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BLM Chicago organizer: You'd better believe we support looting as a form of reparations

BLM Chicago organizer: You'd better believe we support looting as a form of reparations

Did everyone misinterpret from Black Lives Matter Chicago? In their response to the organized pillaging of the Windy City’s Magnificent Mile, BLM Chicago claimed that “these corporations have “looted” more from our communities than a few protesters ever could,” suggesting that they saw the attack as .That’s exactly what it meant, BLM Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins yesterday. Looting is “reparations,” Atkins declared, and said the organization supports it “100%”:Ariel Atkins: A lot of people are really attacking our pages. They’re like, ‘Oh, you support the looters.’ And yeah, we do,...

August 13, 2020
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Cuomo: C'mon, we don't need an independent review of my handling of COVID and nursing homes

Cuomo: C'mon, we don't need an independent review of my handling of COVID and nursing homes

Yes, why would we need an independent investigation of a governor ? Calls for a probe into Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous policy decisions on the pandemic and nursing homes, which led to thousands of perhaps avoidable deaths, are “political,” . And even if those calls weren’t political, Cuomo would still oppose a probe, he declared at a press conference today.Doesn’t that sound kind of … political?Cuomo, during a press conference Monday, said he “wouldn’t do an investigation” into the nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic in the state of New York.“I wouldn’t do an...

August 10, 2020
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Biden reverses on cognitive tests: "Why the hell would I take a test?"

Biden reverses on cognitive tests: "Why the hell would I take a test?"

How did CNN report this moment? “Biden clarifies that he has not taken cognitive test,” . Actually, it’s a full flip-flop; Biden claimed in June that he’d been “constantly” tested on cognition. Now, however, it’s akin to taking a drug test, or something:BIDEN: "No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? C'mon man. That's like saying you, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think huh? Are you a junkie?"— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom)“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden said...

August 5, 2020
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"I'm about done with this crap": Documents, voicemail show prosecutors pressured detective into signing off on McCloskey charges

"I'm about done with this crap": Documents, voicemail show prosecutors pressured detective into signing off on McCloskey charges

If police determined that at least one person in the mob on Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s property was armed, another labeled “Human Shield,” and several issued threats against the couple … then why were they charged at all? Local NBC affiliate that documents and a voicemail show that Kimberly Gardner’s office pressured the lead detective on the case to “quickly reassess this evidence,” and when that didn’t work, threatened his supervisor with bad publicity unless the detective relented. That puts the prosecution of the McCloskeys in an even more questionable light — and likely makes it...

August 5, 2020
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"Tired of being a punching bag": Florida police union unanimously endorses Trump in emergency vote

"Tired of being a punching bag": Florida police union unanimously endorses Trump in emergency vote

“You have a lot of power to tilt an election,” on Fox & Friends this morning. The Florida Police Benevolent Association certainly hopes so, and one has to assume other police unions and support organizations do too. Kazanjian will deliver an endorsement letter to Donald Trump later today from the FPBA, one that got a unanimous vote as police officers begin to push back against Democrats demanding “defunding.”The FPBA has already withdrawn an endorsement of a local Democrat, Kazanjian noted as well, over the issue of defunding:“We’re 30,000 strong. We go from the panhandle to Daytona, to...

July 31, 2020
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CBS affiliate: We tried mailing ballots, and it went about as good as you'd expect

CBS affiliate: We tried mailing ballots, and it went about as good as you'd expect

Forget vote fraud for the moment, while we too. Are Americans willing to suffer a 3% failure rate or higher in ballot submission in adopting mass vote-by-mail systems in a presidential election? Or even in local elections? , and had three out of a hundred go missing. And it took concerted efforts by the reporter just to get the other 97 back at all:Local news’ experiment in mail-in voting ends in disaster: "I just don’t trust the mail"— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest)One thing is clear: You need to give it even more time than officials might recommend to get your ballot through the mail...

July 30, 2020
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Turley wonders: Why are media outlets uninterested in a modern Watergate?

Turley wonders: Why are media outlets uninterested in a modern Watergate?

Over forty years ago, the press took a decided interest in a government using its investigative and intelligence authority to intervene in an election. The Watergate scandal unlocked a whole series of abuses of power, which might not have been viewed as anything other than business as usual if not for the crusading journalists that made it a front-page story. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward got lionized in print and on the silver screen, and to this day the media insists that its main function is to speak truth to power.That depends on which power is in question, . When it comes to a...

July 28, 2020
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De Blasio: We'll sue if Trump orders federal police to defend federal property in NYC

De Blasio: We'll sue if Trump orders federal police to defend federal property in NYC

Alternative headline: Bill de Blasio enjoys new hobby of losing in court. Earlier this morning, the mayor threatened to sue if Donald Trump used federal law enforcement in New York City. , de Blasio specifically cited DHS action in Portland in claiming that Trump is “tearing up the Constitution,” and that he’d sue to stop a similar action in the Big Apple:MAYOR DE BLASIO: I still believe in the rule of law in this country, and we would go to court immediately. I believe what the president is doing is unconstitutional. I thought that quote from Tom Ridge was really important to recognize...

July 22, 2020
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Great news: Minneapolis city council decides not to pay armed vigilantes to replace police

Great news: Minneapolis city council decides not to pay armed vigilantes to replace police

Give credit where due for thinking outside of the box, I guess, although this idea belongs in a box … buried under the St. Anthony Falls. In the Minneapolis city council’s haste to prove it doesn’t need a professional and trained police force to keep the peace, they nearly decided to . Only late inquiries about this proposal from city residents and local media managed to change their minds:The Minneapolis City Council briefly considered diverting money from police to citizen patrols, with the council’s public safety chairwoman suggesting an armed group as one that could potentially...

July 23, 2020
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Fauci: If we can safely shop at the grocery store, we can safely vote in person

Fauci: If we can safely shop at the grocery store, we can safely vote in person

It’s not the first time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has made this argument, but maybe it will be the first time it will break through the political/media noise over mail-in voting. The head of the NIAID that healthy people who stick to mask and social-distancing protocols could safely cast their ballots at their local precincts, although that remark got understandably overshadowed by his cautious endorsement of reopening schools.This time, ABC’s Deborah Roberts asked specifically about voting as part of a NatGeo panel she moderated yesterday. Fauci insists that the issue of in-person voting is...

August 14, 2020

