Eilish O'Sullivan
Eilish O'Sullivan
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Conspiracy theories about Trump's health fueled by 'IV bruise' on his hand

Conspiracy theories about Trump's health fueled by 'IV bruise' on his hand

When President Donald Trump made an unplanned visit to the hospital back in November of 2019, surrounding the visit ran rampant.Twitter users alleged that Trump had once again secretly visited Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on Saturday. The only “evidence” of such a visit, however, is seemingly a mark on the back of his hand that resembles an “IV bruise.”Not long after the Associated Press posted a photo of Trump carrying newspapers, many began pointing to what appears to be a giant bruise located on the back of his right hand, in the same place an IV...

August 2, 2020
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QAnon-touting Christian candidate says she’s ‘strongest’ on her knees in poorly phrased tweet

QAnon-touting Christian candidate says she’s ‘strongest’ on her knees in poorly phrased tweet

Congressional candidate Lauren Boebert accidentally got horny on main Friday when talking about her Christianity.“I’m a Christian. So they may try to drive me to my knees, but that’s where I’m the strongest,” the Republican tweeted.Many quickly pointed out how poorly phrased her tweet is.One responded with a , joking about how “Now all of Twitter knows you’re horny,” with another with her to chill because “this is a family website.”“My husband says the same thing about me,” writer Lindsey Ellis .One a quote from season 2 of Arrested Development, in which Michael Bluth tells Tobias Fünke,...

July 18, 2020
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TikToker claims he did security for Taylor Swift, says she ‘hates Black people’

TikToker claims he did security for Taylor Swift, says she ‘hates Black people’

A TikToker who claims he did security for one of Taylor Swift’s events is accusing the star of having discriminatory dress and grooming standards for workers.“So fun fact: I actually did security for Taylor Swift. She hates Black people, like, without a doubt. All of her employees are required to have no dreads; no headwear, even for religious purposes; no braids; no beards, even if they’re lined up and everything,” TikToker @public_villain, who boasts over 4,600 followers, says in the viral video. The TikToker then points to how Swift remained largely silent on political issues . “So,...

March 10, 2021
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QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she's introducing Articles of Impeachment against Biden

QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she's introducing Articles of Impeachment against Biden

Rep. (R-Ga.) says she’s introducing Articles of Impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 21—a day after Biden is set to take office.  The QAnon-supporting congresswoman made the announcement “on behalf of the American people” while appearing on Newsmax TV Tuesday. “We have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies,” she says in a...

January 14, 2021
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Claudia Conway accuses mom Kellyanne of abuse, having her arrested

Claudia Conway accuses mom Kellyanne of abuse, having her arrested

is saying her mother, , had her arrested and is also seemingly accusing her parents of abuse.The teen said on TikTok she was arrested for allegedly making false statements about the White House senior counselor online, according to . Conway also reportedly accused her mom of physical and emotional abuse on TikTok Live.Conway is now a pro bono lawyer, and, in , she tells her followers via her comments section that she is “safe for now and staying with a friend in a different state.”Conway, who is on TikTok, is also saying her mom is threatening to have her allegedly for making “false...

August 8, 2020
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Man who sheltered protesters in his home says he’s now being harassed by police

Man who sheltered protesters in his home says he’s now being harassed by police

Rahul Dubey recently let protesters . Now, he says he’s being harassed by the police and other government entities.On June 1, Dubey invited about 70 Black Lives Matter protesters into his Washington, D.C. home out of fear for their safety. Police were reportedly deploying pepper spray and arresting protesters for curfew violations.“They unleashed sheer hell on peaceful protesters right outside my stoop,” Dubey told at the time. “I don’t know, I just flung the door open. And I just kept yelling, ‘Come in. Get in the house, get in the house.'”The protesters ended up staying the night in...

June 25, 2020
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Lindsey Graham accused of hiring gay sex workers, asking them to call him 'Lady G'

Lindsey Graham accused of hiring gay sex workers, asking them to call him 'Lady G'

Sen. (R–S.C.) is being accused of hiring gay sex workers. Now, people are calling him out for his “” treatment of the LGBTQ community.Adult film star Sean Harding brought the accusations into the mainstream on June 4, , “There is a homophobic republican senator who is no better than Trump who keeps passing legislation that is damaging to the lgbt and minority communities. Every sex worker I know has been hired by this man. Wondering if enough of us spoke out if that could get him out of office?”He all but confirmed Graham’s identity by referring the senator in question as “” (there is only...

June 6, 2020
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