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The Second Wave: Summer Travels Bring Rising Coronavirus Numbers to Germany

The Second Wave: Summer Travels Bring Rising Coronavirus Numbers to Germany

By Markus Becker, Felix Bohr, Markus Feldenkirchen, Jan Friedmann, Hubert Gude, Claus Hecking, Dietmar Hipp, Martin Knobbe, Julia Köppe, Matthias Kreienbrink, Dirk Kurbjuweit, Walter Mayr, Veit Medick, Marcel Rosenbach, Lydia Rosenfelder, Alexander Sarovic, Michael Sauga, Cornelia Schmergal, Hilmar Schmundt, Ansgar Siemens, Benita Stalmann, Gerald Traufetter, Christian Volk, Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt, Rebekka Wiese and Steffen WinterAkhan Seyithan disembarked at Terminal 2 of the Hamburg airport last Wednesday afternoon and wasn't totally sure what to make of the commotion his arrival had...

August 5, 2020
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Gate to the Underworld: The German Bunker that Became a Hub of International Crime - DER SPIEGEL - International

Gate to the Underworld: The German Bunker that Became a Hub of International Crime - DER SPIEGEL - International

By , , Ullrich Fichtner, , , , Nicola Naber, , ,  and Many paths lead to the small town of Traben-Trarbach, which is situated on Germany's Mosel River and famous for its much-visited "underworld" of wine cellars. Frankfurt-Hahn is located just 30 minutes away by car, a regional airport that was, at least until the arrival of the coronavirus, a budget airline hub. Situated on the southern bank of the river, the town is also dissected by Highway 53 to Trier and Highway 42 running between southwestern Germany and Belgium. Numerous...

May 22, 2020
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How Russian Agents Hunt Down Kremlin Opponents in Europe

How Russian Agents Hunt Down Kremlin Opponents in Europe

In the summer of 2013, a killer in Moscow rode a bicycle toward his victim. The Russian businessman Albert Nazranov saw him, and a short brawl ensued. The killer shot the man in the head and upper body at close range. Then he rode away. All of that can be seen in surveillance footage of the crime.In the summer of 2019, a killer also rode a bicycle toward his victim, only this time in Berlin. He shot Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, of Georgia, in the head and upper body at close range, before riding away. That's how witnesses described the scene.Reporting by DER SPIEGEL, Bellingcat, The Insider and...

March 10, 2020
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Berlin Condemns U.S. Attempt to Buy Rights to Coronavirus Vaccine

Berlin Condemns U.S. Attempt to Buy Rights to Coronavirus Vaccine

On a talk show on Sunday night, German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier praised the decision of the Tübingen-based firm, CureVac, to reject an offer from U.S. President Donald Trump to secure exclusive rights to a coronavirus vaccine, which the company has been working on since January. "Germany is not for sale," he said.On Sunday, German ministers sharply criticized what they viewed as a selfish attempt to monopolize a vaccine for a disease that has rapidly spread to every corner of the globe. According to a front-page report in the German weekly Welt am Sonntag, Trump had offered CureVac...

March 16, 2020
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How Germany Failed in its Efforts To Obtain Protective Gear

How Germany Failed in its Efforts To Obtain Protective Gear

By Jörg Blech, Matthias Gebauer, Kristina Gnirke, Julia Amalia Heyer, Christoph Hickmann, Christiane Hoffmann, Nils Klawitter, Martin U. Müller, Cornelia Schmergal und Christoph SchultWhen Hamburg dentist Norman von Sternberg ran out of face masks in late February, it looked as if he would have to close his practice. The market for masks has been swept clean. Frustrated, Sternberg got creative: He borrowed a mask made of black rubber, with attachable filters to keep out gases and vapors, from a friend who paints cars. He equipped his assistant with a snorkel mask. This, at least, allowed...

April 6, 2020
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Chronicle of Failure: A Corona Hotspot in the Alps Spread Virus Across Europe

Chronicle of Failure: A Corona Hotspot in the Alps Spread Virus Across Europe

By Jürgen Dahlkamp, Hauke Goos, Roman Höfner, Felix Hutt, Gunther Latsch, Timo Lehmann, Walter Mayr, Max Polonyi and Jonathan StockThe Alpine village of Ischgl, located in Paznaun Valley in the Austrian province of Tyrol, sits at an altitude of 1,377 meters (4,517 feet). It is home to a parish church, a funerary chapel, around 1,600 permanent residents and 11,800 tourist beds. It also has 239 kilometers of ski runs, 1,000 snow cannons and 45 lifts. There is a disco called the Kuhstall and an après-ski bar known as Kitzloch. In Ischgl, guests can ski during the day and then party through the...

March 31, 2020
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The American Patient: How Trump Is Fueling a Corona Disaster

The American Patient: How Trump Is Fueling a Corona Disaster

By , , , , ,  und "I never would have thought I would ever have to do something like this,” Greg Turner says with a bitter smile, as if he feels he has to apologize. It’s a rainy gray Monday afternoon in Alameda, California. Turner, 55, who sports a beard and a cap, is one of dozens of Americans who have lined up to enter the city’s food bank. When asked if he has lost his job, he runs his hand, held parallel, across his throat. He was laid off without any notice three weeks ago after working for 15 years as a machinist at a supplier for DowDuPont...

April 11, 2020
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The American Catastrophe: Coronavirus Strikes a Nation Unprepared

The American Catastrophe: Coronavirus Strikes a Nation Unprepared

By , , , , , , Yannick Ramsel,  and Daniel C. SchmidtIt all began with a cough on the very western edge of the United States, in the state of Washington. On Sunday, Jan. 19, a 35-year-old walked into an emergency clinic just north of Seattle. He had just returned from visiting his family in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. The patient is thought to be the very first case of the novel coronavirus in the Unites States. It marked the beginning of what has turned into an American disaster.Almost 100 days have passed...

April 30, 2020
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(S+) Vertuschter Corona-Ausbruch: Muss Peking für die Pandemie-Schäden zahlen?

(S+) Vertuschter Corona-Ausbruch: Muss Peking für die Pandemie-Schäden zahlen?

Artikel 2 / 73Besondere Reportagen, Analysen und Hintergründe zu Themen, die unsere Gesellschaft bewegen – von Reportern aus aller Welt. Jetzt testen.Sie haben bereits ein Digital-Abonnement?Freier Zugang zu allen Artikeln, Videos, Audioinhalten und PodcastsSie haben bereits ein Digital-Abonnement?Hier anmeldeniTunes-Abo wiederherstellenSPIEGEL+ wird über Ihren iTunes-Account abgewickelt und mit Kaufbestätigung bezahlt. 24 Stunden vor Ablauf verlängert sich das Abo automatisch umeinen Monat zum Preis von zurzeit 19,99€. In den Einstellungen Ihres iTunes-Accounts können Sie das Abo jederzeit...

May 8, 2020
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Steinmeier: "Mundschutz empfehlenswerter als der Aluhut"

Steinmeier: "Mundschutz empfehlenswerter als der Aluhut"

Bundespräsident  hat angesichts der an die Vernunft der Bürger appelliert. Seine Hoffnung sei, dass "wir uns weiterhin an Tatsachen und Fakten orientieren", sagte Steinmeier. Er sei selbst medizinischer Laie. "Trotzdem traue ich mich zu behaupten, dass unter den Gesichtspunkten des Virusschutzes der vielleicht manchmal unbequeme und lästige Mundschutz empfehlenswerter ist als der Aluhut."Er betonte jedoch, dass Demokratie Kritik brauche und von einer kritischen Öffentlichkeit lebe. Deshalb sei es erforderlich, dass die getroffenen Corona-Maßnahmen immer wieder neu diskutiert...

May 14, 2020
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