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Bitcoin mining emissions in China will hit 130 million tonnes by 2024

Bitcoin mining emissions in China will hit 130 million tonnes by 2024

×ByThe carbon emissions associated with mining have accelerated rapidly in China, and they will soon outstrip the total annual emissions of mid-sized European countries.Analysis by Guan Dabo at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, and his colleagues suggests that the total carbon footprint of bitcoin mining in China will peak in 2024, releasing around 130 million metric tonnes of carbon.This figure exceeds the annual of countries including Italy and the Czech Republic.AdvertisementBy 2024, bitcoin mining in China will require 297 terawatt-hours of energy and account for approximately 5.4...

April 7, 2021
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Sydney’s inland suburbs are 10°C warmer than the coast in heat waves

Sydney’s inland suburbs are 10°C warmer than the coast in heat waves

×ByLarge-scale weather patterns and urban overheating are interacting to make Sydney’s inland suburbs up to 10°C warmer than coastal areas during extreme heat events.occurs when temperatures in certain parts of an urban environment are comparatively higher than those in surrounding urban areas. The phenomenon occurs as a result of a combination of factors, including heat fluxes linked to human activity and . What’s more, artificial materials used to build roads, roofs and other urban architecture and release it slowly, further heating the air, in a way that trees and other vegetation...

April 4, 2021
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Octopuses may be able to dream and change colour when sleeping

Octopuses may be able to dream and change colour when sleeping

×ByOctopuses change colour when they sleep, and it might be becauseSidarta Ribeiro at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, Brazil, and his colleagues have found that go through two distinct stages of – active and passive. The researchers recorded four common octopuses (Octopus vulgaris) in the laboratory over several day and night periods, amassing more than 180 hours of footage.During the day, the animals slept for more than half the time, says Ribeiro. “In quiet sleep they stay in the same position for long periods of time – very quiet, very pale the pupils closed...

March 26, 2021
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Recent Australian wildfires led to record atmospheric pollution

Recent Australian wildfires led to record atmospheric pollution

×ByThe 2019–20 wildfires in Australia injected huge amounts of , which has led to record aerosol levels over the southern hemisphere.Ilan Koren at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and Eitan Hirsch at the Israel Institute for Biological Research analysed satellite data collected between 1981 and 2020 to look at what effect the in Australia had on aerosol concentrations in the stratosphere.While in the lower atmosphere have a lifetime measured in minutes to weeks, those that reach the stratosphere can persist there for months or years.AdvertisementThe researchers looked at aerosol...

March 19, 2021
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Australian government may use herpes virus to control invasive carp

Australian government may use herpes virus to control invasive carp

×ByThe Australian government is considering using a type of herpes virus as a biological agent to reduce the population of carp in the country’s waterways.Since its introduction to in the late 1960s, the common  (Cyprinus carpio) has become an species.“Their main impact has been a decline in biodiversity. Native fish and native water plants have declined,” says Ivor Stuart at the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, the biodiversity research organisation for the state government of Victoria in Australia. …No commitment, cancel anytime*Offer ends 19/10/2022. *Cancel...

February 8, 2021
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Nearly 700 million people could be living in extreme drought by 2100

Nearly 700 million people could be living in extreme drought by 2100

×ByThe number of people living in could hit nearly 700 million by the end of the century, more than triple the number today. The total area of land affected could also more than double by 2100.Yadu Pokhrel at Michigan State University and his colleagues have modelled how the amount of water stored on land will change under varying degrees of climate change.They studied a measure known as terrestrial water storage, which represents the sum of all water available on land, including water …No commitment, cancel anytime*Offer ends 19/10/2022. *Cancel anytime within 14 days of payment to receive...

February 3, 2021
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Australian lungfish has largest genome of any animal sequenced so far

Australian lungfish has largest genome of any animal sequenced so far

×ByThe Australian lungfish has the largest genome of any animal so far sequenced.Siegfried Schloissnig at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Austria and his colleagues have found that the lungfish’s genome is 43 billion base pairs long, which is around 14 times larger than the .Its genome is 30 per cent larger than that of the previous record holder: the , a Mexican amphibian that the team sequenced in 2018.AdvertisementThe researchers used high-powered computer sequencers to piece together the lungfish genome.To account for inherent errors that the sequencers introduce, they...

January 19, 2021
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Corals bleached from heat become less resilient to ocean acidification

Corals bleached from heat become less resilient to ocean acidification

×Byget a double-whammy negative from heat – those that are bleached as a result of heat stress also become .Robert Eagle at the University of California, Los Angeles and his colleagues have analysed the effect of elevated temperatures on the growth of two species of stony coral when the corals are also exposed to ocean acidification.The acidification of oceans occurs as result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere . The results are a decrease in the pH of the water, a decrease in its concentration of carbonate ions and a drop in the saturation states of calcium carbonate...

January 14, 2021
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Rare bigfin squid found in Australian waters for the first time

Rare bigfin squid found in Australian waters for the first time

×ByThe extremely rare bigfin squid, a found more than 2 kilometres underwater, has been spotted in for the first time.Deborah Osterhage at CSIRO in Hobart, Australia, and her colleagues came across the squid during underwater surveys in the , an open bay off Australia’s southern coast.“I knew exactly what it was when I saw it, probably because I’m a bit of a deep sea geek,” says Osterhage. “They’re very rarely seen around the world.” Only three sightings had previously been recorded in the southern hemisphere.AdvertisementBigfin squid (Magnapinna) have a distinctive appearance: they...

November 12, 2020
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Meteorologists can predict strength of Asian monsoon a year in advance

Meteorologists can predict strength of Asian monsoon a year in advance

×ByA climate model can now reliably predict the strength of the Asian summer monsoon – and activity associated with it – more than one year ahead of time, which could enable government agencies to make preparations for damaging weather events.Yuhei Takaya at the Japan Meteorological Agency and his colleagues have developed a climate prediction system that takes into account both historical and up-to-date meteorological measurements to simulate atmospheric changes and temperatures on land and in the ocean. The key to its long-range forecasting is the ability to will occur.“When an El...

April 17, 2021
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