The Must-Read Books Behind the Biggest Screen Adaptations of 2024
Publishing and Hollywood are powerful allies. Both create worlds that toe the line between reality and fantasy and are capable of transporting the mind to unexpected places. It’s a creative collaboration that translates the most delightful pages into magical minutes on screens big and small. Many of the greatest film and television productions began as good books, and this year, a spate of released and forthcoming movies and shows offer even more proof that success is in the source material. Novels, especially, can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration—the same story can fuel...…Publishing and Hollywood are powerful allies. Both create worlds that toe the line between reality and fantasy and are capable of transporting the mind to unexpected places. It’s a creative collaboration that translates the most delightful pages into magical minutes on screens big and small. Many of the greatest film and television productions began as good books, and this year, a spate of released and forthcoming movies and shows offer even more proof that success is in the source material. Novels, especially, can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration—the same story can fuel...WW…
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