients during the pandemic.We have published profiles for workers whose deaths have been confirmed by...

April 15, 2020
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Pandemic-fueled alcohol abuse creates wave of hospitalizations for liver disease

Pandemic-fueled alcohol abuse creates wave of hospitalizations for liver disease

Liver disease specialists and psychiatrists believe the isolation, unemployment and hopelessness associated with COVID-19 are driving the explosion in cases.As the pandemic sends thousands of recovering alcoholics into relapse, hospitals across the country have reported dramatic increases in alcohol-related admissions for such critical diseases as alcoholic hepatitis and liver failure.Alcoholism-related liver disease was a growing problem even before the pandemic, with the condition around the country, and with hospitalizations .But the pandemic has dramatically added to the toll. Although...

February 12, 2021
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Pandemia genera abuso de alcohol, y récord de internaciones por enfermedad hepática

Pandemia genera abuso de alcohol, y récord de internaciones por enfermedad hepática

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().La pandemia ha hecho recaer a miles de alcohólicos en recuperación, y los hospitales del país informan de un aumento espectacular de ingresos relacionados con el alcohol y enfermedades graves, como la hepatitis alcohólica y la insuficiencia hepática.Forma parte del grupo de Facebook de Kaiser Health News en...

February 10, 2021
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Pandemic-Fueled Alcohol Abuse Creates Wave of Hospitalizations for Liver Disease

Pandemic-Fueled Alcohol Abuse Creates Wave of Hospitalizations for Liver Disease

February 10, 2021As the pandemic sends thousands of recovering alcoholics into relapse, hospitals across the country have reported dramatic increases in alcohol-related admissions for critical diseases like alcoholic hepatitis and liver failure.Alcoholism-related liver disease was a growing problem even before the pandemic, with the condition around the country, and with hospitalizations .But the pandemic has dramatically added to the toll. Although national figures are not available, admissions for alcoholic liver disease at Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California were up...

February 10, 2021
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When Covid Deaths Aren’t Counted, Families Pay the Price

When Covid Deaths Aren’t Counted, Families Pay the Price

This story also ran on . It can beLost On The FrontlineKHN and The Guardian are tracking health care workers who died from COVID-19 and writing about their lives and what happened in their final days.On Sundays, Bishop Bruce Davis preached love. Through his Pentecostal ministry, he organized youth parades and gave computers, bicycles and food to families in need.During the week, Bruce practiced what he preached, caring for prisoners at a Georgia hospital. On March 27 he began coughing, and on April 1 he was hospitalized. He’d tested positive for covid-19. The virus swept through his...

January 15, 2021
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In COVID Hot Zones, Firefighters Now ‘Pump More Oxygen Than Water’

In COVID Hot Zones, Firefighters Now ‘Pump More Oxygen Than Water’

This story also ran on . It can beLost On The FrontlineKHN and The Guardian are tracking health care workers who died from COVID-19 and writing about their lives and what happened in their final days.As a boy, Robert Weber chased the blazing lights and roaring sirens of fire engines down the streets of Brooklyn, New York.He hung out at the Engine 247 firehouse, eating ham heroes with extra mayonnaise, and “learning everything about everything to be the best firefighter in the world,” said his wife, Daniellle Weber, who grew up next door.They married in their 20s and settled in Port...

December 14, 2020
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‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions

‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions

This story also ran on . It can beDavid Joel Perea called from Maine, Vermont, Minnesota and, ultimately, Nevada, always with the same request: “Mom, can you send tamales?” Dominga Perea would ship them overnight.That’s how she knew where her 35-year-old son was.The traveling nurse had “a tremendous work ethic,” routinely putting in 80 hours a week, said his brother, Daniel.But when Perea took a job at Lakeside Health & Wellness Suites — a Reno nursing home that has of safety citations since 2017 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services — Dominga was “scared silly.”During...

November 4, 2020
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Most Home Health Aides ‘Can’t Afford Not to Work’ — Even When Lacking PPE

Most Home Health Aides ‘Can’t Afford Not to Work’ — Even When Lacking PPE

This story also ran on .In March, Sue Williams-Ward took a new job, with a $1-an-hour raise.The employer, a home health care agency called Together We Can, was paying a premium — $13 an hour — after it started losing aides when COVID-19 safety concerns mounted.Williams-Ward, a 68-year-old Indianapolis native, was a devoted caregiver who bathed, dressed and fed clients as if they were family. She was known to entertain clients with some of her own 26 grandchildren, even inviting her clients along on charitable deliveries of Thanksgiving turkeys and Christmas hams.KHN and The Guardian are...

October 16, 2020
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Health Workers Resort To Etsy, Learning Chinese, Shady Deals To Find Safety Gear

Health Workers Resort To Etsy, Learning Chinese, Shady Deals To Find Safety Gear

This story also ran on .A nursing home worker in New Jersey rendezvoused with “the parking lot guy” to cut a deal for gowns. A director of safety-net clinics in Florida learned basic Chinese and waited outside past midnight for a truck to arrive with tens of thousands of masks. A cardiologist in South Carolina tried his luck with “shady characters” to buy ingredients to blend his own hand sanitizer.The global pandemic has ordinary health care workers going to extremes in a desperate hunt for medical supplies. Community clinics, nursing homes and independent doctors, in particular, find...

June 12, 2020
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