Domenico Montanaro
Domenico Montanaro
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What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?

What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?

READ: The Insurrection Act. What Is The Law Trump Is Threatening To Invoke? The 213-year-old law allows a president to "call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing" an insurrection. Trump threatened to deploy the military to states that don't quell violent protests.President Trump threatened Monday to take military action in American cities if the violent demonstrations that have been taking place in recent days aren't stamped out. "If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United...

June 2, 2020
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Trump Warns Coronavirus Crisis Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Trump Warns Coronavirus Crisis Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Trump Warns Coronavirus Crisis Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better Returning to the White House briefing room, President Trump took a more serious tone in talking about the coronavirus pandemic. He urged people to wear masks and practice social distancing.Heard onToggle more optionsReturning to the White House briefing room, President Trump took a more serious tone in talking about the coronavirus pandemic. He urged people to wear masks and practice social distancing.DAVID GREENE, HOST:President Trump returned to the coronavirus briefing room yesterday after a hiatus. And he chose some new...

July 22, 2020
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Trump Tries To Appeal To 'Housewives' And White Suburbs, But His Views Seem Outdated

Trump Tries To Appeal To 'Housewives' And White Suburbs, But His Views Seem Outdated

Trump Tries To Appeal To 'Housewives' And White Suburbs, But His Views Seem Outdated President Trump is down in the polls among suburban voters. He's using fear to try to win them back, but his view of the suburbs seems out of date, as they've grown more diverse in recent years.Suburban voters have been growing as a share of the electorate , and they have become consequential in presidential elections. They could be determinative in this one too, as they make up roughly half of all voters. Since George W. Bush's reelection, the candidate who won the suburbs won the election, except in 2012....

July 26, 2020
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Trump Downplays Police Violence, Deaths Of Black Americans

Trump Downplays Police Violence, Deaths Of Black Americans

Trump Downplays Police Violence, Deaths Of Black Americans : Updates: The Fight Against Racial Injustice In an interview with CBS News, the president also said, "I know people that like the Confederate flag, and they're not thinking about slavery."Updated at 5:45 p.m. ET President Trump dismissed outrage over police killings, saying Tuesday that "more white people" are killed by police than Black people. "So are white people!" Trump said when asked in an interview with CBS News about why so many African Americans have been killed at the hands of police. "So are white people! What a terrible...

July 14, 2020
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Poll: Two-Thirds Expect Return To Normal Will Take 6 Months Or More

Poll: Two-Thirds Expect Return To Normal Will Take 6 Months Or More

Coronavirus Poll: Two-Thirds Say No Normal Life For 6 Months Three-quarters are concerned that a second wave of the coronavirus will emerge as states reopen, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds. But Americans' outlooks vary by political party.Heard onToggle more optionsTwo-thirds of Americans do not expect their daily lives to return to normal for at least six months, and as states reopen, three-quarters are concerned that a second wave of coronavirus cases will emerge, a finds. "There's a great sense that normalcy is not around the corner," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist...

May 20, 2020
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Fauci Warns States Not To 'Jump Over' Guidelines To Reopening

Fauci Warns States Not To 'Jump Over' Guidelines To Reopening

Senate Hearing Recap: Reopening Amid The Coronavirus The nation's top infectious disease expert spoke remotely during a unique Senate health committee hearing on the coronavirus pandemic.Updated at 2 p.m. ET Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, warned Tuesday of states and localities skipping over federal guidelines while trying to lift restrictions and restart their economies amid the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking remotely during a unique Senate health committee hearing, Fauci told lawmakers that his concern is that if some areas "jump over" guidelines from the...

May 12, 2020
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Trump Says More Testing Makes U.S. 'Look Bad,' But Its Availability Remains A Concern

Trump Says More Testing Makes U.S. 'Look Bad,' But Its Availability Remains A Concern

Coronavirus Latest: 5 Things To Watch For This Week In recent days, a top Senate Republican has said the coronavirus testing the United States has done so far is "not nearly enough."The coronavirus has in recent days edged closer to President Trump. who've been in proximity to the president and the vice president have tested positive for COVID-19. Because of that, three key members of the Trump administration's pandemic response team : Drs. Robert Redfield, Stephen Hahn and Anthony Fauci. Redfield is head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hahn heads up the Food and Drug...

May 11, 2020
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America Weighs Health Versus Economy, As Divide Grows On When To Reopen

America Weighs Health Versus Economy, As Divide Grows On When To Reopen

Coronavirus Latest: Trump, Kemp And America's Political Divide President Trump seems to be itching for states to reopen — frankly, faster than his own administration's guidelines recommend.Loading...The tension in America between the national government and states' rights is as old as the republic itself. That tension is about to play out in a starkly political way and on a grand scale over the next several weeks, as states consider how to reopen in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic. President Trump seems to be itching for states to reopen — frankly, faster than his own...

April 22, 2020
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Trump Promises New Guidelines For Reopening The Country

Trump Promises New Guidelines For Reopening The Country

Coronavirus What To Watch: Trump Promises New Guidelines For Reopening Country President Trump said some states could open even before May 1. That's two weeks away. Here's what to watch related to the coronavirus.Worldwide total confirmed cases: 2,063,161 Total deaths: 136,938 U.S. total confirmed cases: 638,111 Confirmed U.S. deaths: 30,844 SOURCE: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, as of 11:35 p.m. ET Wednesday President Trump is promising to deliver on Thursday guidelines to "reopen" America. He said some states would open even before May 1. That's two weeks away. Without citing...

April 16, 2020
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Trump Returns To Campaign Trail With A Familiar Message In A Changing World

Trump Returns To Campaign Trail With A Familiar Message In A Changing World

Recap: President Trump's Rally In Tulsa, Oklahoma Amid slumping poll numbers, the president delivered a dark message, trying to tie Democratic opponent Joe Biden to the extreme left. Trump's campaign promised a massive crowd but didn't deliver.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated at 9:05 a.m. ET Sunday In his first big campaign event since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, President Trump reached back into his culture war playbook to paint an image of a left-wing extremist dystopia that will take hold if he is defeated and Democratic opponent Joe Biden is elected...

June 21, 2020
